
To My Child

To my child, when I conceive you

Never give up,

the world may seem hard and everyone is against you,

but promise me you will stay strong.

You will always be loved,

despite what that boy or man tells you.

I can promise you, you deserve to be happy

so stand up and learn to fight.

Look towards the future,

stay in the present,

and remember the past.

The past holds the lessons of your mistakes,

the present is here so live it,

and never forget the goals you set for the future.

Keep your head high and keep pushing towards your future.

My child, I will always love you,

I can be a million miles away,

but a phone call away,

never forget that.

I will always keep my door open for you.

Continue with your education,

it may seem hard and worthless,

but I promise you, my child,

you will understand one day why it is so important.

My child,

please trust me.

I will be there when you learn to talk and walk,

I will be there when you have your first mate,

and when you graduate from school.

I will be there during your first heartbreak

and I will be there when you find the right man

and get married.

So please talk to me when you feel like no one is there.

I promise you, what you tell me, I have already been through.

It may not be the same as you, but I will understand.

My child,

please never give up on me,

I may become old and I may not know how to use the new technology,

so teach me.

I won't get it at first so don't get frustrate and give up.

Remember I taught you to walk and talk.

To my first child and all my children after,

I will always be here,

I will always love you.

So never let the world take that away from you.

The world may crash down on you,

but get up and show the world you are strong.

My child,

show the world you are better than the people who bring you down,

I promise you it will only be temporary,

and soon those people will see the consequences,

it may not be today or tomorrow, but they will.

So don't get revenge because they hurt you.

My child,

you are my child,

you always will be no matter how old you get.

So remember when you feel like life may not be worth living,

it will always hurt someone

as you are as precious as the stars above.

So never give up.