
My Diabolic Lover

I'm an ordinary girl until he came into my life. I'm walking on the street in the middle of the night. The road is empty and silence taking over the place. Me and my boyfriend.. uhh we broke up. After three years! After three years.. well who cares!? we never kissed anyway. It turned out I'm just like a friend to him.. from now on i'll focus on my studies! While walking, I saw a bench and I feel my legs suddenly want to sit down and I sat down. I took a look of the dark sky... I can see a lot of stars! I felt the fresh wind touching my skin and my ears loved hearing this silence. Suddenly I encounter a man that looked creeped out, scared, angry and very very tired. He was running and out of breath.. he asked me to help him but i'm in daze and very confuse. I let him sit on the bench and I gave him water to drink. I stood up and stared to the darkness... I saw nothing but I felt something different! I was trembling... I felt the cold and I also felt scared. I feel like someone is staring at me with cold, scary, intimidating eyes! I looked away and then the man who was seating here a while ago took my attention! He was no where to be found.. I fell and I can't breathe! my asthma!.. ahh ha ha.. ah ah ah.. then a moment pass and I'm able to breathe again, I'm now at a crowded place! the road is full of noisy cars and I didn't understood what just happened.. I ignored it and I started to think where i'm suposed to go.. Oh! that's right! i'm supposed to be with Chloe! nahhh! imma just text her and go back to my home and sleep. When I got back to my home, I fixed myself and do my homework then sleep. The next day I fixed myself again then went to school. Something is different, alot of students are in the hall and I can't really see why it's so crowded. I saw my bestfriend then she told me that Ms. Amy is Dead! she was killed ny the vampires abd ware wolves. I actually don't believe in it but when I saw her body... I saw claw marks.. her neck full of vampires bite and her body almost splitting up and there's no blood in her body. I'm terrified! but when the police arrived the students went to their classroom and they acted as if nothing happened. I went to my classroom and My Homeroom teacher, Mr. Bean also went inside. He tought us few things before a new student entered the room. He's wearing a hoodie and has a mask on and he look like he's a gangster or a member from MAFIA.. there's something odd with him! he didn't listen to anything that mr. Bean had asked him to do. When Mr. Bean could not take it anymore, he said "Let's go to the principals office young man! hurry up! the principal must lecture you" And we did not expect what he said "Why not bring the principal here? If you want us to talk.. why not you! bring him here? If you still love your job better move your ass and start bringing the principal here"

kanzakiyukiy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

Chapter 6: Colour

Hannah's seat is just an inch away from my seat! why would he want to seat next to me!? oh maybe because it's near the window.

"I-I'm so sorry.. here have my seat" Hannah said


He sat down next to me with a sour face and I wonder why am I so unlucky today? oh wow.. he was just mad a while ago! now his atmosphere changed into a sweet one, nice just nice. Since his seat is just an inch away from me.. I moved a little and I wasn't expecting him to say something

"Why are you moving? i'm not going to eat you up or something"

"Umm.. hey!.. nice to meet you... my name is Zoe and you're Ivan right?" I said

"Ahhhhhh.... finally someone without disabilities!" He said

'Wait what the hell? "finally someone without disabilities" does that mean.. he thinks that mr. Bean and Hannah have disabilities? oh well thank you for not shouting at me

"Hey, can you show me around after school." He stop for a second and he said "I wasn't asking you to show me around. I was demanding you to do it and I won't accept a 'no' got it?" he said

"Ahh such a brat" I whispered

"What did you say?" He asked


"I heard it!" He shouted

"If you heard what I said.. then why are you asking me-"

"Shut it." He said

I shut my mouth immediatly the moment he said it.. 'Oh gosh is this the end of me?' I didn't notice that everbody's looking at us and i'm super not okay. 'Oh great! he's looking at me too what do I do now?'

"Nah.. hey teach! are you going to teach us or not? stop wasting my time" He said

I really want to smack his face. Why is he like this? we don't deserve to be treated like this! oh I really want to tell him this!.. ahhhh I want to tell him that he's rich and handsome but that doesn't mean he could look down and stomp his feet on our heads! I hated him... I know I shouldn't hate someone because of the way they treat us and I shouldn't hate him if I don't know everything he went through! but.. ahhh anyways, mr. Bean said

"Umm... of course! of course"

After two (2) hours the class finally ended and it's time for our recess. Almost all of my classmates released a sigh of relief! well i'm happy too that the class finally ended. I was about to get up when Ivan held my hand and said

"Hey.. where's the principal office? can you take me there."

"Oh sure.. let me guess, your not asking me to take you to the principal's office but you're telling me to take you to the principal's office am I right?" I said

"Wow, seems like not everyone here is dumb" He said


I exit the room with him following me behind my back. I walked faster than I usually do so I could finally be with Chloe and away from this bastard. When we arrived at the principal's office, I was about to run fast as I could but he held my hand again! I turned my head towards his direction and I saw him holding something on his other hand. It's like a dark purple rose but a shiny one! the stem is super dark green and I kinda like it.

"Here, keep this.. by the way thanks. Do you wanna know why it's color purple? it's because it represents you! purple means psychic, magical and msyterious. It inspires originality, creativity and aids spiritual growth. The color purple represents beauty, royalty and nobility. Purple is such a deeply comforting, rich and engulfing colour. It has the energy, passion and warmth of red plus the coolness and sophistication of blue. Because of this combination and the benefits of both red and blue mixed it is a very creative, imaginative colour." He said

I was kinda flattered by what he said but I wonder what his colour is so I asked him

"What is your color?"

"It's black.. black is a msyterious colour that is typically associated with the unknown or negative. The very darkest color owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light. Obviously, it's the opposite of white. The color black represents strength, seriousness, evil, msytery and power. Black is a formal, elegant and prestigious color. If you describe a situation as black, you are emphasizing that it is very bad indeed. The color black relates to the hidden the secretive and the unknown."

It's kinda creeping me out. Of all the color why is he black? the black says something very good bat it also says something really bad like evil!

"Hey how did you know what color represents me?" I ask

"It's the color of the flower..." He said

He gave me the flower before entering the principals office.


Zoe:" That's for today kids.. We'll go to auntie's house and I'll leave you kids there for 12 hours okay?"

Zane:" But mom why?"

Ivan:" Because your mom and I needs a little time together"

Iris:" Ohhh I understand! okay! big brother you should understand too if your a big boy now"

Zane:" Of course I understand! if you understand then big brother also understand!"

*Ding dong*

Zoe wasn't expecting anyone for today but she quickly stood up and went to the living room and she opened the door

Auntie:" ohh hello!! i'm sorry but I want to get the kids personally! I miss them so much and I can't wait to spend some time with them. Can I get them now Zoe? please please please please!"

Zoe:" Sure auntie! just bring them back before midnight!"

Ivan:" No it's actually okay even you don't bring them back.. we can still make 7-10 babies"

Zoe:" What the hell Ivan"