
My Destiny and kimimaru

Follow the story of Kimimaru, the last of the Kaguya clan and follow him to see how to survive hardships. And see him achieve his dream of living his own destiny.

kokushivo1 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


*Footstep sounds*



"I feel exhausted "~ Kimimaru said walking through the forest after leaving the area where he knocked Rock Lee and Gaara unconscious.

""My body feels heavy, it's like I'm carrying something heavy on my body."


"My body must be exhausted from the effort"~Kimimaru thought.

"Maybe it's because of the illness my body carries"

Kimimaru stopped to touch his chest with his hand.

"This disease is killing me the more I use my blood limit" ~kimimaru thought about the previous kimimaru's state.

""He could barely move because his body had a lot of pain in his joints."

"Not counting the excess blood that was expelled from his mouth due to the deterioration of the organs due to the blood."

Kimimaru shook for a moment from the fear of death, but after a few seconds he calmed down thinking of something.

""Wait a moment" Kimimaru thought of a possibility.

"my body just feels exhausted not weak like the other kimimaru after using his blood abilities, that would mean that I'm just going through the first few moments.Stages of the disease."

Kimimaru was happy at his discovery.

"That means I can still save myself from dying"

He gave a determined look.

""I must find a priest."

His goal was clear, continuing to become stronger was his goal, it didn't matter if he had to cross the most dangerous path,.

Kimimaru resumed his walk towards an unknown direction.



(Meanwhile elsewhere)

*sounds of birds listening to each other*


Concentrated electricity could be heard from one side.


*sound of concentrated energy*


And on the other side the sound of a glowing sphere could be heard.



In the place where the sky is clouded with clouds.

There were two figures standing separated by a waterfall.

And the two different sounds were heard at the same time.

The figures that are separated were actually the two main initiators of the sounds.

With orange clothes, yellow hair, and red energy, he was the person on the right side of the waterfall.

On the other hand...

The other was dressed in a short-sleeved t-shirt with a symbol behind his back, white shorts, black hair, and two giant hands behind his back.

Both showed fixed gazes observing each other.

One showed a fierce look.

While the other had a cold and emotionless face.

Their gazes met in an invisible clash of confrontation, one that prompted the others to make the first assault.

*Sound of wind blowing*

A tree leaf slowly fell from the sky until it was floating on the water of the waterfall.



Jumping sounds were heard in both directions at the same time.

The two figures were approaching each other in the air due to the jump they made.


Wind Loud sounds and crackling noises could be heard approaching each other.



Loud screams were heard before a large collision of techniques caused a giant explosion.



"What's that?"Surprised voice.

Kimimaru said because of the shaking of the ground and the loud noise that could be heard.

"What does that attack mean? It seemed as if a nuclear bomb had fallen"

Kimimaru thought after covering himself from the intense glow of the explosion in the distance.

After a few seconds, the ground calmed down and the glow of the explosion visibly weakened until I could no longer see it.

"That brightness was very high, it must have been a large-scale attack"-said Kimimaru.

"I hope so. It wouldn't make sense" Kimimaru denied his previous thought.

"At this moment in history there should not be a big explosion, perhaps I missed an event"

Shit stared at the direction of the explosion.

"It shouldn't have been anything else in history"

"Just the only change I've made was the defeat of Rock Lee and Gaara, that shouldn't change so many things about the plot in "impossible" - Kimimaru began to look for an explanation.

"Wait, I think I already remembered this event."

"but to be sure I will have to verify it personally"

And I must try to be as cautious as possible, if my suspicion is true then I would be getting into a dangerous place."





Kimimaru began jumping through the trees towards the direction of the explosion.


Raindrops were beginning to fall from the cloudy sky.

On all sides, rainwater began to flow into the large holes that had been made by the constant incredible attacks of the battle.

*Sound of water falling on the ground*

Two figures a little separated were lying face up on the floor, both of them wet from the rain.


A small moan was heard from Sasuke's mouth.

His eyelashes moved And he opened his tired eyes.

Bewildered and tired, he began to get up from the ground with his weak hands.

His clothes were dirty and wet from the constant rain, his clothes torn from the back from the previous transformation.

Holding his left arm with his other arm, he turned his head and looked at the other figure a short distance away.

After looking at him for a few seconds with his confused eyes.

Suddenly he changed, he showed a cold look towards Naruto who was unconscious.


He turned his body and began to slowly shift towards Naruto.


His pupils now showed a murderous look.


His body almost fell from exhaustion but he didn't stop and continued.


L The water drops ran all over his face, wetting it, but he didn't care.


The last footprint was heard in the rain.

Naruto, with a calm face and sleeping, remained still and unconscious while the rain wet him.

Sasuke looked at Naruto's face for a few moments.

Only the sound of the rain accompanied the moment.


A rapid sound of accelerating metal was heard.

Sasuke stopped .

He looked at Naruto's face with a look that no longer showed any emotion.

The tip of the kunai It was close to Naruto's forehead.

*falling sound*

Sasuke's legs couldn't hold up and so he knelt down to have Naruto's face in front of his.

Sasuke watched Naruto's face conditionally as the rain continued to fall on his head.