"Too late, Papa!" Ryushin displayed a wry smile. "All Ryushin's friends at work already know and brand papa as a man who likes to get drunk," continued Ryushin, sadly.
"Papa is really sorry, Shin!" said Jangjun again. I don't know how many times he said sorry.
Ryushin shook his head quickly. He was trying to understand his father. But, it feels very difficult. A few days after the incident they did not even speak to each other. After school, go straight to part time work. And when he came home at 8 pm, Ryushin went straight to sleep. The next morning he got up at dawn and sold newspapers. After selling newspapers, he went to school. And so on, Ryushin couldn't feel his fatigue because his tiredness had reached its limit. But, he never complained about it.
Ryushin didn't say anything at the moment. It was too much on his mind that Ryushin couldn't think anymore.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
There was a knock on the door of their rented house.