
Darlington High School

My name is Ken Davies and I was considered a weakling in my school ,this is the reason I encounter bullies and the teachers are not helping matters at all because they are too afraid to interfere,they don't want their name to be in the blacklist of some influential family. The situation of earth is very critical,aliens have been threatening our existence,it all started when the richest man in our world suspected that there are intergalactic species living outside our world,he decided to leave earth and colonize them,the biggest regret of his life. He was killed and the aliens have been sending threats to us. The army are preparing for war they are recruiting more people and the countries of the world have gathered to form a union called descaris. Descaris is considered as the only existing country,formed by the combination of pre existing countries . Some families have utilized this situation and involve themselves in some lucrative jobs,which have made them very influential.These families are called top dogs and they are feared by all. There are three classes of people attending Darlington high school:The Top dogs main family members,their maid or workers and the family that do not belong to any of these are called "the below average family",I belong to this class . As I approached our school's passage,I saw Henry,he is a mean person who bullies people from the lower family class at any chance he gets,he has big belly ,a coiled hair and a badge signifying he is from the Neves family,a top dog.

Immediately he saw me he quickly approached me with a devilish smile.I tightened my fist preparing for a fight,I knew I am no match for him but the emotions I am feeling right now is somewhat energizing me. Hey,seems the spaces in your rag are big enough for my cat to pass through,if you would clean my shoes,comb my hair and write notes for me in the class,I could buy a new shirt for you,he said. I couldn't control the anger in me anymore as I felt my fist aiming for his eye,the punch caught him unawares and he felt the pain,he aimed his fist at my neck but I quickly dodged it and punched him again,he tried to dodge it and I kicked his knee, he yelled in pain. Everyone in the passageway was looking and they were afraid to interfere .I quickly punched him in his face,after series of punchs which he dodged most of them successfully,he aimed for my neck ,I tried to aim it but it was too fast,the punch managed to touch my left eye. Before I could even do anything,I felt another punch in my stomach,the students were watching me as I felt helpless,after series of punches from Henry,I lost consciousness


Headmaster's POV

He is expected to regain his consciousness and the Neves family are demanding justice, claiming that their son was only trying to show some love to him and he outrightly gave their son a punch.This is serious,I don't want to lose my job because of a fight between two teenagers,I guess I have to suspend him.Rose,what is your suggestion. Sir I think you should suspend him,I checked the boy's file,his name is Ken Davies ,he is in the final year and would be graduating next two months,a week suspension should do.


Ken's POV

I felt my consciousness regain itself. My left eye was swollen and I opened my eyes slowly. My vision was blur but I quickly recognized where I am,it was the schools' sick bay. I saw my mum,the principal,and his assistant.I knew I was in trouble. I was laid on a soft bed . Immediately my mum noticed I was awake,she stood up from her chair and embraced me,my principal was frowning. Mrs Davies,please see me in my office,he said.....