
My Dark Bloodline System

In the Year 2110, life on Earth as it was known, changed forever. Tears in space opened all across the planet, leading to an expanse known as the Heart. In this land, Mana, a dense form of magical energy is abundant, and it began seeping into the Earth. Over the next half century, humanity began adapting to the many changes brought upon by the connections to the Heart. This was made easier due to Akasha, the records of all existence. Akasha granted every living being the ability to absorb Life Force either in its Pure form, or as an artificial construct used by Akasha called experience. When wars are waged for resources and an unknown plague begins consuming several worlds, who will step up and defy their fate?

Moonlit_Author · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Stats Page Ragna (Start)

Level: 4 (230/400)

Stat Points: 0

Bloodline Lvl(1)- Draconic Demon:

Basic Traits: HP x6, Atk, Def, Spd, Magic Atk, Magic Def +25%, Aura Mx +35%, Discovery x½, Life Force Gained -30%

Dragon's Breath (Unclassified) Lvl.1: 15 Aura and 15 Magic Power- Magic Atk x 10% Atk, 5 Sec charge. Can gain additional effects if enhanced with an ability

Independent stats





Magic- 1

Luck- 9

Dependent stats

HP- 570


Magic Power-15


Dark-Unclassified: Intermediate


Unholy-Unclassified: Basic


*The only Dependent stats shown are those that actively impact things, such as Health (HP) it will be shown after all additions and bonuses are applied