
My Divine Angle System

Rizz Locus Almaus, born as a Divine Nephalem, dies in his early twenties and is reincarnated as Harry. With the help of a divine angel system, he must unlock his hidden powers of the Divine Nephalem to save his new family and protect the world from the looming threat of the Titans. Along the way, he searches for his lost family members from his past life. --------------------- System Info: Race: Human Elemental Attributes: • Fire: 200 (Level 0) • Water: 200 (Level 0) • Lightning: 200 (Level 0) Abilities: • Healing • Telekinesis Quest: Revive the Hidden Soul in the System within 1 year.

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6 Chs

Family Vow part-2

"After hearing their vows, Raze said, 'You guys don't need to worry about us. As long as I'm here, you both won't face any situation alone. I'll confront any danger before it can harm my family.'

'That's right. We'll protect each other and our family together. But my little Rizz, you should relax and enjoy your childhood. Let your parents and aunt protect you until you become an adult,' Elena said, kissing Rizz on the forehead, and he soon fell asleep.

Three years later, on the Battlefield of Alitia:

'Afa, when will you teach me magic? I want to learn and train like Dad, Mom, and you, and become stronger to protect our family,' Rizz asked Safa, gazing at her with his puppy-like forest blue eyes.

'Oh, my little one, if you look at me like that, how can I say no to you? Let's call your parents and start your first magic lesson, okay?' Safa replied, affectionately ruffling his hair. 'Okay, Afa,' Rizz said eagerly, waiting for his parents to join them on the training ground.

After a few minutes, Elena arrived, expressing concern: 'Isn't it too early to teach Rizz how to use his magic? He's only three years old. What if he gets hurt?' she asked Safa.

'No, Ele, it's not. He possesses the powers of a divine angel and a divine demonic priestess. If we don't teach him how to harness these powers now, it might be too late for him to learn control. I have my doubts that need clearing, and I must train him accordingly,' Safa explained.

'If you say so,' Elena replied, still apprehensive. Raze took her hand in his, kissing it, then her lips, and finally playfully nipped at her neck. 'Don't worry, my love. We're all here. If something goes wrong, we can manage with our magic. I agree with Safa; if she has doubts, it's important. She's the only soul angel, and our son's abilities are connected to soul powers.' He kissed Elena again before releasing her hand and turned to watch their son practice.

'Alright, you two, that's enough affection. Either go to your bedroom or tighten your focus, Raze,' Safa frowned, seeing their display of affection, while Rizz laughed heartily on the ground in Safa's defense.

'Okay, that's enough, little one. Let's begin your first lesson,' Safa said, preparing for Rizz's magic lesson."