
Chapter 86


My eyes flickered open. Blurry ceiling tiles came into focus above me, and the sharp scent of antiseptic burned my nose.

Where was she? I craned my neck, peering around the small hospital room. Empty. Panic bubbled in my chest. Where was Elora?

"Nurse!" My throat was raw. I winced, swallowing hard. "Where's my baby?"

A woman in pink scrubs hurried to my bedside. "Please try to relax, Miss Blackwood."

"Relax?" I rasped. "How can I relax? Where is she?"

Oh god, did something happen to her? But the doctor said she was healthy when they checked last time. "Is she okay?" I breathed.

The nurse checked my IV, avoiding my gaze. "The baby is perfectly healthy. She's in the nursery with her dad."

Her dad?

"I want to see her." I struggled to sit up, clutching the thin blanket. "Bring me my baby. Now."