
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · Fantasi
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30 Chs

Going For Gold

The group walked through the forest, it wasn't that far of a walk which was good. While the others seemed tired, Quinton was keeping a steady pace, it wasn't like she'd ever lose stamina, well actually, maybe she would, but not as fast as the others. She looked around and then looked at her hands, those green eye'd zombies weren't any more human than she was anymore, yet she still felt horrible killing them, after seeing her own brothers body turn into one of those things, and having to kill him, she knew That those zombies at one point, must have been human, just like in the movies, but different.

Quinton decided to use this walking time to check her stats and, some of the things she unlocked. Opening up her system she noticed she had a few new things unlocked, like the shop and the daily spin, usually in some games you have a daily spin and can win things from the wheel, this had her pretty excited about it, but she'd spin the wheel before the day was out, maybe not now though. "Let's see what this shop is about...", Quinton thought as she opened the shop up, when she opened the shop she noticed in the corner at the top of the screen we're tokens, possibly used to buy things from the shop, then she noticed that the shop had different categories, and right now she was looking through the items category. With that in mind she decided to look through the other categories. misc, armor, weapons, perks, and powers, Quinton couldn't imagine if the system just had every power she could think of lying around inside it's shop. She decided to open up the powers tab, and only four abilities showed up, one of which was unlocked, the other three weren't, which was strange. "It looks like I can buy this one.", Quinton thought to herself looking at the only unlocked power, this would probably give her a much better advantage, having an ability, the world was not kind to those without an ability, and they didn't really favor mythical beings either, they liked to point out the big difference between superhumans and mythical beings, because they didn't think of Mythical beings as humans, which they weren't.

Similar to creatures like the werewolf, vampires, or dragons that could take human forms, they were mythical beings, there we're many different mythical beings, but most hated human confrontation, the world was quite divided at the moment.

Quinton wanted to buy the new ability, but she wasn't sure what would happen and didn't want to tell anyone about this yet. So instead she closed out the shop and went straight to her stats. 

She'd leveled up a good 8 levels, and didn't know how many stat points she had gotten in each field, so she wanted to check. Opening up her stats there was a mini button in the corner next to a number that said 14, then she looked down at her stats and they all seemed to be the same, 25 for each. "What's the 14 for then...?", Quinton thought as she decided to press the mini button beside the number. When she pressed it a bubble popped up with words.

Stat points: Stat points may be used to upgrade stats, current stats will be displayed below, and all past stay rewards will be displayed in history.

The message read, and Quinton closed it out, looking at her stats, for now she decided to upgrade them all once until she could gather more stat points. After closing out her system, she decided to calculate the points, it was obvious that at some point, the amount of stat points she got dropped significantly.

She earned 5 for reaching level two, 4 for reaching level three, 3 for reaching level four, 2 for reaching level five and 1 point for every level after that, making 14 points in total. So this meant that she'd only get one point for every level up now. "A little draw back, but I think I'll manage", Quinton thought to herself as she closed out her system.


Candice pointed up ahead as they reached the cabin, it wasn't a long walk which was a relief. The group began to head inside the cabin where the others had packed up,ready to head out. "Your all back, that's a relief!", Amelia said, partially thinking they'd end up dying out there. "Perhaps we should head out now, while it's day light.", Alexandra explained, and Quinton raised a hand. "Can I go see my family first?", she asked, a little hesitant, but after Daniel's death, she definitely needed to tell her mom, it was bad enough her father was gone, the family had little protection and Quinton needed to at least warn them, and maybe have them come with her. "Perhaps we should head around and check on all of our people, well- besides you Candice", Athena said, earning a frown from Candice, who was still not ready to come to terms with her parents unfair deaths. "whatever... Let's....all just go.", Candice said, crossing her arms.

The group began to head out, walking through the forest with caution, mainly following Quinton who was going to her house, she never went through the forest to get there before, but oddly enough, she knew exactly where she was going, as she passed a tree and her eyes landed on it, so did Alexandra's, the spot where Alexandra had been called to look into the death of that man that morning, it was unlike no other, he'd completely lost his soul, and only a Soul eater could do that, but Alexandra had never seen one of those forms of mythical beings, and usually they leave a filthy mess all over but this one was quite clean and done with no trace's, that was why Alexandra had a hard time pinning exactly who it could of been, and even if she could, her life would be in serious danger.

Quinton was confused as to how she knew where she was going, she'd never taken this route and didn't know why it seemed so familiar. "Your wondering how you know this area so we'll?", the voice inside her head spoke oh so suddenly and she had to contain her look of surprise and annoyance. "It's a long story, but let's just say you turned into a soul reaper, usually happens when your hungry, and need to eat something, but don't worry it's not often and you don't need to eat anyone soul unless you get heavily injured-", the voice spoke, but then Quinton cut it off with a question of her own, "heavily injured? Turned into a soul reaper? When was I even hurt, what?!", She asked the voice, through her thoughts. "It's a long complicated story, I will explain it when I think your ready.", the voice said, and Quinton tried to ask another question but the voice didn't respond. Quinton didn't even bother to say anything more and continued walking until they got to her house.

When she made it to the House she went around to the front door and knocked, she didn't get an answer the first time, so she knocked again, but still didn't get a answer. She began to worry, she decided to take out the key her mom gave her and she unlocked the door on her own, opening it. She knew it was better for the others to stay outside of the house just in case.

It was dark and quiet and Quinton didn't like that, she walked inside the house and looked around but, nobody was there. She made her way upstairs but still, she couldn't find anyone. The house was completely empty.

Quinton went back downstairs and into the kitchen, and noticed a note on the fridge that read.

'Quinton, if you or Daniel see this, then we this means that I and your siblings, have left, it was no longer safe here, your father told me that Void has captured him, and I needed to leave and take the other kids with me for their safety, I believe you and Daniel are strong enough to take care of yourselves, and whenever you are able to, please come visit'

Quinton read the note and finished reading the address at the bottom of it, she would visit them when she was strong enough to protect them, but for now, she needed to get stronger first, so she folded the paper up and was about to place it in her pocket when a message popped up from her system:

You have obtained a 'Note', the 'Note' has been added to your inventory.

The message said, and Quinton was a little shocked, if she could put things inside her inventory this would make bringing things with her a lot easier. Opening up her system and then her inventory, she felt pleased to see that she had 30 inventory slots and only used up one.

Opening up the fridge, she spotted some pudding in the fridge and some other meals, they probably weren't taken for whenever Daniel and Quinton came back. Quinton took the meals out and put them inside her inventory.

she was about to shut the fridge, when she noticed something laying on the shelf. she reached for it and picked it up, looking at it closely, it looked like a ticket of some sort but it was golden, with the markings of a skull on it. whatever that meant. Quinton decided to store it in her inventory for now, anything was worth taking at this point.

once she finished looking through the fridge, she decided to check around the house and see if anything was left that she could possibly use. after looking through out the house, she walked to the library and opened the secret door the same way her mother had that day, she then walked into the room and looked around, there we're shelves of boxes and such, but nothing she could take with her. but then her eyes landed on something against the wall and she walked over to it, it had a mysterious aura to it, she walked over and grabbed it, a case that had something inside it. and she opened it and her eyes widened, whatever it was, it was so pretty, it was a bow but also looked like a sword somehow, and it was made from gold and silver, with beautiful patterns, and it had this crystallized shine to it. just as she was about to try it out though, it just disappeared, and a message appeared in front of her, from the system.

unable to use weapon: 


Level - to low

Battle tier - to low 

Rank - to low

stats - to low

Weapon has been stored in Advanced inventory slot.

Quinton frowned at this message, exactly how strong did she have to be to use that weapon? and was it even worth it? if it was this strong, perhaps she could sell it for money, but the only issue would be, how would she get it from the system? 

she opened up her system and checked her inventory, and apparently she had Advanced inventory locked until she reached level 75, this caused Quinton to frown, that was a long way to go for her from here. regardless she turned and left the secret room, closing the secret door and leaving the library, then she walked out of the house and looked at the others. "well, their gone.", Quinton sighed, and Candice eyes widened, "did void take them?!", she said in shock, and Quinton shook her head no, then she crossed her arms. 

"no they just....left.", Quinton said, feeling a little hurt that they left her and Daniel here, she knew her and Daniel weren't blood related to Nix or Mania, they'd both been taken in by them because Quinton and Daniel's parents died without any context, meaning that nobody knows how they died. "why would your mom just leave you here like this if she's supposed to care about you?!", Candice said in disbelief, and Quinton sighed, "its alright, i had other siblings and i think she was just trying to protect them.", Quinton explained, though she felt some kind of way about it, she still understood.

Quinton looked at the time on her phone and then at the others, "we should get going now, maybe check on Wendy's parents next?", Quinton said, and everyone agreed with her. the last few weeks had been crazy for everyone, their normal days turned into chaos right before there own eyes, and chances were that it probably wouldn't get any better from here.