
My first love

It's was 15th of March 2021 when I was at the end of my 12th grade .We met each other several times back at 2019 and 2020 but we never ever believe that we will fall in love .Even his best friends ask me to go out with him but at that time I had a crush so I rejected him and he is not even my type.As of what people said most of the time people don't get to love with their crush so same goes as mine.

Back to the year 2016 I had a crush for someone ,I had been liking him for 7 years and he is someone who ignored me for my whole life on earth because of the reason that he knows I like him,he ignores me as if like I was a strangers to him but sadly we are in same class ,we study together for 7 years but I went to study at other school but still I never change my feelings for him .Even though we study in a separate school I still had a change to met him on Sunday as in our hometown we have a Sunday class, so luckily I had a change to met and see him .It took a long time for someone to change ones feeling it was like there was something burning inside my heart when I saw him with some other girls ,I ask myself am I fit for him ,am I enough for him,will I have a change but that 7years which I have been keeping it myself for him was in waste after he fell in love with one of my close classmate.It was like the whole world has turned upside down,it was like as if my friends don't care about my feelings anymore.I never had a secret with my friends never believed that she will betrayed me .I was so heart broken and I thought that I'll never be able to fall in love again.

But as the year past by at the year 2019 at that time my age is 17 I met someone who was quite cute,he didn't talk much, he's very simple and not talkative,he dress simple and has a very innocent face,he is about 5'4 and didn't even talk bad about others.Sometimes while observing him,I can see some interesting things about him and that's how I start to feel in love with my first current boyfriend.We came into relationship at 15 March, 2019 and it was the time when I'm on the happiest moment of my life.Nobody ,even my friends ever believe that we will fall in love with each other.Our relationship started with a small reason,it was a night time when we came in contact with each other through phone .At first I texted him "oppa khan" (his nick name given by me)and then he replied back hello"aniyoo"(my nick name given by him).I told him I found his phone number was saved it as Amei(which means brother,or sometimes we called it to our lover like that too)so I told him that I texted him out of curiosity ,t it not the one who save his number it was my sister who saved it so I don't even know that it was him until I called up to him.

As the day went on we become closer,we were so attached with each other.And so one cold night at the month of December, after dinner we met up and had a walk for few hours .We went back to my apartment a bit early as it was very cold at the outside .We sat together ,cuddling each other,I watch him with teary eyes as I started to love him very much,he gave a very warm place and a peaceful mind .When I think about him my mind was filled with a great pleasure and I find myself smiling ,it's just some kind of feeling which I have been wanting for .We had a few chat about each others and suddenly I make a move ,sit on his lap and gave him a simple kiss on his lips.Then he pulled me closer kiss on my face and lips and we started to have a France kiss .It was my first kiss and it tasted very sweet like I was eating some sweets or candy.I can't stop kissing him,we continued to kiss each other for about 10mintues.Then I told him to sleep in my apartment as our gate was already closed.So he stayed with me at my apartment on that day and it's the first time I slept with a guy .