
My Dem/Vamp. system

The human Race is at war with the unknown and they need help more than anything then god started gifted people with abilities. At same time the Dungeon started to manifest but Human kind were not going to backdown without a fight. After 20 years war with the unknown world is came to peace but they don't know how long this peace going to be. Ammie have lost everything in this war his parents left a Ring with Dark Red gem in it and nothing else. He was Granted System which turn his life upside down and now he have to find why this war is happening what the unknow want from and why the dungeon is manifesting. Will he be able to get bottom of this??

ammie_kaneki · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

War and the Unknown

In year 2055 the Unknown come and started the war on Humanity the Humanity was about to crumble but the God didn't want this for human so the original started to come forward who were the first one to get the abilities in there bloodline they were the pillar of humanity and then they started to give there abilities to people. And like that the ability rune came in this world, People can get any ability they wish to buy from Market except the originals ability like The Ability to Manipulate Ice were ability of The Wattson, The Ability to manipulate light of The Lan's, The Ability to transport known as Blink from The jones, The ability of control Lightning and the most destructive ability of all time from The Star's and the military also have there Own ability that were limited to only military was Earth Manipulation but the military have other ability but that were available to public like water, fire, wind, harding and many more but there were two ability of originals that were really mysterious like the All Darkness of The Mikalsons and The Total control of The Bliss. The All Darkness is Ability to control Dark as well As light of The lan's and The Mikalson are really powerful in battle because there all darkness is like mixture of death and life they can heal any wound and they can take anybody's life energy or mana for themselves this is the most basic of there ability and The ability of The Bliss that is Total control it means they can control any living Being in this world like Mutant Beast, The unknown but the big Flaw in there ability is that the person they take control of they goes vegetable but they have there battle instinct in tact.

So, when the war was ongoing Dungeon start to manifest and humanity have to fight in Dungeon for Dungeon break. From Dungeon human start to Get Mana crystal and loots that help them to grow stronger. The Monster in Dungeon drop power core, mental core and Force core that help the human to grow stronger but that doesn't mean core help you to be invincible or let you be a ranker when someone have to breakthrough Rank they need to breakthrough there own.

There Are 9 rank in this new world the ranks are F>E>D>C>B>A>S>SS>X









X= There power can't be measure (The world leader)

After 20 years the war come to hold, humanity and Unknown come to peace treaty and the Human have come back to track and the world have gone through big change the world we know 20 years Ago is changed a lot.

Military Have introduce New Law that Every child who is 17 years have to join military School for Future war and Hunting in dungeon. This law is impose on the Big 5 family too.

[So, Hello everyone this is my first time writing and English is not my first Language so, I hope you stick up with me till last and Be safe in Pandemic.😊🙌]

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