A giant portal opened on earth from which thousands of demons poured out, and so begun the battle against humans and demons. Dan Jenson a hopeless orphan who lost his parents to unknown entities is filled with self loathe until... With the system, he completed quests and grew stronger until... Will Dan survive the encounter? Pls join me at discord with https://discord.gg/Dr3bAqDEPB
"Despite the fact that I don't agree with your plan, I know I have no other choice." the summon sighed as it stated its situation, "You don't have a name and I can't exactly call you summon, so I am going to give you the name of a creature from one of my favorite books as a kid. How do you feel about Night?" Dan asked while his hand rested under his chin, "Night, that name isn't half bad." Night said with what one can only believe to be its version of a smile, "Okay, now that that is over with, apart from spitting fire, what else can you do?" Dan asked Night, "I am technically a bat so I can release ultrasound frequencies to see in the dark or when there is a blinding light meant to prevent me from seeing." Night responded with pride in its voice, "So you're practically useless for this task." Dan sighed before giving Night his orders.
"Fly to the battlefield and spit as much flames as you can at the demon while I try to heal and after he attacks you come back here." Dan told Night while he gesticulated his plan, Night nodded its head as a response and flew to the battlefield and a few seconds later, it returned, Dan saw it in the sky and felt he had a deeper connection to the bat that flew closer and closer to him, Dan almost felt as though he could control it, so he decided to see if he could, he tweaked his fingers which seemed to have no effect until Night suddenly lost control of its wings and crashed into Dan, in the process Night partially fused with Dan, giving him wings and clawed hands, "Interesting, so we can fuse." Dan said as a plan to attack Mammon appeared in his mind, "But alas, I don't have enough energy or HP to even try an offensive." Dan said but changed his tune when a stream of black liquid landed on him, refilling his health, energy and Ki. 'Hey Night, can you hear me?' Dan thought hoping that the fusion didn't interfere with their mind link, 'Yes I can.' Night replied, Dan merely smiled before trying to move the wings. After a fifteen second process, Dan achieved flight, he then made Night separate from him to ensure the fusion wasn't permanent, then he headed to the battlefield.
Present Time----->
"I still can't believe you asked me to steal the core of that demon while your teachers handled Mammon." Night said with the core still in its mouth, "How do you know the Demon's name is Mammon?" Dan asked Night but before it could reply a knock suddenly resounded in Dan's room, 'That can't be any of my roommates, they wouldn't care to knock otherwise. Night fly back out the window' Dan instructed Night through his mind as he walked to open the door, Dan slowly turned the doorknob to reveal Mr. Isaac who looked at Dan before the room, 'Why are the windows opened to that degree, perhaps he was looking for fresh air after what he saw' Mr. Isaac thought before his focus went on Dan again, "Because of today's event, you have been given a day off. After which you'll see the headmaster." Mr. Isaac said before heading off, Dan closed the door, 'The headmaster wants to see me, I wonder what benefits I can seize if I play the scarred child.' Dan thought as a psychotic laugh escaped his lips before he full out exploded into laughter, Night flew back in and was stunned by its master laughing with a crazy smile on his face, 'I have the craziest master ever but I'm happy about it.' Night thought before approaching Dan to tell him how it knew about Mammon.
A/N: I am back!!!