
The Secret of Frog (2)

After telling Prune about the whole ordeal— taking care not to expose my quest requisite, Rin and I headed out.

Nataline looked at Rin dubiously. I mean.. who wouldn't. She has a sexist frog on her shoulder.

Rin and I rented a carriage. The distance from here to the sea side was quite far, it's much more convenient this way than on foot.

We passed by numerous shops.. I even saw that red-light distinct we went to visit last time. Fortunately, nobody got hurt.

The sky was blue, the snow slowly melting off.

By the way, I hadn't mentioned this but there's big news that the heroes returned from the dungeon safe and sound. Her Highness Siesta invited us to the feast that was going to be held but um.. yeah. We turned it down.

It's too dangerous to get involved with this don't you think?

The venue is the castle— obviously— and it's a few days from now.

Somehow I'm sensing a flag.. this must be a flag, definitely.

'Feel free to drop by if you change your mind,' was what Her Highness Siesta said to us four— five. It's an informal invitation, so I feel like it's a little sketchy.

The breeze tasted salty. Is this the correct way to describe what I was feeling? Black smoke billowing from the high chimneys of smithys, the sound of crashing iron, the bustling of the people. I'm also seeing large fish monsters being transported in carts.

That's a large-ass lobster.

Are Megalodons a thing here?

Well. no matter how fantasy a world is, it's heavily referenced off the real world because of the author's limitation.

"Half price! Half price!" a merchant seemed to yell.

"Fresh from the sea Pip Frequet! Any 2 for 3 silver!"

"Coco fruit, 2 large copper a puck!"

Coco fruit. Looks like a degraded name for coconuts.

Yes. Palm trees and coconut trees do exist here, in different names, maybe the species is different. Just a guess.

We hopped off at the next carriage station and thanked the coachman. He gave the sexist frog a puzzled look— let's leave that aside.

"My prince. Ribbit," the sexist frog was acting like some compass, it's hands acting like well.. the hand, pointing towards the location of the so-called 'treasure'.

We followed the direction pointed, weaving through the crowd that grew denser the closer we were to the pier.


We eventually broke through the densest street and came to the wooden broadway– also known as the shipyard.

The magnificent sight of humongous vessels anchored to the docks. Large sails furrowed to the wind, sailors hoisting things to and from the deck. Ropes reinforced onto the supporting beams, wagons being filled with seafood or materials, yelling and shouts of commands everywhere.

A sailor made a round in the air.


He jumped off the rope had been dangling on.

"SAIL HO!!!"

One sailor— was he a sailor?

"""SAIL HO!!!"""

The anchor for the ship was raised, and by the adjustments of the sail rotation of the underwater fin, the ship slowly pulled out of the pier. Actually.. no, I think there's a magic engine built into the ships too.

Further out towards the sea were a myriad of other vessels. One at the horizon larger than the rest– for military use? I saw a large flag with Erudite Kingdom's insignia swaying in the wind.

"Noel.. how should we proceed from here on.. this looks impossible.." Rin erred.

I looked at the sexist frog, following the direction in which it was pointing straight.. down. What the fuck.. I didn't know frogs can bend their limbs like that.. ugh.. creepy.

"Let's try to hide ourselves first."

I evoked a concealment spell using the autocasting widget— I still can't use magic. Sucks to be me huh? As for Rin, though she had the skills to use intermediate magic, concealment magic was beyond her.

"Is there a stair anywhere.."

There should be like a staircase to go down.."

"Noel, there," Rin pointed to the ladder at the edge of the

"Great job."

"I-It was nothing.."

Yeah.. her reaction was so fantasy-like. You didn't need to act all embarrassed, you know?

Huh.. it leads to the beach at ground level. The broadway-dock is built on an elevated platform.

We waited for the brawny guys to first finish climbing the ladder before Rin and I made our descent.

Sand, snow, ice..

A lot of ice.

The sound of waves crashing against the supporting beams of the dock accompanied by the sizzling sound of cracking and friction of ice being pushed onto the beach.

Black rocks, white sand.. and a lot of litter..

Let's not forget the immeasurable amount of seaweed washed up shore.

"My prince. This will be dangerous, my safety is in your hands. Ribbit."

"Noel, do we.. go?"

"I guess?"

We were about to venture into a dark desolate region below the platform. Light leaking in from the gaps of the wooden planks, forming a web of shadows that grew denser the deeper it went.


"I know. Thank you for your concern."

"I only listen to my Prince, I need not of your concern, you demon. Ribbit."

Can I roast a frog after completing the special quest? I can, right? RIGHT?

There were drunk ruffians loitering around the place. They were rolling around the sand, empty beer bottles laying about. The nauseating scent of alcohol assailed our noses. Couple that together with the smell of the sea and you just got something worse.

Rin pinched her nose. So did the frog.

What's the point of covering the nose when your mouth is still expanding and contractign you dumb ass sexist frog?!

"We're close, ribbit."

Sand was getting into my sandals. It's uncomfortable.

"We're close, ribbit."

"We're close, ribbit."

"We're close, ribbit."

The frog kept repeating the phrase like a broken record.

Hell.. does this frog want us to die or what? If not for the concealment barrier, we would've been found out by the gang of rogues already.


"We're close, ribbit."

The frog wasn't pointing anywhere anymore.

"Let's search the vicinity for anything."

I marked the map, a small area.

Rin and I flipped through the sand carefully— making sure not to attract needless attention. We found rusted coins, paper wrappings, chunks of dead something, and..

"By treasure.. it can't possibly be this.. right?"

"Don't be delusional Rin.. I don't get why that can even be considered a treasure in the first place.."

Nay way we're going to have anything to do with that underwear.

"We're close, ribbit."

"We're close, ribbit."

I used to map to scan anything underneath the sand— can't do that.

"Rin, can you ask the frog if it's underneath the sand?"

"I am Princess, not a mere frog, address me by my dutiful title. Ribbit."

"Princess, could the treasure be under the sand?"

"No. Ribbit. It is here,"

"Bullshit." I muttered under my breath.

Rin and I kept at it for another 10 minutes— and gave up. We returned to the surface to rethink our strategy. The smell of the place was getting to us, we needed fresh air.

"Fuck.. what should be do now.. hah.."

"Where exactly is the treasure, Princess?"

"Ribbit," the sexist frog bent it's limbs in a broken manner yet again.

"Is there really no way we can complete this quest.. that's stupid.. huh?"

Hey.. this is..

I turned to the crowd..

"Hey Rin, let's go say hi to someone."


"Demon, you shall not steal my Prince! Ribbit."

I ignored the frog and stopped leaning against the wall. Now, there's a marker on the map that was really close by. I can't believe we're finally meeting for real huh?

"Oh.. it's Laura-sama."

"Oh, you saw?"

Eh what? Why does she.. black hair? That doesn't seem right? And her ears weren't pointy.

I double checked with [APPRAISAL]. It states very obviously that this is Laura Rozchld An. Aria. It's also the correct marker. So why does she look so different?

Ah.. and there's that Goddess with curly pink hair. So maybe it is her? How about the Regressor? He's.. not here.

"Morning," I undid the concealment spell and went YOLO.

"Eh?" The black haired girl looked at me for a blink.

"Morning," Rin curtsied without being phased.


"We finally meet huh? Nice to meet you Laura-sama," the high elf was wearing clothes different from the ones we know from in Bleu's domain. It's got a lot of layers and looks.. complicated, to say the least. Very elf-native looking with a modern fantasy-isque feel to it. Kinda weird when paired together with her black hair.

As for the Goddess of Fate.. yeah. Everything about her is screaming fantasy. Armour with a short skirt.. does she not care about the looks she's getting.. nevermind. Looks like they have their own sort of concealment magic at play here.

"A-Ah yes. A pleasure to meet you, finally."

"I got the ice cream, do you have any sort of storage?" I pulled up my inventory catalog. Damn, I wished I stole more snacks from that supermarket dimension. I don't know if 2 months worth is enough.


"C-C-Creator-sama!" Moirae prostrated— almost, I held her by the shoulder.

"You better not do that at this sort of place."


Laura was looking at the situation with a raised brow.

Rin was making a difficult expression.

I pulled the two over to one side, away from the busy path and passed them the ice cream and snacks. Moirae has an [Inventory] skill that stops time, to an extent, maybe. If not she can just change the fate of the ice cream to not melt until being devoured.

"Y-Y-You knew of Creator-sama?!" Moirae pointed at Laura.

"Way before you ever did."

"W-Why!! It's against the regulations isn't it?! We're going to get in trouble!"

Regulations? What regulation?

"What's that?"

"A-Ah you see.."

"A warning to not come into contact with you until a one month period has passed," Laura explained it faster than Moirae could.

"So one month is up?"

Laura nodded, biting into the ice cream.

Moirae looked like she was about to explode.

These two have a good relationship.

"So.. what are you two out here for? And.. what's up with the appearance?"

"Oh? This is my engagement ring," Laura proudly showed off the accessory on her ring finger.

It was an artifact that changed one's appearance..

Her figure distorted, returning to the usual auburn coloured hair, pointy ears, high elf we all know and love— cough— I mean, the brutish high elf we always meet in Bleu's domain alright.

"It's not like I hadn't received anything from Jiwon-san too!" Moirae complained, showing off her um.. hair clip?

"Okay.. nevermind. So where's Jiwon-san? I don't see him around here.. fortunately."

If Laura knew that Rin was Javiel's wife in the first life, then without a doubt, the same would be true for the Regressor.

Of course, I've taken precaution and set Rin's race to 'human'. I just don't know to what degree this would fool him.

"We came to procure ingredients. Erudite kingdom is known for its seafood. Oppa is going to cook for the banquet later tonight. On that note, are you coming to the banquet? I heard Oppa wished to meet with Nine-sa.." Laura shut her mouth mid-way.

"Yeah.. I know what happened.." I sighed.

"It's funny. Oppa was so relieved when he learnt that everyone returned safely. In his stead, please accept my thanks," Laura stood erect and bowed with one hand to the back.

"Wha.. Wha.." Moirae, who couldn't keep up and kept looking between us.

"Noel.. we still have to complete this quest don't we?" Rin tugged at my clothes, an uncomfortable smile on her face.

"Uh. Yeah,"

"What quest? From the guild? Is it something we can help with?"

"Something to do with this frog.."

Everyone's sight turned to the sexist in question.


"Hikkh?!" Laura jumped backwards..

"W-what?" Rin also flinched.

"A cursed spirit.. how.." Laura furrowed her brows.

"Stand back, I will clear a path to light right this instant!" Moirae shouted with her might, a sword appeared in the air.

"The fuck.."

I held Rin and pushed her so that my back faced Moirae.

"What nonsense! A cursed spirit can't be exorcised using light magic! You at least need something at a level of Holy Magic!" Laura yelled.

"W-What? I didn't know that?!"

"What? Such simple knowledge you didn't know?"

"You okay?"


I pulled away from Rin.

Uh.. yeah. So that happened um..

"Sorry," I said.

"Ah. No, thank you.. erm.." bashful as always.

"My prince, please do not be swayed by the demon. Ribbit."

Shut up..