

 Flora looked up and saw Williams walking in , her face lit up and she immediately got up and ran up to Williams and hugged him, husband wuwuwuwuwu , husband she wanted to hit me wuwu you have to save me flora said in between her sobs . Williams looked down at her and saw her teared face he felt heart broken he gently patted her hair and said be good I will get justice for you. He took flora,s hand and walked up to ivy and her parents staring at them with an intimidating gaze .which one of you touched her , Williams cold voice rang out. Ivy was so scared that she hid behind her mother. Who are you , and what right do you have to come into my house and also dared to interfare in my family matters ,Mr Gavin walked forward and questioned . I am her husband , Williams immediately replied using a more oppressing tone. What ivy exclaimed , you are her hu...hu...hu... husband , but jow can she marry , how can she just get married and to a handsome man at that , ivy couldn't help but praise the man standing next to her . Flora is he your husband , Beatrice couldn't believe her ears and walked up to flora and asked . What do you think flora asked while looking up at Williams .

What Beatrice couldn't believe what she was hearing , how is this girl so lucky , she was thrown out yesterday and here she is married to this wealthy and handsome man , Beatrice muttered to under her breath ,but it was loud enough for flora to hear. Williams lowered his head and look at flora ,wife who laid his or her hand on you , Williams asked flora . Flora immediately pointed at ivy who was hiding behind her mother , Williams looked In the direction of her finger and saw that she was pointing at ivy . He turned to his bodyguard who was standing behind him and said , disable one of her hands , the body rushed forward and pulled ivy from what she was hiding. Soon bone cracking was heard followed by ivy piercing screams . Beatrice was shocked by what she saw and how her daughter was been treated , she immediately knelt down and begged Williams for mercy. Please let her go ,she is still a child Beatrice pleaded in between her tears . Soon ivy fainted due to exhaustion from screaming. 

 Williams turned to mr Gavin , sir are you still questioning my abilities , Williams asked mr Gavin . No no sir Mr Gavin immediately surrendered , you can sit down I will go her things , Mr Gavin out of fear immediately ran up to bring flora,s things . After Mr Gavin left Williams took flora to sir down. Are you okay? Willams asked with a worried expression, I am okay flora with a stiff smile. Soon Mr Gavin came back with a box and an envelope and handed it to flora saying , here are your mother,s things you can see for yourself if you are still doubting , me Gavin said to flora. 

 No need to check it is complete b, even if it,s not complete and I find out you know what the consequences will be ,flora said to me Gavin with. Cold smile on her face. 

 Flora turned to Williams and said that they could get going . Williams immediately got and held her hand and got ready to start going . Um Mr Williams if you have time next time ,I mean you can always visit you know we are your family Mr Gavin said trying to please Williams. But all he said was to no avail he took flora,s hand and headed out. 


 Um thanks for today , flora sincerely thanked him. I always say this you don't need to thank me , I am your husband so it is my duty to always stand by you. 

 Willams turned to assistant wells and asked him to drive.

Flora was confused for a moment and decided to ask Williams what was going on . Um where are we going ,flora asked turning to Williams.

 To the company Williams replied, I mean it,s to early to go home so we can go to my company and stay a little longer before returning home . Oh okay flora replied while shifting to the other side of the car seat to rest .


 Flora and Williams arrived at the ge company and walked in hand in hand . As they both entered the company they were attracted by many eyes ,both the questioning eye and the admiring eye . 

Hey who is this with our CEO , I think she is his girlfriend, but as far as I know the CEO doesn't associate with women.

 Flora and Williams could hear what the. Workers were saying ,but flora felt particularly sweet , because she was happy that she was the first woman in Williams heart.

Williams led flora to the elevator, flora could feel her heart beating because it was only her and Williams in the elevator. 


 Flora breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ran out of the elevator , Williams saw how she ran out and chuckled before flowing her out.


 Williams led flora into the office, flora saw the equisite decorations in the office and was amazed , your office is really nice flora turned to Williams and complemented . Thank you . Willams led flora to sit down and headed to his own desk to work.

 Willams was focused on his work ,while flora was so busy admiring Willams features ,she was wondering how a man could be so handsome, she was so immersed in her imagination that she did not know when she fell asleep. Willams saw that she had fallen asleep and got up and took a blanket to cover her.