

It is said in oldest scripture of Laravi that this is not the only dimension we are living in. There are 7 dimensions with 7 Earth, one of which is Magnolia where Kingdom of Laravi is situated. Alchemilla, Magnolia, Carnation, Wisteria, Cornelia, Sage and Rosalia are the 7 Earth of 7 dimensions. It is said in the scripture, Cornelia in the 5th dimension is the most powerful where World is ruled by women. Every Earth is blessed with magic except Sage. It has been 2000 years since Sagians were stripped of their power. Only few people know about Multi-dimension in Sage which they count as an Anecdote.

You can travel around 6 out of 7 dimensions easily except 5th dimension. To go to 5th dimension you need to get the golden book and only the chosen one can get that. It is said that the golden book will only appear if you're worthy. Sagians lost the access of travelling around dimensions so they can't go to other dimensions except Cornelia if someone gets the golden book. Even though they lost their magical powers, Sage rules when it comes to technology. Most of the Sagians who got the Golden book are tech genius. They are the master minds of most of the well known war lead by the Empress Neffari.

The most powerful ruler of Cornelia, Empress Neffari of Adonia Empire is currently the holder of Golden book. The Empire or Queendom from Cornelia, which holds the most power will get the right on Golden book. She is the most ruthless yet the rightful Empress of Adonia. She has fought and won 20 war by the age of 22, all outside the 5th dimension giving her the title "The Empress of Night". But for the last 10 years she didn't participate in any kind of War. At the age of 10 she was crowned as Empress after sudden death of her mother, Empress Ophelia. She has been working with knights from age 8 and joined her first battle at age 9. The day she arrived at the Palace after winning the battle same day Empress Ophelia had sudden heart attack. She was coronated as the Empress after 2 days during Empress Ophelia's funeral. Former Empress Ophelia taught her sword fight and horse riding personally, now she is the best swordsman and horse rider in all the 7 dimensions.

Prince Arthur, 7th prince of King Louis of Laravi, wishes to be the King even though he is 4th in line. Currently there are 4 princes out of 7. Crown Prince Harriet, 2nd Prince Lorraine, 4th Prince Phillip and 7th Prince Arthur. 3rd Prince died in the War of Alphia, the most bloody war of Laravia history. 5th Prince Arwin and 6th prince Edward decided to not live under royalty.

Even though everyone knows Empress Neffari, no one has ever seen her except Cornelians and for last 10 years no Golden book appeared in other dimensions. It was quite weird because many powerful and righteous knights were formed. Some gave their life in War and some won. Even Warrior, the most powerful group of Empire Adonia consisting of 7 members disbanded 10 years ago. It was quite the news around the dimensions yet no one tried to challenge the ruthless Empress Neffari.

Prince Arthur now wishes to get the most powerful hands to carve his path to the throne. But Kingdom Laravi is the most powerful ruler of Magnolia and Crown Prince is already married to Princess Anesthesia from Kingdom Arnia,which is the second most powerful. He had to get someone who would make him more powerful than Crown Prince Harriet.