
Chapter 125


As I stepped inside the warm, cozy house, I noticed that Lucas was already asleep. Mary, Giovanni's housekeeper, sat in a rocking chair beside Elora's crib, gently swaying back and forth. She turned to me with a warm smile as I entered the room.

"Was she a good girl?" I asked.

"A perfect baby, this one is," Mary replied. "Didn't cry much and went right to sleep after feeding."

I smiled proudly. "And Lucas?"

Mary let out a soft giggle. "He is a bit of a handful, but not in a bad way. He was curious about everything. Asked me a lot of questions."

"Just like his mother," Giovanni's voice boomed near my ear. I felt his warmth seeping through me as he wrapped his fingers around my waist and pulled me against his body.

Mary got up. "I will return to my room now, Signor Leones and Signora Blackwood. Is there anything else you need from me?"

I shook my head. "Thank you for watching the children, Mary."