
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantasi
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64 Chs

The captivated soul

After getting in the carriage we were going toward the capital. Everyone was sitting comfortably in the carriage.

Lara has already fallen asleep and Trivut and Gilbert are chatting about something while I, Chris and Quinella were playing rock, paper scissor.

Harold is sitting with the coachmen to keep an eye on the guards. He has taken the lead of the Adolescent Knights without saying anything.

But I guess it's okay since he has some experience with these kinds of things and is more trustworthy than the Adolescent Knights.

Everything was going well and we were playing our rock, paper scissors and I was about to get a point but suddenly we heard a loud noise like something shattered the earth so I was going to leave the carriage to check out the thing but Chris stopped me and said it's too risky we should wait until we get some kind of information.

So I sat on my seat thinking that it was just a low-level monster or something like that and left the situation in the hands of the Adolescent knights.

I hate to admit it but I was wrong, it's not just a random low-level monster, it's the high-level monster Giant Grizzly.

I just noticed its presence after hearing the Roar, so I left my place and get out of the carriage to see its face but when I get out of my carriage It already killed 2 of the Guards and Harold was busy handling the other one's attack.

Harold used his Rover stand 4th form 'Roaring slashes' on it but it was still attacking Harold and due to its constant attack, Harold couldn't get in a position to take his stand.

Seeing it and the blood of the guards I started saying my spell "Oh! The Goddess who reigns over the light and illuminates the world kindly listen to my request and send the Spears of Avalon to destroy the evil so that I can eradicate the darkness" saying the spell I shouted "Spears of Avalon" and activated my skill 'Heavenly summoning'.

Saying my spell I raised my hand and pointed to the Giant Grizzly and a magical circle appeared beneath it and from that bunch of Spears covered in gold thrust the monster in the middle and killed it.

After that attack, I calmly unsheathed my sword and swung the sword while releasing 'Holy Slash'.

Releasing the 'Holy Slash' I beheaded the dead Giant Grizzly to scare the other Grizzly.

The monsters easily get scared if they see their species getting beheaded in front of them.

But this monster was different seeing the beheaded head of his friend the Grizzly rushed toward me at full speed.

Seeing it rushing toward me I murmured and said "You are far better than the people of my world' and used my skill 'Unlimited Lightning' and burned it to the ground.

Gilbert was trying to get out of the carriage from the beginning but Trivut held him off saying that "It's not necessary" Actually she wanted to see Itami's real strength with her very eyes and after seeing it she was happy that she stooped Gilbert or else he couldn't have showed his real power

At last, after seeing Itami's real power Trivut released him and Gilbert rushed to them.

Harold was in a good state, he just have some scratches on his body that's all while Itami is completely fine.

There isn't even one scratch on his body, seeing it Gilbert asked "How powerful are you? Even I would have a hard time dealing with them and you just finished them in a minute".

Hearing his question Itami laughed and said "By the grace of the goddess Lumenia I have a big mana pool and due to that these kinds of monsters aren't any threat to me".

A strong breeze swings his hair hearing Itami's words. He was kinda surprised to see him that calm and fresh even after using that kind of powerful skill one after another.

Hearing his words Gilbert back brushed his hair and said "Now I understand your words Hugo" Saying it he smiled and left from there.

Meanwhile, Quinella was whistling and clapping for Itami. She was constantly cheering for him even when he was fighting the monsters.

Chris tried to stop her so she doesn't disrupt Itami's concentration but she didn't listen to him and said while smiling "Don't worry darling I will just melt the monsters if they dare to approach here".

Seeing her scary smile and hearing her words he didn't stop her anymore and just looked at Itami helplessly.

Lara is still asleep; I guess her sleep is kinda deep like a well. Killing the monsters Itami simply returned to his carriage and closed his eyes.

The Guards burned the body of the Grizzly Bear and everyone sat on their seats and continued their journey.

Nobody talked about the incident anymore and just after 15 minutes, we reached our destination.

We have reached in the infamous red spider lily garden. There are some rumors that in the garden 22 murders have taken place and whoever enters the garden gets cursed.

But they aren't afraid of it cause they have Quinella with them, the curse specialist will unveil the mystery for them.

Entering the garden Quinella closed her eyes and started thinking something.

Seeing her concentrating like that nobody disturbed her and gathered around her in case something happens.

After some time she opens her eyes and looked at Gilbert and said "I have found the cause of the curse" saying that she raised her hand and asked for his help.

Looking at her hand he replied "Of course" and asked, "How can I help you?"

She pointed to the dead bodies of the guards and asked him to give her a head of the guards and a jar full of their blood.

"Why do you need the head?" asked Lara in a shaking voice. She was literally shaking hearing her words.

Quinella was going to answer her question but Gilbert stopped her and said Lara to believe in her and went to the carriage to bring a head of the guards.

He unsheathes his sword and cuts the head of the guard and brought it to Quinella and left a jar to fill with the blood.

Getting the head she waits for the jar and when she gets it she walks to the middle of the garden and starts drawing a magical pattern with the blood of the guard, she draws a star-shaped pattern with some ancient language in the corners of it and after finishing it she placed the head in the middle of the star and called everyone to gather around it making a circle.

As she told everyone circled around it and she started to say a spell "La bruja errante que ha lanzado esta maldición toma el sacrificio y lo vaporiza en el aire como se vaporiza el polvo de ayer y déjate libre de los sufrimientos".

Saying the spell she puts her mana in the magical circle and shouted "Liberte" and after that suddenly the head started to melt and in a minute it turned into a skull and just when we thought everything ended the circle lit up and the skull started to vaporize.

Seeing all that happening in front of him Itami asked "What were words you said? What does it mean? And asking it he screamed and said: "It's amazing".

Looking at his face sparkling like that Quinella smiled and said "Uh! It's nothing that awesome actually it's just a small amount of my awesomeness" Saying that she swings her head and starts acting like an actress.

Well, she is today's MVP of today so I guess she can think of herself as an actress today.

Seeing her exorcism Chris asked, "How did you do it and what is the meaning of those words, I thought that there was only one language in this world then what was that?"

Hearing his words Quinella sighs and replies "You and Itami are asking the same question and by looking at the other people's faces they are also curious about it so all right I will tell you about it".

Saying that she told everyone to sit on the ground and started her talking "At first she said let me clear something before I start explaining everything, I didn't exorcist the soul who was wandering in the garden and cursed it".

Hearing it Lara asked, "Then what did you do?"

Getting disrupted in between her explanation Quinella snapped and replied "Want me to demonstrate on you?"

Lara refused by shaking her head so Quinella continued her talk.

"I simply freed her from the chains that were captivating her in the garden, by giving her the head as a sacrifice she was able to gather some mana, and by using it she was finally able to break the chains and As for the words that I was saying it was actually ancient language our witch ancestors discovered this language long ago and it is spoken only when once need to connect with a departed soul or with demons it is also known as the language of unexplainable things". (To be continued)

Extra: The soul who was captivated in the garden was also a witch and if you are interested to know more about her then tell me in the comment.

Oh! I will tell you guys the meaning of the spell that Quinella used so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading the chapter and see you in the next chapter and sorry for the delay.