
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 1

I feel like the best thing to do to help me move on is to think about our past, I guess. So here is me doing that.


Today is my first day of my joiner year and I am not looking forward to it, like at all. I hate high school. "Abby!! Come on get up! You have school," I hear my mom call, her foot steps coming closer to my room. When I hear my door open all I do is roll over and stuff my head into my pillow. "Come on Abby aren't you excited to go back to school and see all your friends?" my mom asks sitting on my bed placing a hand on my back.

"You mean my like two friends that I saw all summer and all the people I hate," I say into my pillow.

"Don't say that," she scolds slapping my back lightly.

I groan again attempting to pull my blanket over my head but she stops me, "the sooner you get out of bed the sooner you get to school, the sooner you graduate".

I groan once more before rolling over, climbing out of bed, and stumbling into my bathroom"I don't like you very much right now".

"I love you too," my mom laughs before exiting my room. I jump in the shower before getting dressed into a simple pair of black and grey plaid pants, a black belt, a black fitted crop top, and my doc martins.

"Please! Please, don't make me go," I cry walking into the kitchen, where my mom was cleaning up the kitchen and my dad was sitting eating a bowl of cereal.

"Your so dramatic," my dad says laughing.

"I'm not actually. I feel as though, I am acting perfectly normal when my own parents are sending me to Hell," I say emphasizing the word hell. I grab my cold brew and oat milk from the fridge and begin to make my coffee.

"Nope you are just dramatic," my mom says agreeing with my dad. I finish making my coffee before putting all the my stuff away and taking a long sip from the incredible drink.

I try to argue but before I can my dad says, "hey look at the time. If you don't leave now you will be late".

I look over at the clock on the stove and start to make my towards the front door in our living room, "you just know I am right. I love you both," I call before shutting the door.

"We should drop out and become strippers," was the first thing Jo says as she walks up to me at my locker once I was at school.

"Yes, I hate it here," I agree. I am about to speak again when a loud voice is heard over everybody in the hallway, Dean, aka the most popular kid at Lebanon KS high school and the person I hate the most in this stupid, small town. He is the kind of guy that moves from girl to girl and doesn't care about any of their feelings; all he cares about is that he can get off. "Actually this place wouldn't be to bad if people like him weren't here anymore".

"No it would still suck," Jo laughs.

"Yeah you're right," I laugh shutting my locker. As the group of obonouxious boys pass us I say, "you know I bet they all love this hell whole".

"Yeah probably ," she laughs.

A loud sound we rung through the hallways signalling there was only five minutes until class started, "come on we should go to class," Jo says staring to walk in the direction of her first class.

"God you are such a goody-goody," I laugh following after her.

"We are going to my class not yours, you can drop me off then go be your bad self and be two seconds late to your class," she says sarcastically.

"I'm not saying I have to be late but you want to be thirty minutes early," I complain as we get just outside her classroom. We live in a small town and our high school is really tiny so we have had a class in every classroom after being here for two years, hence not needing to find our classes.

"We have like three minutes," she laughs.

"Yes but if you didn't have me - your bad influence of a best friend - you would have been in class 15 minutes ago," I say truthfully.

"I-" she starts.

"Nope, we both know I am right," I say silening her. "I will see you later JoJo".

"Yeah, I love you," she sighs happily.

"I love you too," I say before turning and going in the opposite direction to my classroom.

I sit down in my English class just as the bell rings through the building informing everyone that the school year has officially started. The teacher is about to start talking when Dean and his best friend, Daniel, walk into the room, "Sorry we are late Mrs. Williams," Dean says using his "charm" to get out of trouble and you will be so surprised when it works.

"Oh its ok boys, just please take a seat," the old lady smiles.

"Yes ma'am," both boys say moving to the back of the room. Why do they have to be in this class? Cause there is only two 11th grade english classes and this is one of them, so there is a 50% chance they will be in your class. Shut up, let me complain.


"You will be proud of me," I say to Jo when I get to second period, her being in the same class.

"Ok? and why is that?" she asks suspiciously.

"Dean and Daniel were in my last class and I made it the whole hour without throughing a book at either of their heads," I say happily.

"I feel like that's not something I should be proud of you for and yet I am," Jo says looking down at her noteboke on her desk.

"I showed self control you should 100 percent be proud of me," I laugh.

"Yeah ok," she said laughing before the bell rang signaling class has started.