

My name is Alex rein. I am a complete loner who has no purpose in life.

Sometimes I wonder why I was even born.

I lost my mom due to her bad boyfriend who always beated me and my siblings, therefore me and my siblings were separated.

I barely remember my mom and my siblings.

At first I was brought to a house filled with monsters.

I was isolated from the world making me the person I am today.

I abandoned my feelings because every time I tried to feel feelings I was criticized or beaten and I lost all sense of who I was.

Then I got transferred to a house where the guardians don't even care about the children.

I didn't really mind but the house stank, and the children were monsters.

I guess I wasn't suited for anything.

I didn't really fit well in society. I'm behind on trends, my style sucks, and I have a horrible lifestyle.

I was a anti-social suicidal mess I had no real emotion all I can do is fake a smile. Nothing I do is good enough so I stay silent.

The only thing I can do now is suicide… but how? I'm not brave enough. I don't like pain but I really want to die.

I've been depressed for 4 years now. Everything is wrong with me.

I'm a ugly, stupid, horrible, fat, useless person. I don't see the point in living anymore.

I ran away from that house and "borrowed" $400. I was unemployed. I needed to live alone but I was only 12 at the time and I didnt even know how to take care of myself.

So I went back to the child support service. It's a place where these people take children from horrible families and give them to new families that want them.

There I learned how to take care of myself while I was in a different family.