

After Jason and Williams left ,Nora led flora and Arya to a room ,at first flora didn't know what was going on until she went into the room and found out that it was a theater .wow flora and Arya exclaimed . This is beautiful Nora you didn't even tell me that you guys have a theater here flora said . Seriously Arya added . Well surprise Nora said making a surprise gesture. Well okay what are we watching Arya asked. Horror movie Nora said excitedly. Well horror movie it is Arya said before going to sit down . Flora was scared of horror movies but she couldn't show defeat ,she couraged up and sat down . Soon the movie began. 


Williams and Jason arrived and went inside . Good evening sir , someone greeted them. Hey Anthony longtime friend Jason said . It,s good to see you Mr Jason Anthony said . Williams looked at Anthony and said ,have they all arrived. Yes sir Anthony replied not minding how Williams said it ,he knew that it was Williams personality. Jason and Williams went Inside and Anthony followed suit . Williams entered and saw that everyone was already seated. Hey wills Raphael said. Where is he , Williams did not bother greeting everyone and just asked a question directly . Come on man you just arrived and you are already eager to see him and leave Leo complained . Well I don't have all day to seat and chat with you guys ,I still have a wife at home that is waiting for me Williams said . Oh I get it now , wills is no longer in our group,he is now a married man ,and he wants to go home and sleep with his wife Raphael said . Come you guys should not annoy him ,wills come on I will take you to him ,Lucas stood up and said . Williams followed Lucas to the prison yard at the back of the base . Is the work done Williams asked Lucas. Well yes he is concious now and Raphael prepared the medicine that will make him talk Lucas said . We will not use the medicine now ,I still want to keep him a little longer ,you know his hang and leader are getting impatient and will soon fall into my trap Williams said . Yeah true I agree with you Lucas said nodding in agreement. The both entered the prison cell and saw a man who was half leaning on the wall ,with his dishelved hair down ,he seemed to notice someone and altertingly raised his head. Oh it,s you finally you decided to come it,s a pleasure meeting you ,the man said. Well it,s really being a while ,you know I remember you always saying that I would come kneeling and begging you for food ,but now the reverse is the case, Williams said with a half smile on his face. Hahaha,you are really funny ,hey don't think too highly of your self ,I mean you can never tell what would happen next the man said. You know you still think that your leader and gang mates will come and rescue you but the don't really know that they are falling into a trap , Williams said while sitting down. Well let's wait and watch ,the man said . 

Williams looked at the man and said ,you know you can stay here and no one will come looking for you ,those your friends that you think will come to rescue you ,may just choose to ignore you to save their lives.

The man looked at Williams and said ,what do you mean. Well all I am saying is that I will give you a chance ,if you tell me who you leader is ,I will just let you go Williams said with a carefree expression. Hahahaha do you think that I am a fool ,I will never believe you ,you and your grandfather are just the same thing ,you are both heartless and ruthless, even if I die I will make sure I escape and take revenge ,and now that you have a weak point ,it will be easy to get you . Shut up Williams stood up enraged . The man looked up at Williams and said ,the truth is better ,but you your self know that you have gotten a weak point ,and that is where I can get you ,you may hide it from other but you can't hide it forever. Disable him Williams looked at a bodyguard and said , before leaving . Soon piercing screams were heard from inside the prison cell. Wills what are we going to do about him ,Lucas asked williams. leave him for now he will surely surrender ,but if he doesn't ,you can use the medicine Williams said. They both walked into the room where others were and found them drinking. Hey come join us Raphael jokingly walked up to Lucas and almost lost his balance. Hey be careful ,you are a doctor but you still have zero alcohol tolerance ,Lucas said to Raphael while helping him up. What happened in there ,did he talk Leo asked Williams. No he didn't buy he will soon , Williams said with affirmation in his eye. Well okay just remember to always keep flora safe ,you know very soon they will soon find out that you are married Leo said . I know ,I will take more bodyguards from the base to the house,so that they will secretly protect her Williams said. I Will get going now ,he said before leaving with jason.om their way back Jason decided to stop on the way ,he didn't tell Williams what he was going to do he just said that he had a meeting to attend to .


Flora ,Arya and Nora were done watching the movie ,and decided to go to bed . Flora told them that they can go ahead and that she will wait for Williams to come home . They both agree and went to the room aato sleep . Flora came out I. The living room and lay stiffinly on the couch . She was so scared that she was sweating profusely,she regretted no telling the girls that she was scared of horror movies. She watched her mum die mercilessly in front of her , and even till now she cannot forget that incident. She lay on the couch and tried to sleep , she almost relaxed her nerves, but the door suddenly opened ,she altertingly satup from the couch , only to see that it was Williams ,she immediately ran to him ,a d hugged him. Bunny what is it , Williams asked while rubbing her hair . Wuwuwuwuwu carino thank God you are back I was so scared, flora choked up and said. What happened ,where is Nora and Arya , Williams asked flora . Well they are asleep ,I couldn't sleep so I decided to wait for you so that you can accompany me to sleep ,flora said.