
My delusion

author's bullshit !!! Just don't waste your time here hahaha pathetic

Christian_Morquida_7686 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

beginning (naturally because it's the first chapter)


That is the question that's been going through my head.

But first let me introduce my self.

I'm Jack the on and only I,by the way don't question my mental health

Ahem back to introduction

I'm Jack fuego , from the Philippines,I have live a simple and happy life. Well happy and simple in general standard, but from my perspective it's not good enough. I want to live a luxurious life, and take everything the others have that I don't have.

Well I don't really need it I just want it to be mine hahaha.

Weren't I a good person?

But sadly enough I don't have any redeeming qualities aside from being highly intelligent.

You might say, that being intellectual is good enough but no your wrong. It's very easy to say, but hard to do.

What you actually need is connection, background and lastly money that sadly I don't have.

Maybe you think I just lack hardwork and dedication to be rich?

But aren't farmers and garbage collector is still poor even though they work hard hard everyday

Back to my introduction

My life is good, a good son, intellectual, got a good family though I don't know if it is really a good family. Other have a good impression about me(hahaha although all the things that they saw in me is all fake). But I still felt empty that why I'm asking myself (why?)

Right now I'm on my way to go home after 14 hours of work, (hahaha 14 Hours of work is pretty normal in ohi- I mean Philippines)

Then suddenly my sight blackout

Third person POV:

In a void a soul can be seen floating around like a sperm.

Out of nowhere an old man appear and saw the soul.

"Ohh... hehehe It seems like I can have new source of intertwinement"

The old man muttered

He pulled the soul towards him then suddenly ask

"Oh poor soul what your name"

"I'm Jack, by the way where I am?"

Pretty cliche, it's Jack

"Well your on your way to nothingness, you died accidentally because you are hit by a flying bullet"

The old man answer and explained why he's here

Wow in Japan there's a death god named truck-kun, but in the Philippines we have flying bullet (ligaw na Bala)

Thought of the young man

"But aren't I suppose to go to heaven or perhaps hell?" Jack ask the old man

"Well because your neutral your not going to heaven either hell"

Old man answer

"F*ck! Can you send me to hell?"

Jack exclaimed and ask

"Are you out of your mind why would you go there? Here in nothingness you can have your peace and no one will bother you and In hell you will be torture forever. Well heaven is out of a question because your not good enough to be there that why your here. But still why would you like to go there?"the old man is shock and ask jack his reason

"Well because when I was alive I always feel empty and bringing me here in nothingness is to much for my poor soul. I rather go to hell than to be here" Jack respond

"I see I see"

Old man muttered while having a deep thought

"Well it's actually true just like what you said. It's pretty boring here, how about I reincarnate you in any world you want with five wish" The old man ask Jack while grinning

"Sure why not" Jack answer like it was nothing

"Wait aren't you going to ask me why I am doing this, like you might not know maybe I have a hidden agenda" the old man ask in a deep voice

"I dont care whatever your reason. You will take me out of here, and send me to a world I choose together with a five wish it's good enough" Jack lazily answer the old man

"Nah actually I don't have any agenda I'm just bored"

The old man answer jack

" So which world do you want to go? You can choose any anime verse I highly recommend it"

old man ask excitedly

" Wow your cultured?"

Shockingly ask by jack

"hahaha of course comrade "

happily answer by the old man


Jack stand up and straighten he's posture

"hahahaha enough of that tell which world do you choose? you can also choose the darkside and go to ntr world " the old man ask jack feeling happy that Jack is a fellow cultured man like him

Jack POV:

"although I want enjoy watching the MC suffer I'll pass I want to go to my original world but can you make me go back when I was still 5 years old "

I answer old man questions

"ohhh sure, but can I ask why you wish to go back there normally other would have choose the other world?"

I can see the curiosity in his eyes when he ask me

" I just want to fuck up my original world"

when I thought all the things I wish to do back then I can't help but laugh in the back of my mind kekeke

"hahahaha I like your answer"

looks like he also have a few loose screw

after few seconds of laughing he ask me

"what is your wishes or perhaps perks that you want"

" give a time to think about it"

I say,

"take your time I'll just sleep for now"

he said and lay down to sleep

+Do even a being like him need sleep+

+Well it's not like I care +

I thought after seeing him sleeping leisurely

+hmmm what should I ask for?+

I ask my self