

After the little scene with Eldor, Aldeit takes her dagger, hoping to give it back. Seraphin and Silphanie both go to the training grounds but Lekas goes to the principal office instead. It is time to discuss the coming tragedy that would befall the city in soon years.

‘I need to go to Vers’s shop as well after that.’

“I am busy.” However, when he reaches the principal’s office and announces himself, Ardius doesn’t want to meet him.

“You heard him.”

Blanche looks at Lekas with cold eyes. She doesn’t like him at all. He is a huge troublemaker who has already caused more trouble in days than most students in their full cursus here. He is definitively a bad element that should be restrained. If only the grandmaster would give her the order.

“As always, you just don’t change.” Blanche hears Lekas whispering something but as she isn’t completely sure what he said, she tries to ask him but Lekas touches the office’s doors and opens them wide.

“W-what are you doing?!!!”