
My delusion

author's bullshit !!! Just don't waste your time here hahaha pathetic

Christian_Morquida_7686 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


Jack POV:

I only have 5 wishes I could ask for hmmm

base on my situation the thing that will help me do all the thing I want is.... fuck it's to hard to choose

well the power level on earth is very low to non existent

there's no need to ask for OP offence ability

To much OPness will kill the fun

hmmm wait a minute I think I know what I will choose hahahaha

The only thing I need to think now is a new or unique entertainment that will only be available to me.

after 1hour of wasting time-

kukuku i think it's good enough

"old man wake up!!!"

I shout

third person POV:

Jack shout to wake up the old man

"fu*k, there's no need to shout I'm not deaf"

the old man complain

"Done thinking what will be your five wishes?*

the old man ask lazily

"Yup, already done"

Jack calmly said to the old man

"what will be your first wish?"

old man ask jack

"Give me a pocket dimension with no limit or something like a planet where only I can enter"

Jack said ask like as if his asking grandpa with a shining eyes

"wow you really don't hold back in your first wish but consider it done. what will be your 2nd wish"

old man ask again

"for my second wish give me time and space manipulation but God damn make sure that ability don't need any source of energy to work .it's pain In the ass to train it's to hassle to work hard"

Jack make sure to tell the old man the description of the ability he want . telling the description carefully will help not to cause any misunderstanding about what ability he like.

" Your so lazy brat, normally I will not grant this ability to anyone as the ability to manipulate the time and space without the need of energy source will be to much but since the world you will be going is earth I shall grant it.

the old man decide to give his although he hesitated for a while,

"hmmm I see I see..... hey old man can I ask for five more wish"

Jack ask hesitantly

the old man frow

"Your asking for to much, giving you 5 wishes is already too much don't ask for more"

"chill I am just trying my luck on you"

Jack try to lighten the mood of the old man

"Well anyway for my 3th wish I want psychokinesis"

Jack tell his third wish to the old man seriously

" ok, but tell why do you wish for it"

feeling intrigue by the sudden change in jack mood

" psychokinesis is very versatile also be use to torture some pest beside I'm to lazy to move my body just to get things out of my reach"

Jack said to old man like he's life depend on it

"So your just too lazy "

the old know the true reason

"You already know the answer but your still asking me?"

Jack look at old man and ask

"whatever let's finish this up I still have some work to do"

"give me instant mastery don't ask why"

"ok it's done so for your last wish what do you want?"

Jack POV:

looking straight to the old man eyes I answer him

"Give me the ability to go to a parallel world but with a twist. Make that world have a zombie apocalypse"

"Hahaha when I ask you if you want to go to another world you choose your past world and now your asking me to let you go to another world?"

the old man is laughing his ass off he's eyes are looking at me like I'm some kind of moron. well it's not like I care what he think about me

"I don't care just do it"

I said feeling annoyed

" Done, do your best to entertain me hahahaha"

after saying that I suddenly felt a Very strong suction force at my back and saw a black hole

" Fuck you old man"

I give him a middle finger as I got suck by the black hole

the last thing I saw is he's ear to ear smile. seeing that I can't help but smile too as I lost my conciousness

third person POV:

In a small park a small child can be seen laughing maniacally

the other people look at the child weirdly

the other pull their children away from the laughing kid

that child is none other than jack

"Bitchess I'm back!!!!"

Jack shout to the top of he's lungs

the other children heard what he said and ask their mother " Mom what is bitchess?"

the mother glared at jack and look back again to the child and say

"ohhh it's a bad word use for the bad girls"

then smile

"then Mom your a bitch because you always hit me right?" the kid said to he's mom innocently

then look at the other kids in the park and proudly shout"guys my mom is a bitch"

the mother mind goes black feeling overwhelmed by the sudden turn of event

"Hahahaha that right kid your mom is bitch"

Jack laugh he's ass off finding this situation funny

"thank you"

the kid thank jack from the bottom of he's heart

the kid look back at he's mother and said

"hahaha mom I'm proud that your a bitc-"

just when he's about to finish what he is saying the mother drag he's child away

then the other child start chanting

"she's a bitch she's a bitch"

while some of the kid ask their mother too if they are a bitch too

the mother's could only stare at he's son blankly overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events. the other mother is in the same situation

Jack find this situation funny


Jack look up

"it really felt good being a child again living without caring what might happen tomorrow"

Jack muttered while looking at blue sky

soon enough the neighbourhood heard what happened and called jack's mother and father to take responsibility and questions their parenting