

“Can we imagine living in a world without recognizing our own identity and origin? Or can we live concealing our identity? ” Unfortunately, we can’t… No one can live in the world without recognizing their own identity and origin or hiding their identity. The famous author Jorngret Reel was living peacefully in her own world, hiding her identity. Until the day Enchanter Reo Lak walks into her life. Both Jorngret Reel and Reo Lak don’t have any clue about where he is from and what his origin is. *** “Who are you?” She sought in a worried voice. He smirked and said, “If I know who I’m then no need for you.” “What do you mean?” She asked in confusion. “THE DOOR TO MY ORIGIN,” He replied and his eyes sparkled. “What!” She startled for a minute. “Don’t act like you don’t know me? Tell me, who I’m? Where is my origin?” He asked, and his sound felt like a mad one. “What! Are you crazy? What are you saying? How could I know?” She said with an irritated voice. He laughed, the sound spread on there like a thunder and asked, “You don’t remember? It’s you who dragged me here.” … “WHO IS HE? WHERE DID HE COME FROM?” Jorngret Reel doesn’t know his whereabouts. To get rid of the mysterious enchanter Reo Lak, Jorngret Reel agreed to help him find his origin. During the journey of searching his whereabouts, the fragrance of love was spreading between them. Both of them were unaware of it. The busy romantic story writer Jorngret Reel was a tough girl who doesn’t want to be in love again after losing her first love. Until the mysterious person Reo Lak came into her life. She evanesces her views towards love when she gets involved with the enchanter. She tries to help him but she ends up falling in love with him. “How is the enchanter involved in her life?” “How do they fall for each other?” “Who is Reo Lak?” “Where is he from?” “What is the secret behind everything?” The questions will have an answer when they find out the truth, and destiny prepared something unusual for them. The famous author Jorngret Reel is the only person who can help the enchanter Reo Lak to find his origin because the truth is revolving around her. But what if the truth would separate them; will she reveal his origin? Will their identities become the villain of their love story? Let’s find out... The mystery is lingering for you… *** Participating in WSA 2021. Theme : First love. N/B Image in the cover page is not mine, it's CRT to it's owner. I edited it. ------------- ----Hello to my dearest Enchanter readers---- This is my second book. Please do give it a try. I'm a full time working young girl. So if I miss daily updates because of my busy job, please forgive me... I will try my best to compensate. Enjoy reading^-^ To get to know more about this crazy Author Jo~~~~ Instagram account: @jo_skylar Discord ID: joskylar#9901

Joskylar · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
146 Chs


"The end is beyond perfect…" she said, laying on his lap staring at the magnificent sky, watching the New Year's Eve fireworks.

"No, that is not true," he said, looking at the beautiful sky.

"Why?" she asked with a curious face.

"The end never be perfect…" he said, looking into her eyes with tears.

"NO! NO… DON'T GO…" She stood up and hugged him.

"Qiao! Don't get sick… Don't go out alone… Don't catch a cold… Don't read hate comments… never try to think about leaving the world… And please forget about me." He craves to tell her everything as quickly as possible because there is hardly bare time left for him. His sound was emotional and the pain of each word caused her heartache. His body was falling apart. Still, he said his hurtful goodbye to his first love.


"Qiao, I'm sorry," he said in his mind, closing his eyes.

"DON'T GO LIKE THAT… NO PLEASE!!!!! I BEG YOU DON'T LEAVE ME…," she screamed in anger.

He was helpless.

"I LOVE YOU!!!! I LOVE YOU. I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU, NO! DON'T GO. NO! AAHHHH…" she cried heart out. The entire world heard her crying sound and scream. Her tearful words break each heart into a million pieces.

"HOW COULD I LIVE WITHOUT YOU???" she asked while crying, and she put his hand on her heart. His hand can feel the love she has for him. That hurt him even more.

"I WILL LIVE IN YOUR WORDS. PLEASE GIVE ME A PERFECT END," he said, giving his last kiss to her. That was the last goodbye for her. He falls apart.

She closed her eyes as he disappeared.

"NO! HE DISAPPEARED!!!! HE… HE DISAPPEARED!!!!" she screamed like crazy after opening her eyes. The tears slip from her eyes that touch the book in her hand. She glanced at the book and wiped her tears and looked outside, sitting inside the car. She just remembered the sorrowful memory of her life. The memory of first love always hurt... Only people in love can understand.

"It only takes a moment to fall in love and hate, but it takes a while to forget."

----Jorngret Reel.


The SJN broadcasting station in China is on fire as they are going to interview the famous author of the world, Jorngret Reel, who recently won the Booker prize award.

[The Booker Prize, formerly known as the Booker Prize for Fiction and the Man Booker Prize, is a literary prize awarded each year for the best novel written in English and published in the United Kingdom or Ireland.]

After five years of residing in the UK, the author Jorngret Reel is returning to her birthplace China.

"When will she appear? Has anybody seen her before?" The young minds were all curious to see their favorite author.

The fan club of the Author Jorngret Reel surrounded the SJN broadcasting station. It's like an enormous crowd and dealing with such a crowd is an arduous task. The gigantic task overwhelmed the Security guards.

Finally, the long waiting ends when the black BMW reaches the front of the SJN broadcasting station. The people all surrounded the car and screamed in happiness.

The guards all protected the car and told the people to keep order.

When the beautiful feet touched the ground, the crowd screamed in curiosity. As it's their first time going to see their favorite author.

Finally, Author Jorngret Reel came out of the car.

"Wow, so charming, pretty, beautiful" all the words which are used to represent a good-looking woman can hear from the crowd. Author Jorngret Reel is one of the rare beauties in the world. She immersed people in her words, but now people are immersed in her beauty.

Jorngret Reel smiled looking at the crowd. Some people were faint in excitement as her smile can kill the people because nothing can compare with the beauty in front of her smile.

Some people gave flowers, gifts and asked for autographs. Jorngret Reel is very kind to her readers and fans. She treats them as her family. Jorngret Reel bowed at everyone to show her gratefulness for coming to cheer her.

The guards securely made way for Author Jorngret Reel to walk inside the SJN broadcasting station.

The SJN broadcasting station prepared the interview setting; camera, host, crew, everyone is waiting for the Author Jorngret Reel.

As she entered, she bowed at everyone as a greeting. She is very polite.

The interview started.

"Good morning everyone, so this is Anna welcome to SJN broadcasting station. So today I'm sitting with our special guest, one and only the famous Author Jorngret Reel. Pleased to meet you, Ma'am."

"Thank you, hello everyone," the cute voice hit everyone's heart.

"Wow, your voice is so cute."

"Oh! Thank you." Jorngret Reel just smiled.

"Well, we are glad to have you here because people have been so excited to see you for the first time. I mean this is your first television debut here but you are huge everywhere, your fans were here from the early morning waiting for you to get here."

"Thank you so much. I'm thrilled to hear that." Jorngret Reel bowed to show her happiness.

"Thank you for being here, so let's begin the interview."

"Sure." Jorngret Reel felt some tension about what they were going to ask, as it's her first time revealing herself to the world.

"Oh, Five years! So you came back from the UK after five years. How do you feel now? Are you going to stay here?"

"It feels good to come back as I miss this place lots. Yes, I'm going to stay here from now on." Jorngret Reel said.

"Are you going to continue your journey as an author?"

"Yes. Writing is like oxygen for me; so no one can live without oxygen. So I will be an Author until my last breath." The mind of Jorngret Reel as an author was perfect.

"You got a Booker prize award this year, how did you feel about it?"

"It's like a dream come true. It's my greatest achievement." Jorngret Reel's eyes are shining with happiness, but behind the shining eyes, there are also tearful eyes. She is missing someone.

"Can you say anything about the winning book? I Mean I have heard it was the sequel to your first book."

Jorngret Reel was silent for a second. She looked at the book she was holding in her hand. "Where are you from?" She smiled, looking at the camera as she gathered all of her courage.

"It's just my own life," Jorngret Reel replied with full confidence.

The whole broadcasting station was astonished after hearing that.

"What it's her own life?" They all started murmuring to each other.


So here I am going to start the sorrowful story behind the successful life of the famous author Jorngret Reel. Hope you all enjoy the moment in her life and also cry for the sorrow of her life.

Let's find out about her past life before becoming the world-famous author.

Let's go to the past… Let's do time travel…


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