
My demon express(assassins supremacy)

Hahaha...idiots One assassin in my world is equal 5 of your strongest foot soldiers.Hahaha..... you humans!! After living his life to the least since when he was born. a young boy decides to follow in his fathers footsteps to earn money,but unlike his father,demons and beasts hunts in his paths kill and earn enjoy!! important notice:The above book cover is not mine and in case of any copyright issues contact bobod5081@gmail.com for immediate taking down.

_Overlord_you_ · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Prologue(The vision)

"Stand up before I lose composure and chomp on your remaining body parts you scrumptious human"


A bright glowing figure sat cross legged on what seems to be a throne made of dried up bones,yelled out continuously to an helpless soon to be lifeless boy on the ground in front of her as he slowly regained his consciousness....

In her crimson glowing eyes it was clear as day and all that she could see in her vision was beautiful human meat and wild blood spatter juices,oozing out from every corner in the room,but everything including the red liquids wonderful scent all seem to put a questionable level of satisfaction in her stomach...

The overall aura of the room was quite astoundingly beautiful..

-oh what perfect of a condition for her....at least from a monsters perspective.

'No you idiot! I get to eat the nasty buttocks every single time we go hunting and even manage to ingest the wastes the human body casually puts in there,I prefer the arms now!.A tall muscular human like figure stood close to the boy along with two other figures like him as they argued away ,staring like wild boars at a young boy on the ground.it had been a long time they had been personally able to see,fresh human meat in their world and the mere excitement of anticipation already made their mouth uncontrollably water.So they had to act fast before the big dogs showed up,if not they might not even get a single tooth of the human to chomp on.

However,the young boy was in front of the female figure, a person of a rather high prestige .They didn't fully grasp the absolute one sided rules of their master but it may be considered rather rude to devour ever so hastily in her presence,so they tried as much as possible to hold their beast like instinct in.Although unknown to them,at her end ,she simply enjoyed the marvelous sight of her underlings slowly chomping away at the human who had just rudely appeared out of nowhere into her presence,and even if out of her gracious generosity,she ignored his rudeness, she just can't put her finger on it but his blood scent is even more tastier than any she had ever percieved before and it would be a waste to just let it go.....right?.If not for the little control she had over her hunger,she would devour this lowly pest in an instant.

'To be sincere,who would not be mesmerized by the beauty of sliced human flesh".her smile widened even more further.

At last,the young boy had finally woken up,but to an undescribable darkness,as if it was getting even more darker by the second.The muscles he could feel at the time were incredibly sore .He could not move and not even to mention the initial horrid smell that gripped from the neck down, but all these things were not what caught his attention the most.He overheard some people talking about some "arms and legs" to be eaten for dinner or something around that point ,but somehow it didn't seem to faze him too much though as it wasn't the first time of people talking about chicken and arms and legs ever so casually in his presence. He had worked in enough chicken restaurants to see this conversation as casually in the norms,but that does not still explain where he was, why he was there and the extreme Darkness that surrounded him.

He could do nothing but stare into seemed nothingness in the darkness,while feeling a slightly painful tingling sensation in his body.

'Ah he woke up!'.immediately the three figures jolted back in wild surprise,dropping severed limbs they were holding, as the boy slowly opened his eyes and even though it could not be seen under the female's figure skull mask,she was quite bewildered .Slowly the bright smile on her face was replaced with a dim frown and her light chuckles faded from existence as she immediately realized the threat of this beings existence.


No human could possibly survive the literal breathtaking conditions of their world..

Yes,it kills humans.... rather painfully.

"Stand up!! Puny human"

No time to waste--

She stood up from her sit ,hastily walking towards the boy with her eyes glowing even brighter ,but it only took a second for her to realize the futility of her words.While she was still sat,the other figures had already began sharing the boy's body parts into even more parts and so with this, one each of both of his limbs had already been mutilated and consumed ,while another of the figure had just cut the second upper and lower limb ,both in his Hands ready to chomp away like two chicken drums as saliva mixed with blood dripped down his parched lips.so even though she used her abilities ,he just...could not stand up.

Even her powers to manipulate others had a limit.She knew this and with the face her underlings were showing ,she might not be able to seperate them from this " being " without spilling blood.It was just an instinct for them and even an high ranker like her, barely holds in her insatiable hunger for flesh.

"That was why he tasted sweeter than usual'.One of the figures finally spoke again and as the way their master acted had already given her away,the others now nodded in unison.

"D-don't tell me he is an hybri..."another of the figures stutters somberly after his brother has spoken,as if already knowing what was going to happen next.

Before any of them could say anymore,the female figure's nails lengthened and twisted, forming a sword like blade and severed all of their heads instantly from their necks in a clean cut and retracted speedily back into her bare fingers.It was done like this as if it had been mastered a thousand times,while at the young boy's end ,the blood spattered unto his face from the bouncing heads,unknown to him he had no limbs,he futilely raced to wipe it .It was rather comical of a sight and would put anyone on their back in laughter,if not for the fact that he was now facing... death!

"Stop struggling idiot"

She was now close to him and he could now clearly see, thanks to the radiant glow she effortlessly gave off. His limbs were chipped off rather messily as he could see the bite marks carved brutally into his body .They had almost eaten him to the last bit remaining only his head and half of his middle body. He quickly now came to the horrible realization that he was actually ..."the chicken for their dinner".

Instinctively,he gritted his teeth , instantly gripped by fear before almost letting out an eardrum breaking scream but immediately the female's figures eyes met with his,his mouth were uncontrollably sealed shut and she wasted more time as she carried him by the neck of his clothing with her two fingers ,just like a dirty wrapper of candy and this could not go past him without hurting his pride ,but he could not complain any longer,as thankfully something else was going in his favour because his limbs were now seemingly regenerating to their original length right before his eyes,and all the bite marks erasing as though this event never happened.

He could not even comprehend how he was not able to feel any sought pain after all of this.He had seen special healers heal wounds but this regeneration were far beyond human level!

She presses lightly on her mask and a portal her size instantly opened up in her front.

Without any form of hesitation from her side she entered partially into the portal and threw the boy completely in side.

hmpf....that was close!!

Don't worry keep reading,if you don't like dark parts skip to chapter 3 but I reccomend you read all to fully understand the story.

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