
My Demon Dormmate

**MATURE Themes, Language, & Content** “Wait, this has to be a joke... I’m expected to share a dorm room with a man? I was supposed to room with other women!” She screeched while holding the sides of her head. “A man?” The male eyed her up and down, “Did you think I was human?” “Of course, you’re human. Things like vampires, werewolves, demons, fairies, and such don’t exist. So, what else could you be other than a human being?! Don’t be preposterous!” “Last I checked, demons exist,” he coldly replied, looking offended. She snorted as she crossed her arms in disbelief, “What? You expect me to believe that? Yeah, right... Are you trying to tell me that you’re like a demon or something?”. “LIKE a demon? No, no... I AM a demon, and my name is Xinith,” he lowered his voice as he crossed the room toward her. She stepped back until her back was against the door, “That is utter bullshit. Now back up, you creep!” “No,” he said in a much lower tone, “not until you believe me. Do you want proof? Then say that magic word you humans like to use so much to find us.” One of her hands was reaching into her back pocket, where she kept a small pepper spray bottle. He noticed her hand and gripped her wrist tightly, enough that he overpowered her and pinned not just one, but both of her wrists overtop her head. “You shouldn’t have done that, little one,” he growled, his face nearing hers. The room suddenly felt like it was closing in on her. Her heart was racing, and it felt like it was in a pinball machine, causing physical pain in her chest. Her lungs felt like they were drowning, and her eyesight kept fading in and out. She immediately tried thrashing herself around but to no avail. She was having a panic attack, and he was the cause of it. --- Alex was ready to start the next chapter of her life: College! Little did she know that the administration would mistake her for being a male student and place her in the men’s dorm because of her name. She gets stuck with the single suite that has only one bedroom but two beds! Even worse, she finds out that her dormmate is a demon?! What would happen if the two had a budding romance? Is her demon dormmate just using his powers to lure her in, or is she feeling something real? Only time will tell...

Lynnifer_Ice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs


[©Lynnifer Ice – March 23, 2023]


"No bears…? What kind of wildlife is around here, then?" I narrowed my eyes as I tried to rack my brain of what could possibly have made that sound outside. I was beginning to feel anxious as if I was getting an adrenaline rush.

Why do I feel so worked up? I felt calm but confused… These feelings… I don't think they're mine, but that sounds pretty far-fetched, even to me.

"The only native mammal on this island is the arctic fox. Any other animals you see are imported," Blake explained as he rubbed the back of his neck before running his hand back through his hair, "I'm afraid you're not going to like my answer if I tell you."

"Arctic foxes? I don't understand… What could possibly make that sound then-," I froze all of a sudden, my eyes squeezing shut as a searing pain shot down my left arm; my right hand automatically gripped my left bicep before I bent over in my chair. I held my left arm tightly against my chest, which was pressed against my thighs, my forehead resting on my knees. I grit my teeth, too focused on fighting the pain to hear anyone trying to talk to me.

What the hell is going on?! Where is this pain coming from? This is more painful than when I was hit by a New York City car! Fuck… Someone make it stop…!

"Shit. Alex, talk to me," Blake lightly held my shoulders, but when he got no response from me, he turned to Liam. "Liam, do you have anything in your little apothecary that can help? I think the connection through the mark is much more intertwined than we originally thought."

"Theoretically, she shouldn't be able to share what Xinith feels or vice versa. It's WAY too early for that to even be possible. I've never seen something like this happen so early on… Besides that, shouldn't you be asking Aron for medicine? He specializes in modern medicine. My knowledge is limited in that field… I study animals and plants, you know, the old ancient medicines," Liam shared as he squatted next to me; I could just see his toes in my peripheral vision as I tried to open my eyes but was finding it increasingly more difficult.

"Now is NOT the time for a lecture. Do you or do you not have something that can help her?!" Blake bickered, one of his hands sliding from my shoulder to the middle of my back. "You'll be all right, Alex. I know it feels unbearable, but just hang on a little longer."

My whole body aches now. I feel like I'm being trampled by a stampede of elephants! If this keeps up, I might pass out from the pain.

"Uh- I think… Okay, lemme think," Liam said, still trying to examine my state, slightly perplexed that I was not screaming as one would assume any human would do when given this much pain.

"This isn't the time to lay your head in water, Liam!" Blake raised his voice.

"By the winds… When did you become so overprotective of Alex?" Liam asked as he shuffled out of the room but soon reappeared with a pestle and mortar along with a few odd-looking leaves and bead-shaped things.

"I have pants!" Aron announced as he hopped back into the kitchen but soon lost his joyful mood at the sight before him. "I wasn't even gone five minutes! What the fuck happened???"

I would love to know the answer to that too! One minute, everything is fine and the next I'm bent over in excruciating pain!

"It's complicated," Blake huffed before Aron gasped, stepping forward.


"Did you hit her or something, Blake?!"

"What? No! I would never raise my hand to her! What kind of vamp do you think I am, Aron?!" Blake venomously spat back, obviously offended.

I could feel my toes curling in tightly, my fingernails digging into my skin. The pain was becoming increasingly unbearable that I couldn't stop the small whimper that escaped.

"Then what-!" Aron went to shout back before Liam burst.

"Would you two shut the hell up?! I need to focus if I'm going to be able to make a neutralizer for her ailment! I'm a scientist not a miracle worker!" Liam shouted, his voice bouncing off the walls; even my ears rang a little from his thunderous outburst.

"Damn, dude… I like my eardrums intact, thank you very much," Aron complained before moving next to Liam. "Tell me what you need so we can make it faster. You're the potion wiz," Although, he peered back up to steal a glance at Blake, "No offense, Blake, but you're not wearing anything but a towel, and Alex's head is mere inches away from your groin. That's a bit uncomfortable to look at, and that's coming from me. Besides, I don't think she needs to see a glimpse of the beast hiding beneath that towel. Get dressed while I help Liam, please? Before you get mad because I know you don't like being ordered around, I'm requesting as your friend and out of respect for Alex."

"What if she needs-," Blake tried to stall before Aron cut him off.

What I need is help, not bickering! I don't know how much longer I can hold out…

"She shall be just fine without you for a few minutes. Quit fretting, please," Aron sighed before I heard Blake huff before he got up and left.

I am so NOT fine!

"Hand me the bloodweed and winter's grip," Liam asked Aron, his temporary assistant.

"I'm not a scientist; I'm not familiar with the old medicines. You have to tell me which ones they are," Aron stated.

"The only dark red leafy herb you see, and the one with green leaves with yellow tips that looks like a wavy aloe vera," Liam sighed as Aron passed them over, watching as Liam dropped them into the mortar, beginning to smash them right away with the pestle. "Hand me the dwellberries next; they're blue like a cerulean blue," he resumed as Aron passed them over, also smashing them with the herbs.

Hey, I know about those herbs. My great Aunt still uses them at home for things! That's kind of weird to think about, but I'd rather think about anything to get my mind off the searing pain I'm feeling. Mama Mia, I feel like I'm being given the beating of a lifetime!

"Sooooo, are you making a paste or a potion over there?" Sasi asked as he came closer, arms crossed over his chest as he tried to take a peek.

I don't care what he's making if it will work!

"A paste will be ineffective when there is no definite wound, so a potion is what I'm making, yes," Liam answered as he quickly continued, glancing over at me every few seconds, worry etched into his features.

"Someone is going to need to help her sit up to drink it, or more like force her to sit up… She's starting to sweat from the pain. What the hell is Xinith doing out there??" Sasi began to pace as Blake came back in, topless but wearing some sweatpants.

I want to know too! Is this really his fault again? It's like he attracts bad luck or something!

"I'll ease her up. I'm rather sure Xinith isn't aware that she can feel what he feels right now, or he wouldn't be so reckless. He pisses me off, but even though I don't want to admit it, he has proven that he cares about her, which is weird to witness, considering his...personality. I wonder if she even knows how much he cares because he has a shitty way of showing it… From what he told me in the headmaster's office, she's been against the idea of them together from the very start and has shown no signs of changing her mind yet," Blake rattled off.

Cares? I find that hard to swallow. He can go to hell for all I care if he keeps bringing me misfortune!

Perhaps, I could subconsciously hear the guys around me, but physically I was in so much pain that mentally, I had all but checked out. Although I was gritting my teeth, I struggled to not whine or wince, but I couldn't stop my body from shaking and breaking out in a cold sweat. I was heaving through my nostrils, fighting for oxygen. With each passing second, the level of pain just soared.

Then a sharp pain shot through the right side of my chest, and that's when I lost it. A strangled scream ripped through my throat, and I almost fell off the chair had someone not caught me. I squeezed my eyes so tightly that not even pained tears could crawl through, but I could feel myself almost being swaddled in someone's arms.

"Please, tell me you're almost done, Liam," Blake nearly pleaded, his voice awfully close to my ear.

"Yes, yes, here. Tip it all into her mouth," Liam handed the mortar over to Blake, "I think I shall need to hold her jaw in place. She keeps going back to clenching it. You need to make sure she drinks it all."

He continued instructing Blake as I felt Liam's cold hands get my jaw to relax enough for my mouth to open naturally. A bitter, cool liquid followed as it splashed on my tongue. I automatically swallowed it as it poured down my throat, not wanting to choke as I fought the urge to scream.


"This IS going to work, RIGHT?" Sasi asked nervously.

- End of Chapter Twenty-Five -