
My Enchanted life

Heidi_Nichole · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs




Xevia is the most powerful Princess in the world Being the heir of 3 kingdoms she needs to find herself a prince but...Could not find the one who really loves her..

Why is she the princess of 3 kingdoms? It's not just her status that makes her powerful. You see Xavia is the only daughter of Queen Camille from the land of Wisteria Where all Witches and wizards live she's also the daughter of 2 Kings.

King Xavier from the land of Erebus where all vampires live. King Arthur From the land of Prometheus where Ninja's/humans live.

As you can tell how can Xavia have 2 Fathers?

Well in short her mom is one of the most powerful witches in history. Plus she can't have anymore children because her power is way to strong that the child might die it's only because of a miracle did Xavia live. Because Xavia lived and her mother though that she's the only child that took in her strong power so she cast a spell to make Xavia have 3 genes which is rare and surprisingly Xavia still lived even though the power she took in her body.

But 1 year later she was born her parents died in a war at first what supposed to happen is that only Camille would die so the the world would be at peace again but because of exhaust from fighting made her weak to cast a powerful spell then Xavier and Arthur gave all the power they have which made Camille strong but still even though the three of them gave all the power they have but the spell is still way too powerful. In the end Camille, Arthur and Xavier made a choice to sacrifice themselves so that the future would be at peace..

20 years later

Xavia is now 21 years old but she still haven't found her prince because everytime she loved someone they only use her because of her powerful status...

Maid: princess Xavia wake up it's time for breakfasts.

Xavia:Okay I'll be down in a minute. *Gets out of bed*

*Changes clothes and brushes hair*

*Goes downstairs and went to the dining table*

Xavia: Good morning Grandma good morning Grandpa.

Grandma Jane: Good morning come and eat.

Grandpa Arnold: Good morning.

Xavia: *sits down*

Grandma Jane: so when are you going to marry? We are old and we need someone to take the throne as soon as possible.

Xavia: "sigh" I don't know Grandma it seems everyone who I liked always like me for my status

Grandpa Arnold: *sigh* we know it's hard for you but you must find one soon as possible

Xavia: I know *long sigh*

Grandma Jane: and that's why we arrange you some men that you can pick, don't worry I didn't tell them your status yet.

Xavia: Grandma! You know I can't marry someone I don't love!

Grandpa Arnold: and that's why we arrange you guys to be together for a year to get to know each other.

Grandma jane: and maybe just maybe one of you guys will like each other truly.

Xavia: wait! Didn't you say some? So that means...

Grandma Jane: yes there will be two of them but it's your choice if you want 2 or 1 prince.

Xavia: "shocked" wait so your telling me I will live with 2 guys for a year!?

Grandma Jane: yep if you feel like being lonely you can bring your best friend princess Alice with you.

Xavia: I guess if she agrees

Grandma Jane: also I forgot to mention you will meet tomorrow so you better pack up.

Xavia: *drops fork* WHAT!?
