
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · Fantasi
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98 Chs

Ch-86 Everyone insists, whether right or wrong

Su Hao said: "The King of Man, I respect you. Besides, I respect all those who open their eyes and see this beautiful world. In my opinion, everyone is born equal. This is all my premise.

  I don't expect everyone to be a qualified fighter. As you said, this is not realistic. But what I want is that everyone has an opportunity to choose, and everyone has an opportunity to change their life. As for whether they can succeed in the end, it is not important.

  If the knowledge of runes is in the hands of a few people, tell me, can everyone have the opportunity to learn the knowledge of runes? "

King Ren frowned and said solemnly: "Passenger, you think about this world simply! If everyone wants to learn martial arts, our resources are simply not affordable. We can only choose some choices, choose the best and train them, and get stronger as soon as possible. The power of protecting other human races.

  It is impossible for everyone to practice martial arts! ! The system formed by our ancestors for countless years is the foundation of our human race's foothold in the world! "

Su Hao's voice gradually rose: "The king, resources and strength are equal. This world is big, bigger than all of you imagined. If you want more resources, you can go out boldly and out of the wilderness. Look for more resources! There are too many resources outside the city.

  Don't hide in this small city! You don't have anything here, do you understand?

  Always thinking about his one-acre three-quarters of land, always focusing on the human race, as far as the knowledge of the two warriors and runes, they have to fight for the right to block the use! Why not think about how to use runes to open up the world, transform the world, and improve the living environment of the human race?

  Don't talk to me about the system, what is based on it! The essence of that thing is the exploitation of the weak by the strong! I am not against exploitation, but at least give those who are exploited a chance! "

The King of Man's voice also began to grow louder, and his face started to flush. He hadn't quarreled with anyone for decades. Generally, people who dared to fight with him would finish it with a single blow, but he was reluctant to just do it. Killing the passer-by, he had to fight and win today: "Passer-by! You don't know anything about the wilderness, you don't know anything about the world's top power! If you take a wrong step in the human race, you may be dead!

go out? If you could go out, the Human Race would have gone out long ago, so why not shrink here, but you have to know that this world is not the Human Race, countless powerful ancestor-level beasts are entrenched in the wilderness, and the Human Race cannot set foot in their territory. .

  Fill everyone in, it's not enough for them to stuff their teeth! Don't give this king for granted! "

Su Hao also began to slobber: "The King of Humans! You underestimate the potential of each human race. As long as you give them a chance, they will be able to create miracles. You can't pin your strong hopes on a few so-called elites. You are the king of humans, the king of the entire race. Please focus on the entire human race and believe in the potential of each of us! You only need to give them a chance, a small opportunity!

  Yes, in the previous environment, you did it right. But now the situation is different again. The rune is completely different, and the blockade of it is meaningless. Why don't you want to try it? The more people who learn to explore runes, the more power the runes can exert! "

  Human King said: "Passenger! The weak are the weak. No matter how many weak people are together, they can't change anything. The opportunities given to them are useless. Long-term accumulation will only cause the people to gradually decline in internal consumption!

  You are also a person who thinks from the perspective of ethnic groups. You are also a smart person. Why don't you understand this? "

  Su Hao immediately spouted: "The King of People! They are indeed weak, but are they born weak? How can one know whether a person can become strong without a chance?

  Did you know that when a powerful beast attacked a human town, the weak human race had no resistance at all and was swallowed by the beast. What can they do? I can't do anything, I can only take a desperate look at the last world.

  They didn't even have the chance to try to change their fate from being swallowed! Do you know the fear and helplessness of facing death without the power to resist? You certainly don't know, but I do! I know what kind of despair it is! Desperate without even the opportunity to work hard!

  My words are here, runes, you are not allowed to hide them privately, let me spread them out! To become powerful, the human race must study the power of runes, and study the power that can defeat all the beasts entrenched in the depths of the wilderness.

  Hiding the rune privately, can I get stronger power? Shit doesn't make sense! First, ensure that the human race is stable and adapt slowly, so that you can gain stronger strength? Shit doesn't make sense! "

The king was angry and waved the broken knife in his hand and said: "Passenger, you are a shit! This king admits that your runes are very powerful, but what about that, still can't compete with the ancestor level, all the rune effects, in In front of the ancestor level, there are all paper skins, which will be broken with a single poke!"

  Su Hao immediately stretched out his hand and patted the "Eight Hundred Boom" behind him, and confidently sprayed back and said: "Shit! Even the ancestor level, in front of my rune, there is no resistance!"

The king said: "Passenger, this king knows that he can't convince you. But this king doesn't agree with your idea! Because you think your runes are the strongest, but this king thinks that this king's power is the strongest! "

  Su Hao rarely agreed with Renwang's statement, nodded and said: "Yes!"

  Ren Wang said again: "I don't want to kill you! Because you are a very rare talent."

  Su Hao also said: "I don't want to take action against you either, because your contribution to Human Race deserves everyone's respect!"

Ren Wang said: "But, I have to swing a knife at you. If this king wins and you die, the human race is still that human race, and it will become stronger because of your runes. If this king dies, you win Now, it means that your runes can indeed fight against the ancestor level, and that the king is also worry-free. So, let's compete! You will also die!"

  Su Hao quietly looked at the old man in front of him, suddenly smiled, and stretched out his short knife to point straight at the king: "Come on! Let everyone, feel the power of runes!"

  Su Hao can understand the choice of the King of People.

  Because the king has his persistence and his pride.

  Renwang grew up under the existing system of Human Race, and he has benefited from this system.

  When he becomes the ultimate beneficiary of the system, he becomes an absolute supporter of the system. No one can change this, and the truth does not work either.

  So, he swears to the death to maintain this system that allows him to successfully stand at the top of the human race, as well as various complex relationships.

  He knew subconsciously that he couldn't be a betrayer just because of Su Hao's words.

  Furthermore, the human king believes that the power contained in his body is the most powerful force in the human race and even the world. This is his pride.

  Because the unmatched powerful force cannot be shaken.

  Su Hao's runes, too!

  He will use his long knife to prove it again.

   And Su Hao, also has his persistence.

  At the beginning, he wanted to give a gift to the human race in this world. It can be in any form and can be given to anyone, as long as the human race can survive better.

  But after experiencing the attack of the bearded beast in Lingyun Town, he changed his mind.

At that time, he was on the sidelines and saw with his own eyes the tentacles stretched out by the bearded beasts, entangled one after another without the power to resist, and those who did not even have the strength to struggle could only be desperate. In, ushered in their own end.

  What a familiar feeling, he didn't know how many times he had experienced it, and he also experienced that kind of weakness firsthand.

  At the moment of death, I kept telling myself that if there is a chance...

  Yes, it means "if there is a chance"!

  He waited for such an opportunity for a long time before it came.

   But what about people in this world? What are they waiting for?

  Perhaps, they also lacked such an opportunity.

  So, Su Hao thought, do what he can to create such opportunities for people in this world!

  Whether it is successful or not, at least it will not be too regrettable, will it? Everyone, including him, will eventually die, the result is actually not important, leaving no regrets is the most important thing.

  As for whether the human race will experience wars?

  He is absolutely assured that the potential of the human race is unimaginable. The new world poured in by the flames of war will flourish and will shock everyone in the end.

  Today, he said a lot. Because this was the first time he uttered after he had knowledge and power, and only with the expression of knowledge and power could someone listen.

Is    childish?

  Su Hao felt that he was quite naive, and the opposite was just as naive to the man he scolded. But after being scolded, it is really cool and hearty!


  Su Hao wears a silver armor, only showing two brilliant eyes.

  Human King is a golden armor, engraved with handwriting under Su Hao's 'Rune's Radiance', but still majestic, and his old face is not angry and arrogant.

  The surrounding Taishi Martial Artists and Grand Master Martial Artists were all sent away by the King.

  Because this is the battlefield between him and the passer-by, it is a struggle of ideas, no regrets for life and death, and no other people can intervene.

    Brothers and sisters, thank you for your reward and support. Every time Dalibao sees rewards and tickets, I feel very excited. This is everyone's recognition and encouragement to me. The world has almost come to an end here. However, our goal is very clear, which is to learn new knowledge in every world, gradually complete accumulation, realize the evolution of thinking and cognition, and finally become the first **** of the universe. And the world of warriors is just a small fulcrum. His purpose in this world has been achieved, that is, no matter how many worlds he travels in the future, he can protect himself by this. As for many small partners entangled in why they didn't advance to the Taishi, in fact, as mentioned above, Taishi and Zongzu are essentially a trick, transplanting foreign objects to strengthen themselves, after changing the world, it will be meaningless. So don't stay here too much. In the next world, Su Hao will achieve a true bottom-line qualitative change.



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