
My Dear Alpha King

Ashina Kessler was abandoned at birth and just left outside the steps of the pack house door, in the hopes that the pack that lived there wouldn't kill her on the spot for being an imposter. The old Alpha of the pack took her in and he raised her as his own. Unfortunately, when he died, Ashina fell into the bottom ranks of the pack because she never truly belonged. Farkas Herveaux is the Alpha King who is looking for his mate for 3 years. He visits every pack of werewolves for those years for the reason he's been searching for his mate, and he had almost given up on the thought of finding her. He has this urge to find his mate as soon as possible to be a better Alpha King. The moonlight pack that he was now visiting was the last on his list, Farkas, finds the most amazing smell fills his nose, he couldn't get enough of it, it was almost intoxicating and he needed more of it. However, Ashina thought she wouldn't ever be loved or respected until she met the Alpha of all Alpha's: Farkas, The Alpha King.

Rosetila · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Warm Arms

Eventually, the realization hit Ashina who came to her senses and pushed Farkas away with her hands splayed on his chest, clearly not expecting this Farkas stumbles back a few steps if he hadn't wanted to move, he wouldn't.

"You said... You said just the cheek!" Ashina splutters wiping her lips aggressively as if trying to wipe away the memories of the kiss they had just shared even though she secretly never wanted to forget a second of it, not that she would tell Farkas that.

Ashina turns on her heel and stalks into her room, slamming the door shut behind her with as much force as her small body could manage.

Farkas follows closely behind but soon finds himself on the wrong side of the door, Ashina slides her back down the door to sit behind it while Farkas knocks on it softly from the other. After a couple of moments, Ashina hears Farkas growling softly in annoyance but after hearing Ashina's heartbeat increase out of fear, he stops.

"Open the door, Princess."

No response

"I'm sorry."

No response

"You're a great kisser if that counts for anything," he yells with a big grin on his face which slides off when he hears Ashina scoff. On the other side of the door, Ashina doesn't even realize she is smiling until she brings one of her hands up to her swollen, smiling lips: Alpha King Farkas, think's I am a good kisser?

A small meow and scratching on the door bring Ashina back to her senses, Mori was trying to get into the room and Farkas thought this would be a perfect opportunity to get Ashina to open the door to him, he underestimated her intelligence.

"Can you hear that? The cat... I mean... Ginger is trying to get in?" he says in more of a questioning tone, Ashina frowns at his attempt at thinking of Mori's name but she is soon smirking. Ashina stands up and hears this, Farkas is smirking just like Ashina, thinking the cat might not be such a bad thing, it was Ashina's weakness.

Yet, Ashina's smile was out of cunningness as she opened the door just wide enough for Mori to contort his body through the small gap before the door was slammed shut again giving Farkas barely the time to realize what was happening.

"Real nice, Ashina," he growls slamming a fist on the wall beside the door leaving a crack in the wall which he instantly regretted, he was supposed to be making her forgive him not make the situation worse.

"What do I have to do for you to forgive me?" Farkas calls out, growling ever more impatient

"Get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness!" she yells back still smiling, although it wasn't how she had planned her first kiss with her mate, Ashina wasn't truly angry at Farkas, it wasn't like it was a bad kiss.

"You have got to be kidding me," Farkas says with a barking laugh but the silence tells him otherwise so for the first time since being a small child, Farkas did exactly as he was told and got onto his knees "Please Princess, let me in." he pleads

Farkas once again hears Ashina moving closer to the door but he doesn't move, she was going to want to see him with her own eyes on his knees begging before she believed him and let him in again, although what he didn't expect to see when the door opened was a phone camera in his face before a bright flash momentarily blinded him as a picture was captured of him begging.

"You didn't." Farkas simply says, still not moving

"Gotcha!" Ashina shrieks, grinning in victory. Farkas lunges for her making her half scream and half laugh as she ran into her bedroom completely forgetting to shut the door behind her, Farkas follows closely behind and narrows his eyes at her, his eyes flicking from her to the at least 4-year-old phone in her hand.

"Now my little mate, delete the picture." Farkas orders but he doesn't use his Alpha voice as he would on anyone else, he never wanted to do that on his mate. Ashina was almost his equal, so why would he ever want to control her, he already liked her free mind, decisions, emotions, and thoughts.

"Nuh uh, it is there for future reference... the big bad Alpha King isn't so big or had." She smirks sliding the phone into her back pocket "Not to mention you deserve it for what you did! I wanted my first kiss to be special" Ashina mutters, it wasn't her first kiss but she liked to pretend it was because of the other times with... George was in the worst times of her life.

"That was your first kiss?" Farkas says his voice catching slightly, she had no practice, and that one kiss alone already had him under her spell, he was screwed!

"Yes, and I wanted it to be special," Ashina says looking away as she blushed furiously.

"I am sorry you know, I never want to hurt you emotionally, physically, mentally.... everything," he says with a lopsided cheeky grin that Ashina can't smile at.

"I believe you... damn, look at the time and I got no packing done." Ashina mutters as her eyes get continually heavier as a big yawn rips its way through her body.

"Let's get to bed" Farkas smiles reassuringly "We can work together tomorrow to sort it all out."

"Thank you, Farkas... " she grins sleepily forgetting about the plan of him going back to the pack house.

After taking a shower, Ashina allows Farkas to lead her to the bed, he starts to unpeel her dressing gown from around her body. Despite having clothes on, Ashina hung onto the dressing gown with all her might, it didn't go unnoticed by Farkas who was instantly hurt that she thought he would ever try anything.

"I already said I was sorry for taking advantage before, I'm just getting you ready for bed now. I won't do anything I promise." he smiles and the mate bond lets her know that he is telling the truth, she isn't sure how she knows but she does and she trusts him.

Farkas lifts the sheets that have been messily made, the bed was lumpy and uncomfortable but just having Ashina in the bed to cuddle with made it seem to Farkas like the best bed in the world. Farkas put Ashina into bed before undressing himself to his boxers, he slid onto the other side of the bed beside Ashina who moments previous had been nearly asleep but feeling the bed lower as Farkas climbed into it made her freeze with fear.

"I need to be here so we can get all the work done early tomorrow, don't worry. As I said, I have no intention of trying anything apart from..." Farkas slides over to sling an arm over Ashina's chest to keep her close and safe while they slept, despite only doing this for a couple of minutes, Farkas then moves to kiss her neck and ear while whispering sweet nothing into her ear until he was sure she had fallen asleep so he could also fall asleep.