
Chapter 7

Dawn refused to answer the door when Sara and Liam returned with the Dybbuk box. They banged on the door for five minutes. Dawn still wouldn't answer the door. Liam threatened to break the door down.

A grimace spread across his face. He prepared to shoulder charge, "I don't feel comfortable sleeping in the same room with that thing."

Sara pulled him back and shook her head. "I'd be careful. Dawn may look helpless, but she wields more power than I do." She raised the hand with the eldritch eye and pointed it at the door.

"Isn't that an invasion of privacy?"

Sarah turned, raised an eyebrow, and said, "Name the law that says I can't read an aura through a wooden door?" She tapped her foot impatiently, "Well?"

Liam tried to hold a straight face, "I don't recall any."

Sara lowered her hand, "Truthfully, I'm scared to find out. Our introduction didn't exactly make us friends or acquaintances."

"What are we going to do with this box?"

"Let's take it to our room, and we'll find a place to eat."

The doorknob jiggled behind them, and Sara rolled her eyes. "Figures the moment we make plans without her."

Dawn poked her head out the door, "Took you long enough to get the box..."

"Ok, that's it," Sara's arm stretched out to strangle the older woman, "You don't get to tell us anything. Sitting on your ass while we do all the work."

"Take it easy," Liam held her back, "Regardless of how we feel, we still need her to finish the job." He pointed to Dawn, "How about you fill us in on the box while we eat."

Dawn shot a triumphant look in Sara's direction as she snatched the box from Liam and vanished into the room, and emerged with a ratty coat and staff. "I know a place. Sara, wipe that displeased expression off your face.

Sara relented and walked away, "You had better be ready to give us answers to the box and why we need a demon to help us."

"All will be made clear," Dawn said.


They wound up going to a greasy spoon called Dixie Pigs. The most disheveled men stayed huddled in the corner and talked among themselves. A couple eyeballed Liam all of them gave Sara the pervy stare. Despite the insects gathering around the light and the occasional roach skittering across the floor, the place smelled amazing.

The old waitress came with her glasses on the tip of her nose. Her grease-ridden apron left Sara sick to the stomach. She noisily chewed gum, "What are y'all having to eat?"

The trio ordered and waited. An awkward silence followed the order. Liam smiled at both women, "So how about we talk about the dybbuk box."

"We will talk about it on a full stomach." Dawn Averted her gaze. She refused to look at Liam. "It comes with a question I don't want to ask." She ordered for them all. "You're going to love the food here."

Liam and Sara exchanged nervous glances. The pair made small talk because Dawn refused to say another word until the food arrived. The spark of attraction between her and Liam became a small flame.

Dawn rolled her bread into little balls and smiled, "Now the dybukk is a demon that predates the rise of the devil..."

"Are you joking? All that stuff is real?" Liam's voice seemed genuinely surprised and impressed. He kept his eyes on Dawn and ignored Sara.

"As if," Sara scoffed as she downed her gin and tonic, "Why don't we see the angels and demons..."

"After everything we've seen, you find the existence of god hard to swallow?" Dawn said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Sara's ears caught the phrase, praise Jesus, from the males in the back. She rolled her eyes. "I don't see how such a powerful being could care so little."

"I never said he did," Dawn snapped. Her expression softened again. "The dybbuk specializes in capturing eldritch creatures. The box is like prison for the key creatures."

Sara noticed the nervousness in Dawn's movements, "What's the catch. You're dancing around something." She gave up glaring at Dawn because the woman couldn't see it.

"The dybbuk requires a human host. I hoped you were an irredeemable jerk. Then you turned out to be decent person. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Now I don't know..."

The entire speech left Sara flabbergasted. She assumed Dawn had no real emotions and didn't care about anything. It was like watching a monkey score a bullseye with a bow and arrow.

"Will it help a lot of people?" Liam asked.

Sara held his hand. "Isn't there another way. Can't we put it back once we capture..."

Dawn shook her head, "The dybbuk won't return until all the eldritch creatures get captured." She looked away and sighed. Sara knew the worst was yet to come.

Liam shook his head, "I get a sense there's more to the story. Just spill it. I'm not leaving."

"I can cast a spell that will allow you to control the demon and hold it at bay, but it comes with a time limit. The beast will take your soul in the end. I can't promise a happy ending." Dawn's hand crawled across the table and gripped Liams. "The choice is all yours. Promise you'll give it some real thought."

Sara's heart broke with each word. She hadn't been interested in a man for a long time. Her hatred of Dawn renewed itself. She made a note to ream the older woman later.


When Liam snored in the bed next to hers, Sara rose and knocked on Dawn's door. The door opened a crack. The faded cloth over the empty eye sockets greeted her. "I know why you're here. Come on in."

The smell of sage wafted into Sara's room. All the righteous things she planned to say left her mind because Dawn's posture and tone spoke volumes. "You hate yourself?"

"You know, the last time, the people were horrible. I never met more selfish idiots in my life." She held Sara's forearm, "Guide me to the bed?"

They walked across the stained carpet and allowed the worn mattress to hug their behinds. "You've done this more than once?"

"You don't want to know," Dawn tapped her staff against the carpet, "Anyway, people born with the eldritch heritage love to abuse their newfound power. I couldn't believe you didn't know about it."

Sara noticed the minibar, "How does this place have a minibar? They don't have cable or TV. They still rent the VCR and cassettes." She refocused her thoughts. "I'll try to be more of a joke."

"Don't be," Dawn Chuckled. "It's nice. I've forgotten what it's like to have friends. I'm sorry for throwing Benjamin's death in your face. I'm also sorry for bringing Liam into this."

"He's a good man, isn't he."

"Are you going to do something about him?"

"Depends on if he takes on the dybbuk."

"Love him anyway," Dawn suggested, "If his heart stays hopeful, we might be able to save him once it's all said and done."

Who was this woman, and what did she do with Dawn. "I'll keep that in mind. Please tell me we won't to release the dybbuk in this city."

"Are you crazy? There are enough fanatical exorcist types here to send our ancient friend to heaven with honors," Dawn laughed at her joke. "No, we'll go for a hike in the woods."


The forest calmed Sarah's jangled nerves. In the woods, you can find yourself, or at least a werewolf can. Liam hadn't said much since breakfast. He shied away from her and Dawn.

Dawn's attitude took a dramatic shift for the better. She still talked down to them, but it came from a place of care and concern. Every so often, Liam would stare at the box and sigh."

"We can find some other idiot to bond the dybbuk to," Dawn said. We are almost at the point of no return."

"I almost said no. Then I realized if you give it to some idiot, we'll lose more time trying to reign in an idiot. I think Xorag should be our primary concern."

Sarah beamed with pride, "I agree. You go through it alone."

"Cumbaya, my lord..." Dawn started to sing, then stopped. "Oh, I'm sorry. Everyone else got to be corny. I felt a little left out." They came to a large clearing. "Are you ready, Liam?"

Sara took a moment to embrace Liam. His powerful arms were heaven and safety in the same breath. "I'm here for you. I admire the sacrifice you're making."

Dawn started to glow as she removed the cloth over her eyes. Keep your back to me at all times. Now I'll add another spell that should give you more control over the demon."

Sarah turned away with her eyes filled with tears. "Good luck."