
My Divine Angle System

Rizz Locus Almaus, born as a Divine Nephalem, dies in his early twenties and is reincarnated as Harry. With the help of a divine angel system, he must unlock his hidden powers of the Divine Nephalem to save his new family and protect the world from the looming threat of the Titans. Along the way, he searches for his lost family members from his past life. --------------------- System Info: Race: Human Elemental Attributes: • Fire: 200 (Level 0) • Water: 200 (Level 0) • Lightning: 200 (Level 0) Abilities: • Healing • Telekinesis Quest: Revive the Hidden Soul in the System within 1 year.

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6 Chs

New World

"Fuck, why the heck does my head hurt this much? Wait! Where am I? And who the hell are these people?" Rizz thought as he started noticing the people in the room.

There were three people in the room. One was a beautiful woman in her twenties with brown hair and blue eyes, pale skin, and wearing a white and gold dress. She definitely looked like a goddess. The second was a woman in her twenties with black hair streaked with green, forest green eyes, pale skin, and wearing a golden deep-neck gown with a beautiful crystal in a gold necklace around her neck. The last was a man in his twenties with forest green eyes and golden-red streaks in his black hair, wearing a white shirt with black pants and boots.

"Baby is healthy, Raze. I was so scared, but now I am so happy. I finally became an aunt. Raze, you know when you guys told me Elena was pregnant, I was thinking, 'How the heck am I going to be a good aunt?' Fuck, I was thinking that finally, someone would give me company, and I wouldn't feel lonely among you lovebirds," Safa said with a huge smile as she started holding the baby from Elena's hands and playing with him using her magic.

"Wait, little sister. First, it's my turn to hold my son, and second, don't use magic. I know we can't control our magic, considering we are angels, but you can't let our pure magic touch our kid. You should try to control it. Don't forget Elena is half demon, half human. Look carefully at his eyes; they are forest blue, and his hair is black and brown. He might have his mother's demon power as well as my angel powers. Your power might trigger the natural balance of his power," Raze said, picking the baby boy from Safa's hands and kissing his forehead while looking at him and then at Elena.

"Sorry, Raze. You know I forget about it because I thought everything was fine now. Having him in my hands triggered our angel powers, but you are right. I should control my emotions. Sorry, Elena. I forgot you are half demon because our power didn't work on you, and you have a natural affinity for light and nature," Safa said with an apologetic look on her face.

"It's okay, and don't be sad. Today is a happy day for all three of us. I am so happy having you both in my life. Now that I have a son, I feel like I'm the luckiest woman in the world. But Raze is right about controlling our emotions and powers. I felt his power the moment he opened his eyes. He is confused. I don't know why, but I think he got his intelligence from his uncle. He was in the same situation when he opened his eyes for the first time after being born," Elena said with a huge smile, then she became sad. Raze came to her, gave her the baby, placed his hand on her cheek, and said, "Don't be sad, Ele. Today is the most wonderful day in our lives, so don't be sad."He kissed her on the lips, then bit her neck and looked at her with his forest green eyes, which appeared darker and more radiant at the same time.

"Wait, you guys! I can't take your affection anymore. And here is the baby boy! But Ele, don't be sad, okay? Raze is telling the truth. So, what's his name?" Safa said with a frustrated and then joyful look on her face.