
Dropping Bombs

Mo Yu'er tugged Mo Zhang's sleeve. "I want to play too. Can I?"

Mo Zhang laughed lightly and said," Of course, you can. There is nothing my daughter cannot do. Go ahead."

Mo Yu'er ran up to the stage. All looked at her. Xu Li Yan looked at her expectantly. She had an idea about what she was going to do. She knows that she can hardly control herself from playing piano. That's what happened. Mo Yu'er climbed up the stool and sat infront of the piano. Then she looked at her brothers with expectant eyes. Mo Guang and Mo Huang looked at each other and then also walked up to the stage. Mo Guang held a violin and Mo Huang held a cello.

Firstly, Mo Yu'er pressed a few keys and played a tune, then Mo Guang with his violin played a tune and finally Mo Huang played a tune with his cello. The kids played a tune for solo for ten second each. And after that they played at the same time.

They had absolutely perfect synchronization.

Mo Yu'er looked very gentle and beautiful sitting infront of a piano and playing it with her eyes closed.

Mo Guang held the violin with the support of his neck and his serious face had a wonderful type of handsomeness.

Same goes for Mo Huang. He was standing, holding a cello and played with extreme seriousness.

They played really well. Although there were some faults but these could only distinguished by the real, great musicians. In the ears of all others, it was absolutely perfect.

Mo Zhang could not believe what he was watching and hearing. His children were so good.

Slowly their tunes began to slow down and they gave a perfect ending. It was a fantastic performance. Mo Yu'er stood up and came in between her brothers. The three of them gave a gentle bow.

The audience erupted. All types of cheering and shouting sounded.

The host also came forward.

Xu Li Yan was still standing on the stage.

Mo Zhang could not take any more. He went up to the stage and hugged the three of them. He had a proud smile on his face and his smile could not be controlled. He kissed the forehead of them.

"Wow. Wow. Wonderful!!!" The host began to talk. "It was absolutely fantastic. They are so young and are so talented, Wow. I just cannot say any thing else."

The claps.....

"I don't know much about music. Let's ask Li Yan." The host asked Xu Li Yan, "What do you think?"

"What can I say? I can only say what my mentor used to say me."Xu Li Yan took a deep breath and said, "Each generation surpasses the previous one. These kids are going to surpass us."

The claps.....

"Mr. Mo hasn't introduced us these kids officially yet." Suddenly Xu Li Yan asked what was in minds of everyone, tonight.

"Oh.." Mo Zhang held the microphone, "I feel really proud to introduce them to you. These are my children."

*Boom* Although everyone had a guess, it was still a shock for them to hear Mo Zhang admit it.

"This is Mo Guang, the eldest.

Mo Huang, the second one and this is Mo Yu'er, the youngest one. They are triplets." Mo Zhang introduced his children to everyone.

Erika Song took a deep breath to controll her emotions.

"Oh.... that was really sudden." Xu Li Yan spoke, "Three kids out of nowhere. Don't mind but tonight, I've heard many people whisper that these are your .... illegitimate children?"


People widened their eyes. Li Yan is really not afraid of death.

"No! they are my legitimate children. Their mother is my wife. We are a married couple."


Another bomb dropped.

Erika Song turned pale. She looked like as if she were going to faint any second.

Xu Li Yan supressed the smirk on her face and spoke casually.

"Oh.. so you knew she is the mother of your children so you married her to give them a proper status." She nodded her head understandingly. Every one also thought so.

"Li Yan!" Mo Zhang shouted in rage.

"Yes !? Did I say something wrong?" She asked innocently, "Then why don't you correct me?"


Mo Zhang realized that he has to make it clear for everyone so that no one ever points his finger at his children and their mother.

"Listen carefully. I married their mother six years ago."


Another bomb.

The people were dumbfounded. This was alive broadcast so everyone knew what was going on. The whole nation was stunned.

"She got pregnant after our marriage. These are my completely legitimate children. I don't want to hear any kind of nonsense in future." Mo Zhang warned everyone.

Xu Li Yan smiled triumphantly. She had achieved what she wanted to achieve tonight. No no one will point fingers at her sister and her children. It was necessary for Mo Zhang to say it himself so that no one spread random rumors that may have a negative impact on the children's innocent minds. Now....

"Oh... very well, then President Mo, You were fooling around all these years even when you were married." She said mockingly.

"..." Mo Zhang didn't take this factor into account. He was in hurry to protect the status of the kids that he forgot his own status.

"You know what, President Mo, If I were in you wife's place, I would be seriously considering divorcing you." This, she didn't spoke in the microphone.

Mo Zhang furrowed his brows.

"And take the kids away, forever!" Xu Li Yan said this sentence in a rather serious tone.

"You dare...!" Mo Zhang said threateningly.

"I am not the one taking them away, but their mother." Her tone again became casual and playful. "I think their mother must have a powerful background and she must be a really capable woman to be able to raise these outstanding kids." Again she spoke in the microphone for everyone to hear.

"Look at how they behave, how they move. They didn't get nervous infront of such a large crowd. They play these musical instruments really well. They have all the qualities of the kids belonging to the elite families have, maybe even better." Every one nodded.

"So do you think that if she really wants to do so, you can stop her?" She lightly played with a strand of her hair with her fingers and continued in a voice only the two of them can hear.

"The kids lived with them for six years. Who do you think the court would give their custody to? Their mother who had been taking care of them or you, their father, who only fooled around with various women?"

"Who do you think the kids would choose? Their mother, who raised them painstakingly or you, their father, who didn't even know about their existence till yesterday?"

"Don't need to flare up. Just calm down and think calmly."

"Good Luck, President Mo." She said lightly and stepped down the stage.

What do you think of Mo Zhang's announcement and Xu Li Yan's words? Let me know in the comments. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

EvangelinaRosecreators' thoughts