
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasi
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103 Chs

No time to rest

With no plan of creating another veery, Viru and Pyra rested within the nurturing field of the dungeon core, its passive ability accelerated their healing.

Pyra, rejuvenated fast, was soon eager to scout the surroundings, while Viru required a longer period of recovery. Hunger creeping at him, Viru tasked Pyra with the search for sustenance. Pyra, spirited and resolute, took to the skies with enthusiasm to feed her master.

As a first-stage evolved Veery, Pyra possessed adequate intelligence enough to understand Viru and serve his needs.

Half an hour later, as Viru's wounds had closed and his vigor returned, Pyra arrived with a stem of fruits clutched in her beak. These fruits, bearing resemblance to a hybrid of grapes and berries, had a luscious pinkish-red hue. Upon Albus's assurance of their safety, Viru consumed them heartily, savoring each bite.

Having eaten his fill, he turned his attention to Pyra, who signaled towards the east. Their bond, built on a foundation of mutual servitude, enabled them to communicate without words. Viru understood from her signals that she had spotted an enemy target some 200 meters away. Despite his reservations about their ability to conquer an unknown foe, Viru seemed to get motivated by pyra's exuding confidence.

Collecting the box and the core back into his being, Viru set forth in the indicated direction. They traversed the dense forest with Pyra guiding and Viru following, cloaked by the foliage. Approaching the vicinity of the monster, Viru concealed himself behind a sturdy tree, spying on the creature as Albus commenced its analysis.

Viru inquired, with a mix of curiosity and caution, why Pyra had chosen this particular monster over others that they had bypassed. Pyra's response, though unspoken, was clear in her assertive posture and the gleam of pride in her eyes, she conveyed that the creature was special, like her.

Acknowledging her sentiments, Viru softly patted her head, a gesture of praise and reassurance.

Albus completed its assessment, revealing the creature as a second-stage evolved humanoid goblin, a hybrid of human and goblin parentage, a rare and typically shunned variant within its society.


Race: Humanoid Goblin(evolutionary variant)

Evolution: 2nd stage (recently evolved)


HP: 30

Strength: 6

Agility: 5

Stamina: 4

Mana: 2

Defence: 4


Animal instinct

Sword mastery(Basic)


Albus indicated the potential for extraordinary abilities in it, though specifics were beyond its current capacity to calculate due the inadequacy in levels.

Viru marveled at the goblin's potential, yet remained on guard. Albus's calculation of the odds for their victory was not in their favor.

It was 3 to 7 in an honest head-on fight. 3 being that they can successfully defeat the goblin. Despite this, Pyra's unyielding spirit uplifted Viru, and together, fortified by Albus's tactical insights, they hatched a strategy.

Within a few minutes, they came up with a great plan to defeat the goblin. They still had the advantage of a surprise attack.

With his core deployed once more within the box, Viru took cover in the underbrush. At his signal, Pyra released the berries to the ground from a nearby tree, the rustle caused by it drew the goblin's attention. As it approached the berries and bent down to reach it with his hands, Viru sprang and tackled him as he overpowered the goblin.

This disarmed the goblin from its crude sword.

The Goblin fell to the ground on its back as it was tackled by Viru just now. It sustained injuries in its back as it fell. Pyra, seizing the moment, swooped down in an onslaught as the goblin struggled beneath Viru's weight.

Viru immediately ran away form the field and hid himself again. While Pyra relentlessly attacked the goblin.

The goblin, after a few seconds, regained its composure amidst Pyra's attacks. It gathered its strength and struck Pyra with its first.

Even as the goblin, in a desperate counter, knocked Pyra away, she recovered with astonishing agility.

Meanwhile, Viru, undetected, readied himself as Pyra engaged the goblin once more. Her diversion allowed Viru to strategically place a log in the creature's path.

The goblin, incited to blind rage by Pyra's provocations, charged at her ferociously.

The Goblin didn't notice the log placed by Viru beneath it. It hit its leg into the log and tumbled into the core's sensitive zone.

Viru casted the slow effect as it enveloped the goblin. The goblin felt a shock run through its body and froze at the spot momentarily. Viru grabbed this opportunity and closed in with the goblin's sword, his strike aimed with lethal precision at the creature's skull. With a crack that echoed through the clearing, the goblin's defenses shaked. Pyra, swift as vengeance itself, delivered the final blow, her beak piercing the goblin's eye to reach its brain.

The goblin collapsed within the sensitive zone, its life force drainjng away, claimed by the core. Viru, without hesitation, commanded the start of the 'create Dungeon subordinate' process. The core worked tirelessly, mending the goblin's mortal wounds by replenishing its life force. After an extensive three hours, the goblin stirred, fully healed—a testament to the impeccable execution of Viru and Pyra's plan.

The tactical defeat of the humanoid goblin was a significant victory for both Pyra and Viru, marking a milestone in their journey as each earned 10 experience points. The spoils of their collaboration were evident in the even distribution of points, acknowledging their teamwork. With the goblin now among Viru's list of subordinates, a sense of accomplishment settled over the duo.

Aware that his path was still covered with challenges, Viru's attention was captured by the notification of their increase in System stage level. Eagerly, he navigated to the relevant tab to discover the new capabilities bestowed upon them by their recent growth. He was pleased to find increased stats, a testament to his increased mastery as a dungeon master.

Moreover, his dungeon's architecture had evolved to include a wooden hut, a structure that could be strategically placed within his sensitive zone. This development promised not only a tactical advantage but also a semblance of homeliness within the wilds of the dungeon. Additionally, the radius of the sensitive zone itself had extended to a formidable 6 meters, offering a broader domain for Viru to control and defend.


Name : Viru

Stage Level: 2

System: Dungeon

Race : Human (Evolvable?)


HP: 35

Strength: 6

Agility: 5

Stamina: 4

Mana: 4

Defense: 6


AI (Albus)

Synergic empowerment (Lv2)

Dungeon layout (Lv 2)

Summon Dungeon subordinate (0/1)

Create Dungeon subordinate (2/4)

***Equipment and artifacts:

Dungeon core

Dungeon hut

***Total number of subordinates:2



1. Name: Pyra

Evolution: second stage

Race : crimson eyed veery(variant)


HP: 25

Strength: 6

Agility: 9

Stamina : 9

Mana : 4

Defence : 5


Beak thrust

Rapid claw

Predatory instinct


2. Unnamed Humanoid goblin

(Evolutionary variant)

Evolution: Second stage


HP: 30

Strength: 6

Agility: 5

Stamina: 4

Mana: 2

Defense: 4


Animal instinct

Sword mastery(Basic)