
My daughter is SCP 239

After a failed termination attempt, Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, also known as SCP-239, appears in the yard of Adrian Rose, an enigmatic teenager with secrets of his own. Taking Sigurrós under his wing, Adrian vows to protect her, even as his own dark past threatens to resurface.

TheKeneticLord5 · Seni bela diri
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39 Chs

Training the Staff

Chapter: 25

Adrian stood in a large plain that existed in a dimension he had created, the morning sun casting long shadows across the meticulously manicured grounds. Around him, a group of men and women, his soon-to-be butlers and maids, awaited his instructions. Each of them had agreed to serve Adrian in exchange for their families receiving whatever they desired within reason. Adrian intended to keep his side of the bargain while ensuring his future staff was well-prepared for their roles.

"Alright, everyone," Adrian began, his voice calm but authoritative. "Your training today will cover a wide range of skills. Today, we will be starting combat training but because of all of your varying abilities, I'm going to have to separate you for a bit." 

Adrian pulled out a clipboard going through the names and their ability.


Amina Adeyemi - Pyrokinesis (fire manipulation)

Zola Mwangi - Hydrokinesis (water manipulation)

Charlotte Whitaker - Spatiokinesis (Space Manipulation)

Lila Everett - Atmokinesis (weather manipulation)

Min-Ji Han - Geokinesis (earth manipulation)

Ji-Yeon Kim - Aerokinesis (air manipulation)

Hye-Jin Park - Nihilikinesis(Nothing Manipulation)


Kwame Mensah - Chronokinesis (time manipulation)

Dayo Okoro - Electrokinesis (electricity manipulation)

Bashir Ngugi - Cryokinesis (ice manipulation)

Oliver Bennett - Aetherkinesis (Aether manipulation)

Henry Langley - Umbrakinesis (shadow manipulation)

James Radcliffe - Lignumkinesis (wood manipulation)

Blake Morgan - Magnokinesis (magnetism manipulation)

Joon-Soo Lee - Ferrokinesis (metal manipulation)

Tae-Hyun Choi - Umbrakinesis (darkness manipulation)

Ji-Hoon Lim - Photokinesis (light manipulation)

Hyeon-Ju Shin - Aquakinesis (liquid manipulation)

Sang-Min Kwon - Materiokinesis (Matter manipulation)

Woo-Jin Jung - Telekinesis (object manipulation)

Jin-Ho Ryu - Toxikinesis (poison manipulation)

Adrian nodded as he finished reviewing the list. "To maximize efficiency, I will create a body double to assist with the training," he announced, and with a flick of his wrist, a perfect duplicate of himself materialized beside him.

The trainees murmured in awe, but Adrian quickly brought them back to focus. "Let's begin with the basics. We'll start with control exercises. Each of you needs to master the fine control of your abilities before we proceed to combat applications. We'll split into groups based on your abilities. Follow me if your power involves elemental manipulation; the rest follow my double and if your powers embody a concept or a non-physical attribute follow me."

Elemental Manipulation Group

The double led the group with elemental powers to an open field. "Before we start, I want each of you to demonstrate your control over your abilities. Amina, you're first."

Amina stepped forward, her expression a mix of determination and nervousness. Amina is a tall, statuesque woman in her late twenties with rich, dark skin and striking features. She has deep brown eyes that exude confidence and intelligence, framed by long, naturally curly hair often styled in intricate braids. She extended her hand, and a small flame flickered to life, dancing on her palm. With a slight motion, she shaped it into a delicate flower.

"Good control," Adrian observed. "But can you maintain it under pressure?" He snapped his fingers, and a gust of wind blew towards her, threatening to extinguish the flame.

Amina's eyes widened, but she focused, and the flame held steady, resisting the wind. Adrian nodded approvingly. "Well done. Keep practicing under varying conditions. Next, Zola."

Zola stepped forward, raising her hand to summon a sphere of water. Zola is a spirited and energetic woman in her mid-twenties, with a warm smile and expressive eyes. She has a medium build and a natural, athletic grace. Her hair is usually styled in a short, curly afro. She manipulated it with ease, forming intricate patterns in the air.

"Excellent. Now, let's see how you handle external forces." the double created a surge of heat, causing the water to start evaporating. Zola quickly condensed it back into liquid form, her brow furrowing with concentration.

"Good. You need to work on maintaining control under environmental stress. Keep practicing. Dayo Okoro, you're next."

Dayo walked forward, his posture confident. Dayo man in his late twenties with a medium build and a gentle demeanor. He has short, curly hair and warm, expressive eyes that radiate sincerity. He raised his hands, and arcs of electricity crackled between his fingers. With a sharp gesture, he sent a bolt of lightning into the sky, where it dissipated harmlessly. The double stared at the usage of Electrokinesis in contemplation before nodding.

"Good work now let's work on that precision." The double conjured a small metal target and placed it at a distance. "Hit that target without causing any collateral damage."

Dayo focused, narrowing his eyes as he raised his hand once more. A bolt of lightning shot from his fingertips, striking the target dead center without leaving a mark on the surrounding area. Adrian's double nodded in approval. "Excellent control, Dayo. Keep refining that precision."

Next, Bashir Ngugi stepped forward, his expression stoic. Bashir is a tall man with a solid build and a calm, collected demeanor. He has short-cropped hair and piercing dark eyes. He extended his hand, and a wave of frost spread across the ground, forming intricate patterns of ice.

"Impressive," the double said. "But let's test your ability to create and manipulate ice under different conditions." He generated a burst of heat, causing the ice to begin melting. Bashir's brow furrowed in concentration as he maintained the integrity of the ice, preventing it from melting.

"Good. Keep practicing maintaining control under varying environmental conditions," the double instructed.

Min-Ji Han stepped forward next, her expression determined. She had a natural elegance, with long, flowing hair and a calm demeanor. Min-Ji extended her hand, and the ground beneath her feet began to tremble as she manipulated the earth, raising a small pillar from the ground.

"Well done, Min-Ji," Adrian's double said. "Now, let's see how you handle moving the earth under pressure." He created an opposing force, trying to push the pillar back down. Min-Ji's brow furrowed as she concentrated, maintaining the pillar's height despite the resistance.

"Good. Keep working on your control under pressure. Ji-Yeon Kim, your turn."

Ji-Yeon Kim, a petite woman with an air of determination, stepped forward. She had an ethereal grace about her, with delicate features and flowing hair. Ji-Yeon extended her hand, and the air around her began to swirl, forming a small tornado in her palm.

"Nice control, Ji-Yeon," the double noted. "Now, let's see how you handle creating a barrier with air." He generated a series of small projectiles, aiming them at her. Ji-Yeon quickly formed a barrier of swirling air, deflecting each projectile with ease.

"Excellent. Keep practicing creating barriers and manipulating air under different conditions," the double instructed. The double turned his attention to the remaining four.

"Now for the rest of you."

Non-Element and Concept Group

"Alright let's get started." Adrian said "Charlotte Whitaker."

Charlotte Whitaker stepped forward, her demeanor composed and confident. She was a young woman in her early twenties, with piercing blue eyes and short, dark hair that framed her face. She had a regal air about her, standing tall and exuding a sense of control.

"Charlotte, demonstrate your control over space manipulation," Adrian instructed.

Charlotte nodded and raised her hand. The air around her seemed to shimmer as she manipulated the space, creating a small rift that allowed her to step through and appear on the other side of the training ground. The trainees watched in awe as she repeated the process, this time bringing a small object with her through the rift.

"Impressive," Adrian commented. "I'm surprised you can make rifts already. hmm did Camile start teaching you guys how to use your abilities?"

All but one nodded and that person was Hye-Jin Park. Hye-Jin Park was a woman in her early thirties with a tall, athletic build. She has straight, jet-black hair that she usually wears in a sleek ponytail, and sharp, almond-shaped eyes.

"Miss Park, what is the issue?"

"Lady Camile didn't teach me anything she said that you would start."

'hmm, why did she do that?'

"Wait your ability is Nihilikinesis right?"

"Yes sir."

"Ah that makes sense that means I'm going to need to separate you from the others for later training sessions for now you don't have to do anything for now." 

Hye-Jin gave a respectful nod and stepped back, watching the others closely.

"Alright, next up, Lila Everett," Adrian called out.

Lila Everett, a woman in her mid-twenties with long, wavy hair and striking green eyes, stepped forward. Her presence seemed to have a calming effect on those around her, as if her connection to the weather influenced the atmosphere. She raised her hands, and the sky above began to darken, clouds swirling and gathering. A light rain started to fall, and with a gesture, she redirected the rain to form a protective barrier around herself.

"Very good, Lila," Adrian said, impressed. "Now, let's see if you can control more extreme weather conditions."

Adrian summoned a burst of intense sunlight, causing the temperature to rise rapidly. Lila's brow furrowed in concentration as she maintained the rain barrier, keeping herself cool despite the heat. She then extended her control, creating a localized storm that raged around her while keeping the center calm and controlled.

"Excellent control. Keep practicing with different weather patterns and intensities," Adrian instructed.

Next was Oliver Bennett. Oliver, a man in his late twenties with a lean build and sharp features, stepped forward. His eyes seemed to shimmer with a faint, otherworldly light. He raised his hand, and a faint aura of energy surrounded him, pulsating with a rhythm that seemed to echo the heartbeat of the universe.

"Oliver, demonstrate your control over Aether," Adrian commanded.

Oliver focused, and the aura intensified, swirling around him in a controlled vortex. He extended his hand, and a beam of pure Aether shot forth, slicing through the air and creating a rift in the ground. With a flick of his wrist, he sealed the rift, leaving no trace of damage.

"Impressive, Oliver. Now, let's see how you handle defensive applications," Adrian said. He conjured a series of energy projectiles, sending them towards Oliver.

Oliver's aura expanded, forming a protective shield that absorbed the projectiles effortlessly. He then channeled the absorbed energy back into the ground, causing a burst of light to erupt harmlessly into the air.

"Excellent work. Keep practicing your energy manipulation and defense techniques," Adrian praised.

Henry Langley was next. A tall, brooding figure with dark hair and piercing eyes, Henry stepped forward. His presence seemed to draw shadows towards him, as if they were extensions of his being. He raised his hand, and the shadows around him coalesced into a dense, swirling mass.

"Henry, show us your control over shadows," Adrian instructed.

Henry focused, and the shadows shifted and shaped themselves into various forms—a spear, a shield, and a cloak. With a flick of his hand, he sent the shadow spear flying towards a distant target, striking it with precision. He then wrapped the shadow cloak around himself, blending seamlessly into the darkness.

"Good control, Henry. Now, let's see how you handle multiple targets," Adrian said. He created several shadow dummies, each moving independently.

Henry's eyes narrowed as he focused, and the shadows around him split into multiple tendrils, striking each dummy with pinpoint accuracy. He then reabsorbed the shadows, returning them to their original form.

"Well done. Keep practicing your multitasking and precision with shadows," Adrian instructed.

Blake Morgan, a man with a rugged appearance and a magnetic personality, stepped forward next. His eyes seemed to sparkle with an inner light, and his presence felt like a force of nature. He raised his hands, and the ground beneath him began to vibrate with magnetic energy.

"Blake, demonstrate your control over magnetism," Adrian commanded.

Blake focused, and the ground around him began to ripple as magnetic fields formed. He raised a hand, and a collection of metal objects nearby floated into the air, orbiting around him in a controlled dance. With a gesture, he sent the objects flying towards a target, each one striking with precise force.

"Excellent, Blake. Now, let's see how you handle larger magnetic fields," Adrian said. He created a powerful magnetic pulse, attempting to disrupt Blake's control.

Blake's brow furrowed as he maintained his focus, counteracting the pulse with his own magnetic field. The objects continued to orbit around him, unaffected by the disturbance.

"Good control. Keep practicing with larger fields and more complex manipulations," Adrian praised.

The training continued with each individual demonstrating their abilities and receiving feedback from Adrian. Joon-Soo Lee, a man with a calm demeanor and an air of quiet strength, showed impressive control over metal, shaping and manipulating it with ease. Tae-Hyun Choi, a dark and mysterious figure, demonstrated his mastery over darkness, blending and manipulating shadows with precision. Ji-Hoon Lim, a bright and energetic presence, showed his command over light, creating dazzling displays and precise beams.

Adrian's mind was constantly analyzing their techniques, strengths, and weaknesses, planning how to best hone their skills. As the day progressed, he began to see their potential more clearly. Adrian then smirked then called out to them.

"Excellent work so far, everyone," Adrian said, his voice carrying across the field. "Now that I have an idea of what you guys are capable of it is now time for my traditional end-of-practice spar against me and word of advice don't die."

The group of ten (Not counting Hye-Jin Park) before Adrian paled.

"Good luck you have 5 seconds."

In the distance was Shub-Niggurath and Camile watching.

"Do you think they will be alright?" Shub asked.

"No, but they will live," Camile responded with a small shiver.

Chapter 25: End