
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · Fantasi
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98 Chs

Ch-76 Silver Armor Rune Master

In one day, Su Hao's two piles of 'garbage' have been sold for half, and the costs have been recovered.

  Someone even came in that day and wanted to buy a second time, but Su Hao's radar would not miss it. Everyone who bought it had a big cross on his profile picture.

  All the troublemakers had their arms discounted by Su Hao, threw them out of the store, and established rules outside the store. Those who broke the rules interrupted their arms.

  After a night of brewing, all large and small exploratory groups and chambers of commerce have received news.

  The next day, his shop was crowded with people.

  Seeing Su Hao opening the door, he blushed and waved the money bag in his hand.

   "I'll give out thirty silver dollars, sell it to me first!"

  "Go to your uncle, Lao Tzu comes first, Lao Tzu pays fifty silver dollars, and I will give it to Lao Tzu first."

   "I have a gold dollar!"

   "I xx, I am one gold dollar and one silver dollar!"

  Unexpectedly, it rolled up soon.

  Su Hao glanced, Xiaoguang instantly figured out the number of people, and then compared his remaining number of long knives, the number of long knives was enough.

  Then open normally.

   Soon, the long knives and armor were sold out by the follow-up people. All those who wanted to make small actions were picked out by Su Hao, interrupted and threw them out of the store, without exception.

  When the long swords and armor were all robbed, many people were blocked outside the shop, looking at Su Hao eagerly.

  Su Hao said loudly: "A batch of new goods will come tomorrow, anyone can buy it, and those who have bought long sword armor will do, first come first served, while stock lasts!"

  Everyone suddenly became excited.

  It was not light the next day, and Su Hao's shop was crowded with people, like a scene of queuing for injections.


  Wait until the sky is completely light, Su Hao opens the door to welcome the guests.

  "Today's goods, only one silver dollar! One silver dollar!"

  Everyone is boiling! This is a trade where blood is not lost!

  "But today's goods are a bit special, but they are worth the price. If you buy it back, you will have a hundred long knives and a hundred armors. It is no exaggeration! You can also smoothly advance to the master and reach the peak of life!"

  "Are you very curious about what this is?"

  Everyone looked at Su Hao with fiery eyes.

  Su Hao said loudly: "Yes! What is on sale today is the method of making special long swords and armors. It is easy to learn and quick to get started! As long as you buy it, you can buy countless powerful armor weapons."

   "Come on! Let's buy it! Buy it! Buy it!!!"

  Su Hao opened the door and tore off the curtain covering the inner layer, revealing the neatly arranged books.

  The next scene of fire and explosion is unimaginable.

  Although the rules are only one manual, some people still return empty-handed, very upset.

  On this day, those who can seize the opportunity will take off completely, and those who do not seize the opportunity will pay no heavier price.

  Life is like this, opportunities are often fleeting. And this fleeting opportunity will directly affect a lifetime, and more than that, it will also affect future generations, perhaps for a hundred years, two hundred years, or even a thousand years.

  On the third day, when everyone was waiting for Su Hao to open the door for business, Su Hao had already carried a lot of money and rushed to other towns at the fastest speed.


   Six days later, a special weapon shop opened in the most prosperous place in a small town called Zhujiu Town.

  The same routine.

  Su Hao triggered a book buying frenzy in this town. Although not everyone is literate, everyone else buys it, and it's not wrong to buy it by yourself. A silver dollar is not expensive.

   Then Shuangshi Town, Baisha Town, Daling Town...

  In just two months, Su Hao spread a large number of books in more than twenty human towns.

  At the beginning, he was still asked to play some tricks, but later, when his store just opened, there were a lot of people blocking the door waiting to buy.

It turned out that as early as when Su Hao went to the third town, a news about the "Silver Armor Rune Master" spread throughout the surrounding human towns. Many people knew that there was a powerful armor man who specialized in selling books. The production methods of rune weapons and the advanced knowledge of warriors are more detailed and comprehensive than any books that can be bought on the market.

  Later, Su Hao didn't need any weapons and armors for publicity. He sold the books directly. He drove the prepared books to town, demonstrated the special effects of his two knives and armor on the street, and then went on sale.

  In less than a day, Su Hao sold out, and then disappeared out of the city with the money.

  No one knows where this guy with no face comes from, where he is going, let alone what his name is. They call him "Master of Silver Armor Rune".

   Just as Su Hao was selling books in full swing, Meng Donghua, the mayor of a town, got the full version of "Road to the Warrior" and "The Complete Explanation of Runes". After reading it carefully, he was shocked.

  The advanced path of the general martial artist in the book is completely analyzed. Even if he is a master-level martial artist, he can obtain a lot of unheard of new knowledge and insights from the book.

  What is blood gas enhancement wave? It can accelerate the accumulation of blood gas, what is centrifugal method? It can speed up the transformation of blood energy! The views here are almost unheard of, but they are all well-founded and not without a definite target.

What shocked him the most was the simplification of the beast patterns. The complex beast patterns were simplified into a circular array. The small pieces were dissected and explained why it had an effect. Each piece of rune was specific. What is the role of.

  Can you freely combine the desired effects based on the principle?

  What a genius, what a genius!

  He has come into contact with a lot of animal patterns, but he never thought that he could analyze it like this.

  He also tried it himself. feasible!

  All the runes described in "The Complete Solution of Runes" are feasible.

  He tried to burn the runes into a pair of armor, using the golden nematode described in the book as the texture. The armor started smoothly, it's feasible!

  After learning that these two books had been widely circulated, he immediately realized that something big had happened!

  Meng Donghua immediately wrapped up the two books carefully, put on his armour, and went straight to the main city without stopping.

  Three days later, he came to the palace of the main city and asked to see King He'an, commonly known as King of People.

  The master guard guarding the gate bowed and said: "Mayor Meng, the king and the eight elders are discussing matters, please go back!"

  Renwang is the lord of the main city and Ancheng, in charge of 52 towns around the main city, including Lingyun Town.

  The human race has nine major cities. In addition to He'an, there are eight major cities, but the scale is smaller than that of He'an. The eight elders are the city owners of the eight major cities, and the kings of the cities are the kings of He'an.

  Meng Donghua immediately said anxiously: "I have very important things to report upwards, which are related to the development and foundation of the human race!"

  The guard showed a slight smile and said, "What about "The Way of the Warrior" and "The Complete Solution of Runes?"

  Meng Donghua was taken aback, and said in surprise: "You know?"

  The guard smiled: "I received the news as early as a month ago."

  Meng Donghua immediately said: "Uh..."

The guard explained: "These two books are of great importance. The King of Humanity sent the fastest messenger to personally invite the Eight Great Elders to come and discuss with Ancheng. The journey is so long that they all arrived last night. So you don't have to worry about this matter. NS."

  Meng Donghua bid farewell.

  After I came out, I met a large number of colleagues on the street. They were discussing these two books one by one, or they were surprised, or frightened, or disturbed, or sad, or excited, or excited...

  There are various performances.

Generally speaking, some people are worried that their status will be shaken, some people are worried that the human race will riot due to the spread of rune knowledge, some people are excited by the powerful weapon that the human race has produced, and some are shocked by learning such a genius knowledge. Of course, some people are also shocked by Su Hao. The attached chicken soup for the soul poisoned people.

  Two volumes of books, let the whole human race oscillate.

  Meng Donghua muttered: "I was the last one to know?"



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