
I lost the most precious people in my life

Sasha tangled Rin with her invisible strings, and they all landed on the ground.

While glaring at Rin, Sasha pointed her blade again, asking,

"Now, say."

Rin bit her lips since she didn't feel like saying anything, but if she didn't say anything, then there was no guarantee that she would be saved. So, she opened her mouth

"This area that you're seeing was once my village."

In a solemn tone, Rin commented.

She then lowered her gaze as the grief of her past overtook her. She added:

"My life was typical, as it was for other guardians. Just to protect the realm and take care of the people. I was single with my elderly mother in her old age. The village here was so lively until the attack by demons happened here ten years ago... I was appointed by a higher deity to safeguard the barrier of the outer realm, and due to this, I lost my old mother and the villagers."

Rin recollected as some pearls of tears appeared in her eyes.

Sasha and others listened to her past.
