
Beginning of the end

My Elemental System.

Ding ding.....the alarm sounded,I looked up from my bed with a frown,it's clear that I don't want to stand.Everyday seems like a torture and the only place that seems torture free is my room. I put off the alarm and stood up, yawning and looked at my old dusty bed. Coming from a family that the standards of living is below average is not a good feat but I appreciate my parents because I know that they are trying the best they can.

I quickly took my bath wore my school uniform,it was a tattered cloth,well I don't care because I have few months to use in that hell bound place.Approaching the living room,my ear caught some silent noise and I wonder that could be,to my greatest surprise,when I got there,I saw my mum whimpering,this was surprising because I have never seen my mother in this state before ,she is always putting on a smile because she do not want us to know the stress she is always experiencing.As soon as she saw me,her expression changed she quickly wiped her tears and put on a smile but it was obvious that something was wrong.

Mum,what's wrong?I asked.The room was silent for a while until she answered,"I have been sacked in my workplace because our manager said he could no longer afford our salary,you know that your dad does not even have our time because of his new wife,how are we going to survive she asked? I know this is very bad because we have always been on the edge and the only thing that kept us going is my mum's salary. I quickly thought of something,Mum I have an idea,can I drop out from school to join the army so I can receive some token to feed us.No!,why must you do that,I have always want you to graduate and search for a good job after school,not becoming a soldier that dies in a useless war,she replied. I knew I have to wait till I graduate next month before I could say anything,and that is exactly what I am going to do. She put some boiled yam and fried eggs in a plate,I quickly devour it,after that,I took my leave to school.