
My Daddy Would Burn The World For Me

After succumbing to a heart attack at the tender age of seven, Kim Nari finds herself reincarnated in a parallel world, a realm where the impossible becomes reality. Despite her young age, Nari's intellect was unparalleled, earning her the distinction of being the most brilliant student in her school. She was the daughter of a renowned scientist who had passed away before her untimely demise. A skeptic by nature, Nari never believed in superstitions, reincarnation, or deities; she firmly held that everything could be explained through science. However, her convictions are challenged when she awakens in a new world, seemingly granted a second chance by a god she never believed in. How can she reconcile her scientific mind with the fantastical reality of her new existence?

elmina_g · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 3

The long-awaited day had finally arrived—the second birthday of the cherished princess of the Dark Empire, Jeon Hae Rin. The entire palace was abuzz with activity as everyone moved with urgency, keen to avoid the displeasure of the organizers, family members, and the Dark Emperor himself. No one dared to mess up the celebration of this auspicious day, and the atmosphere was charged with both excitement and a touch of anxiety.

"Keep moving!"

"Check every corner to ensure the cleanliness!" 

"If I see any of you slacking, the Emperor will know about this!"

As the first light of dawn began to break, the servants were already bustling about with their tasks. They were cleaning the yard, the palace, the garden, and even the pond, meticulously checking every corner where the grand banquet would take place. Anxiety hung in the air, affecting even Saja, the Dark Emperor's eldest sister. Having completed her duty of tasting the food, pastries, and beverages to be served, Saja's unique immunity to poisons and venoms allowed her to detect any foul play. Her tolerance for poisons had developed into an uncanny preference for their taste, a skill that had proven invaluable time and again.

In the midst of this frenetic preparation, Saja was taken aback to see her crippled uncle, Jeon Dohyun, in a wheelchair, gently pushed by his loyal servant. She hurried over to greet him, her concern evident. "Uncle, the party starts at eight. Why are you here so early? Please, don't strain yourself," she urged, knowing full well that her uncle would not sit idle while everyone else toiled for his granddaughter's celebration.

"Saja, my dear, do not fret. Though I am crippled, I can still be of help," Uncle Dohyun assured her, his voice steady despite his frail appearance.

"But, Uncle Dohyun, you should be resting. It's only four in the morning. You'll ruin your sleep schedule if you continue like this," Saja insisted, her worry growing. The last thing she wanted was for her uncle to collapse from exhaustion. As the sole surviving uncle of the Jeon Clan, his guidance was important to both of them. Despite her younger brother's triumph in conquering Zelneum, Saja believed he still needed the wisdom of an elder.

"Very well, I will return to my chamber once I finish my rounds. I simply wish to ensure everything is proceeding smoothly," he conceded, a gentle smile on his lips. Saja offered to accompany him, ensuring he did not overextend himself.

Their discussion about the banquet was frequently interrupted by servants needing Lady Saja's attention. Uncle Dohyun patiently waited each time, resuming their walk upon her return, until their route was complete and he departed the banquet area with his servant. "See you later, Uncle Dohyun, and please take care of your health," Saja called after him, waving as he left. She then swiftly returned to the banquet area to oversee the final preparations.

Meanwhile, Choi Yunsu was busy supervising the Defense and Security Unit. His task was to ensure that all guards, soldiers, assassins, and the Eight Great Commander Generals of the Phantom Circle were in place. Two of these generals were assigned as personal guards for the princess, along with five elite assassins from monstrous clans that had sworn loyalty to the Jeon Clan decades ago. Though the Emperor resisted the idea of having personal guards, two assassins always shadowed him, unseen by all but the Emperor himself.

Choi Yunsu, the Grandmaster of Defense and Security, meticulously assigned one general to the Empress and two female assassins disguised as her ladies-in-waiting. This ensured her safety, despite the Emperor's reluctance to lend his generals, which could weaken the protective barrier over Zelneum. Yunsu recalled sealing a Phantom four years ago, one half as powerful as the generals. The Emperor had transferred this Phantom into a female corpse, creating the first female general in the Phantom Circle.

Outsiders whispered that Zelneum was encircled by mythical creatures—faeries, goblins, sirens, and golems—claiming the empire was tainted by these beings. Unbeknownst to them, these creatures originated from the Light Empire. Among Jeon Jisang's betrothal gifts was the oldest white oak tree from the Light Empire, transported and replanted in the Dark Empire.

By six in the morning, the Emperor, Jeon Jisang, walked out to greet the replanted Oldest White Oak. He regularly fed the tree with his power and energy, preventing harm to those within his realm. The creatures, finding his power pleasing, began worshipping Jisang like a deity. He spoke to them, "Guard my daughter well. Do not harm her, do not let her be upset or cry. Identify those with ill intentions towards her. Betray neither me nor my family, nor the continent. Displease me, and I could fell this tree, but I will not, knowing children cherish nature and its wonders, especially the faeries."

The tree's branches swayed in the wind, and a flower pendant fell. Jisang picked it up, saying, "I shall give this to my child," and made his way to his daughter's residence, the Hellebore Palace.

As the morning progressed, the palace grounds grew increasingly lively. The sun cast a golden hue over the decorations that set up by the servants, and the scent of freshly baked pastries filled the air. Servants hurried back and forth, placing final touches on the banquet setup. Tables were adorned with exquisite floral arrangements, and a grand canopy was erected to provide shade for the guests.

Saja, ever vigilant, moved through the banquet area, her sharp eyes missing nothing. She paused to inspect the various delicacies that had been prepared, tasting each one to ensure they were free from any tampering. Her years of exposure to poisons had made her a formidable guardian of the imperial family's safety.

Meanwhile, in a secluded corner of the palace, Choi Yunsu conducted a final briefing with the Defense and Security Unit. The Eight Great Commander Generals stood at attention, their presence imposing and their expressions unreadable. Yunsu's voice was calm but authoritative as he issued his instructions, emphasizing the importance of vigilance on this special day.

As the hour approached eight, the guests began to arrive, their elegant attire adding to the splendor of the occasion. Nobles from Zelneum Contentinent, dignitaries from distant lands, and representatives from the Light Empire were among those in attendance. The atmosphere was one of celebration and anticipation, as everyone eagerly awaited the appearance of the princess.

Jeon Jisang, dressed in his regal robes, stood at the entrance to the banquet area, his presence commanding and his expression inscrutable. He greeted each guest with a nod, his mind already on the well-being of his daughter. The pendant he had received from the Oldest White Oak hung from his hand, a symbol of the bond between the emperor and the mythical creatures. The Emperor quickly noticed the Light Empire's Representative, but what caught his eye is the Light Emperor himself, not smiling, not upset, just blank watching them. 

As the festivities commenced, the guests were treated to a grand feast. Music filled the air, and dancers performed intricate routines that mesmerized the audience. The highlight of the celebration was the presentation of the birthday gifts. Lavish presents from all corners of the empire were brought forth, each one more extravagant than the last.

When it was time for the princess to make her entrance, the crowd fell silent in anticipation. Princess Hae Rin is walking slowly while her Mother, Im Euiki; the Empress tries to hold her hand, carefully not to stumble. Jeon Jisang stepped forward, holding the pendant aloft. "This," he declared, "is a gift from the Oldest White Oak, a token of the bond between our empire and the mythical creatures that dwell within it."

Princess Hae Rin, dressed in a gown of the finest silk that would cost hundreds of gold bars, enough to sustain two to three noble families for three good years, her platinum silver hair shining like the moon sways lively as her curls makes it bouncy when she steps her foot inside the Banquet Hall. Haerin stepped forward to receive the pendant from the Emperor. Her eyes, a reflection of her father's, sparkled with curiosity and wonder as she accepted the gift. The crowd erupted in applause, their cheers echoing through the palace grounds.

The Empress sat beside the seat of Emperor, while Haerin is sitting on the Emperor's lap. Everyone, especially the outsiders were surprised of how the Dark Emperor behaved with his daughter. 

'Of course, they expect that this could be an upper hand for them,' the Empress thought as she watches everyone who would take a glance every now and then to the Emperor and their child. The Empress quickly noticed her father, the Emperor of Light being displeased with her and the sight of the child.

"Emperor, I would like to go down and greet the Light Emperor." The Emperor who is unbothered by her and the party, let her go by slightly moving his right hand, allowing her to go. Even if she does not come back, the Emperor won't care. The Empress walked down the aisle straight to her father and greeted him and the other representatives with utmost respect and grace. 

"I feel her Light Qi, Euiki, what have you done?" The Emperor of Light muttered with a low tone, but this tone is enough to make the Empress tremble, but she stood well like how every Empress should be. "I have strictly instructed you when you pregnant not to do it, you are scattering our family's qi." He said in a low tone.

"The child needs it, father. It is to balance her growth and development. I am now an Empress, and at your level as well. I shall go back beside my husband. I hope you have a wonderful time here." The Empress expressed, still with grace, and went back beside the Emperor. The Emperor of Light was surprised by her daughter's behavior, 'What can I expect from her, her husband is a monster and she's probably getting adapted to it.' The Emperor of Light thought greeting his teeth. The Empress demands for the child and the Emperor was hesitant. 

"Allow me to carry her, Emperor."

"You have been carrying her for nine months, aren't you tired of it?" The Emperor asked and the Empress chuckled while trying to take the child off of the Emperor.

'Uh-oh, here we go again,' Haerin thought.

"Actually, I am, but the Empress is bored."

"She is not a toy for you to play with Empress." The Emperor remarked. "Have you not heard of a joke, Emperor?" He shakes his head, making her narrow her eyes; still trying to take Haerin from the Emperor.

"You don't humor me," the Emperor responded, "Also, you have mentioned you dislike children, so I worry about Haerin." He adds.

"My daughter is an exception, although the statement remain, I do not dislike her either." She explained, finally the Emperor releases the child and she had Haerin sat on her lap, and the Empress played with her hair by twisting her curls with her finger. "If only she inherited my pure blonde hair, we would have the same hair." She uttered, staring at her daughter's curly platinum silver hair. 

"Fortunately, my genes are dominant." The Emperor replied, and the Empress rolls her eyes.

'They always quarrel about my features and genes, well, not that I'm complaining, it's fun to see them like this.' Haerin thought.

"How did you obtain this pendant from the Oak Tree, Emperor?" The Empress asked, stroking the pendant the Emperor had gifted to Haerin. The flower pendant is no ordinary, it's size is only one inch, and the appearance of it is almost like crystalized flower, and it has a rise scent as well.

"It fell down." The Empress raised her brows and does not believe the Emperor's words. "I asked the Oak to watch Haerin always, and the pendant fell down."

Before they got married 12 years ago, Im Eui Ki was afraid the Emperor would eat her alive after their wedding ceremony. As a 14 year old girl, she never thought she'd marry someone her age. Jeon Jisang was only 14 as well, and he did not touch her during their night after the wedding. Jisang asked Euiki to never get out of her palace when it is not necessary and Euiki agreed to do so. After that night, Jisang entered the Martial Arts Cultivation Temple, one hour away from the Balck Palace. There, Jisang spent nine years locking up himself to train and cultivate. After that nine whole period, Jisang finally steps out the temple and was greeted by his uncle and older sister, demanding to meet the Empress right away. Both the Empress and the Emperor were 23, and had decided to try for having a child. Although, Jisang was still hesitant for having a child, the Empress asked for it, saying the child will be of help to him and the Dark Empire in the future. Jisang knew already what she meant and that is why Jisang agreed, but Euiki had one more request, it was to allow the child to live in a positive environment, and away from her own clan.


A reader mentioned that the chapter was too short, so I've updated it with a longer one. I hope this meets your expectations. Thank you for your feedback! Please continue reading!

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