

Jihye was looking at the CCTV records, she got curious about what happened last night. Lauren cried so hard last night that it took Jihye time to soothe her, she felt her sadness and asked Jennie to bring her father back. The dancer couldn't do anything but call the other maids to calm her down.

After thirty they managed to calm her down on Jihye's chest. Jihye didn't sleep well and decided to call Leslie and tell her everything she wanted to be here at first but Jihye told her that Lauren was fine and she will just update her the next day.

"Well, the orb that Lauren was following is her Dad" Jihye looked at the Man in confusion

"How'd you say so? Isn't that because of the light and the camera type?" Jihye inquired replaying the clip.

She decider to hire a professional paranormal and a camera expert which she will surely need for the answers that she needs.

"Well, orbs identified as ghosts and loved ones. As you can see in the clip the orb was in the kitchen then after a few minutes the orb went to Ben's office and that's when your wife comes down and called the guard and they went inside the office and I guess they see nothing but the orb comes out and went back to the living room as it stayed in the stairs wherein Lauren was already looking at it in difficulty and when the orb went up to stairs that's when Lauren followed going straight to her father's room" Jihye sighs, it is true and the evidence was so strong.

"Is my wife will be alright? Do you think Dad is still here?" Jihye asked looking at the Paranormal expert "My wife is pregnant just to remind you"

"You don't have to worry Mrs. Jeung, your wife, and child will be okay. I guess Ben just vanished and said his last goodbyes" The Paranormal experts say while Jihye sigh

"Alright, Thank you," Jihye said while handing them the money. She instantly went into her wife's room seeing Lauren in a deep slumber. She sat in the bed and took Lauren's hands to intertwine them with her, she kissed it and so is the CEO's forehead. She wanted to wake her up since she was the one who made some breakfast. Just then, her phone rang revealing Suzy. She quickly answered it and

"JIHYE! YOU FUCKING NEED TO TELL IF LAUREN IS DOING FINE!" Suzy shouted causing Jihye to pull the phone in her ears.

"Jeez, your voice" Jihye said groaning

"I'm sorry but please you have to tell me if Lauren is doing alright. I heard the news from Aunt Leslie yesterday and I couldn't sleep properly"

"She's doing fine, it took us time to calm her down but everything is going well right now. She's asleep right now" The dancer said sitting in the swirling chair.

"Okay, Megan and I will be there soon. I just have things to finish" Suzy said while Jihye heard Megan's voice asking if Lauren was doing fine. She couldn't help but smile since a lot of people cares for her wife. She hung up the call when Suzy said goodbye she sighs.

"Honey, J? Where are you?" Lauren said causing Jihye to stand up and come to her closely she realized her wife was still asleep maybe she was dreaming she rubbed her arms and kissed it

"Honey wake up, I'm here," Jihye said soothingly while kissing her neck and rubbing her arms. She shook her lightly causing Lauren to open her eyes "There you go, my Love" Jihye rubbed her wife's cheeks.

Lauren just sat up and hug her tightly Jihye hugged her back and kiss the side of her head. The CEO rested her head on her wife's shoulder and the dancer rubbed her back "How was your sleep? Is it fine?"

Jihye's heart fluttered when her wife asked that, even though she's feeling this way and she knew that Lauren wasn't quite fine yet she still managed to ask "Honey, my sleep is alright. That's the question I need to ask you that. How are you? How is your sleep? Is it okay? Are you feeling okay?" The Dancer asked cupping her cheeks "My baby's eyes. I'm so sorry baby"

Lauren smiled "I'm doing fine because I'm with you. Thank you, Thank you for taking care of me last night"

"Honey, I will always do that because you're my wife and I love you so much. I will never let anything happen to you because you're my life and you're pregnant with my baby" Jihye muttered resting her forehead with her wife

Lauren doesn't know what to say so she just hugged her tightly and kissed her cheeks thanking God nonstop how in the world she got so lucky to have her.

"Honey, I prepared breakfast. How about let's eat and walk to the park? How's that sound?" Lauren grinned "Maybe Jayden is hungry also" Jihye kissed her wife's tummy

"Carry me?" Lauren gave her the best puppy eyes causing Jihye to laugh and pinch her cheeks

"How could I say no to that adorable face?" Jihye asked pinching her wife's cheek and carrying her going straight to the kitchen. Jihye was making some sounds causing Lauren to laugh loudly. When they entered the dining area the foods were already served and Jihye put her wife down.

"Woah, this was all my favorite. Did you cook it?" Lauren asked one of the maids

"No, but I'm happily telling you that your wife cooked everything for you" Lauren looked at her wife who's already grinning at her.

Jihye pulled out the chair for her "Why thank you" Lauren said "Anything for you" Jihye winked as Lauren blushed.

The breakfast is ham, bacon, eggs, and toast and Jihye decided to cook some waffles since it was her wife's craving in the past few days. They were being sweet. Seems like Lauren didn't remember what happened last night but Jihye was happy seeing her all bright up.

After they ate breakfast, they both took a bath together and finally went to the park. They were walking hand by hand while their bodyguards were behind them.

"What's the special spot that you usually stay to release your stress?" Jihye asked putting their intertwined hands in her hoodie pockets

"Hmm, in Daddy's grave. I usually visit him every time I had Time and need to go overseas. I bring him flowers every time and stay there for a good two or three hours with my bodyguards but aside from Daddy's grave hmmm in your heart" Jihye chuckled

"Is that so?" Lauren hummed and the dancer kiss the side of her head "You know, ever since I got married to you my life changed a lot, I got to learn how to manage my time well, do errands, take care of myself, and you. My life gets better and better every day, there were colors when you become my wife" Lauren smiled and swayed both their intertwined hands together

"Why? I mean do your fans don't give your life some colors? Didn't your fans make your life better every day because they give you or your members to have some motivation?" Lauren asked while Jihye pulled her closer

"I love my fans but you know it's different when you have your partner or love life because you have someone that will ease your stress and tiredness, they are always your vitality, they take care of you well and you, you all have that you make me so inspired every day, you make my day and life better," Jihye said sincerely while Laurene smiled at her and they sat at the bench.

"To be honest with you, you're the first person ever who became serious towards me" Jihye looked at her confused

"What do you mean by that?" The Dancer asked intertwining their hands while Jennie's rest her other hand in her wife's tummy

"Well, you know Liam right?" Jihye hummed "well, I had a lot of flings back then" Jihye's gripped her wife's hand

"Why isn't it in the media?" She asked curiously

"Because I want everything to be confidential I tried dating but you know they were all serious in the first place but when it becomes longer they will just shut you off or either way leave you without even saying anything. I never had a true love but ever since I married you everything changed" Lauren said while Jihye smiled "you know I ended up thinking that maybe there's no one for me and I deserve to be alone, I deserve to not have a family and be married but I was wrong because Daddy and Mommy gave me the charming and adorable Woman" Lauren told pinching her wife's cheek while Jennie was smiling

"I love you so much" Jihye mumbled kissing her wife's hand

"And I love you so much more" The CEO mumbled resting her head on her wife's shoulder. They stayed there for two hours talking about some random things while Jihye was rubbing her wife's tummy. They both enjoyed this kind of moment not because of the scenery but because they have each other and they knew to themselves that this will always happen.

Lauren told William to drop them off at the cemetery because they will be visiting Ben's grave. Right after that thing happened all the CEO wanted to do is visit Ben and say her last goodbyes. She knew what happened last night is not a hallucination but everything was so true and she felt her Dad's warmth and comfort. She will never forget that day.

"Woah, I didn't know Daddy's grave was private," Jihye said looking around while Lauren wiped Ben's picture. They were inside already and Jihye was looking all around the room "This wasn't in the news is it?"

"Well, it was televised seven months when Dad was buried. I tried my best to keep it since I wanted my fans and him to visit this place two years after but media is shit sometimes they will never leave your life alone but I understand it's their work though" Jihye shook her head, this was her first time hearing her wife cursing she doesn't want to reach it at first since they were at the graveyard she wants to pay respect for her father in the constitution.

"Just let them be, at least they were bringing some flowers" Jihye mumbled placing the flowers and lighting the candles. She was shocked at first at how luxurious it is, everything was Gold she realized that Ben is a billionaire and well-respected person. She looked at her wife fixing the flowers and she realized that Lauren is the daughter she has more fans and a lot of people like her because of her kindness and visuals. For sure, they were sad and feeling envious of Jihye because she got the chance to marry the Woman. Lucky indeed.

Lauren started praying and saying all the things that she wants to say to her Dad. Jihye was just here to listen she doesn't know what to say but deep inside her, she wanted to meet him personally and thank him nonstop for bringing Lauren into her life. She wanted to see him again or try to show himself to the idol since the girl wanted to talk to her but it was too late. All she could do is just pray with Lauren and say all her promises in life and for his one and only daughter and soon-to-be grandson.

They ended up staying there for a good three hours, Lauren told everything about Ben's life and how he became successful she truly doesn't want anyone to know it since she wanted to keep it a secret not because she is selfish but it was just Walton's way that her Grandfather also did that. William and Romel also joined them and they talked to Jihye a lot more likely wanting to know her more since it was their boss's wife and she also need to be respected. They of course laugh, tell some jokes and tell how they applied in Lauren's company as her bodyguard and driver.

They even told Jihye that they admired Lauren because she was generous and gave them a break whenever they need to, she will give them everything that they need because they have their own family and children which also Lauren was close to them. Jihye fell in love more with her wife, she will never forget how lucky she is. After that, they finally go home and just cuddle all day.

"And this is the meeting room," Lauren said

"Babe, I don't know if I will be able to remember everything when I started working here," Jihye said nervously while Lauren chuckled. The icon asked her wife to tour her already on the company because she will be working soon since Jihye wanted to handle it at of the moment.

"You will memorize every room soon but you will just stay in my office because all the workers will just knock on the door if you need to sign the papers and they were the ones that will be scheduling the meeting if you need to be in that conference," Lauren said opening the door of her office "and this is my office"

"Woah, this is huge," Jihye said looking around and the view "Do you like sleep here sometimes?"

"Yeah I do, I have my room in here but I barely sleep in that room because Daddy doesn't want me to be alone in this huge office"

"Well yeah, I like your name in this. Lauren Jane Walton. The Chief Executive Officer of Walton's Modeling Agency" Lauren smiled while getting something from her cabinet

"Well, I guess this would be changed as of the moment" Lauren placed the name on the table "Jihye Amera Jeung. Co-Chief Executive Officer of Walton's Modeling Agency" Lauren said looking at her wife who has her mouth hung open and blinking many times "Babe? What do you think?" The CEO asked

"I-I, U-uh," Jihye said not knowing what to tell

"Babe?" Lauren asked worriedly

"Honey, y-you don't have to? I-I can't take that I mean this isn't my company but yours and Daddy's. I don't have the right to be a CEO or Co-CEO because I'm just here to manage everything because your pregnant" Jihye said sitting in the swirling chair

Lauren shook her head and sat on her wife's lap circling her arms around her neck "Honey, look you're part of this now, you're my wife, you're Daddy's daughter in law and most of all you're part of the family. You have the right to manage everything and be the CEO of this company because my other half is you and Daddy said we need to help each other helping and grow this company together" Lauren said looking straight at her wife's eyes while Jihye rubbed her cheeks

"I know but you know this is too much, I know we will manage the company soon but being the CEO of this famous agency I think it is too much"

"No, it's not. Honey, you have to think that all the things you have are also yours and --" Lauren muttered

"And all the things that I have is also yours"

"That's what I'm saying Honey, we have the right to manage and do everything with our business as long as we have our limits together. This..this agency is also yours. You're part of this already and I already confirmed it to the media yesterday" Jihye doesn't know what to say but she just kissed her wife passionately while Lauren sigh and kissed her back feeling that Jihye finally agreed. Lauren slowly pulled out and rest their foreheads together.

"Thank you. I don't know how will I thank you, you're so perfect and I will never hurt you and never let anything happen to you and our baby. I love you so much, I truly do"

"You have been doing everything for me and I want to do everything for you also and these are the things that I will do because you deserve this and you...you.fucking.deserve.me" Jihye smirked

"You sound so tasty when you curse. You should do it more often because it seems like you're being so possessive and it turns me on"

"Oh, It did? Well again. Fuck you, Jihye, you're mine" Lauren kissed her passionately but it was more heated, their hands are roaming around on each other's body and they knew where this is going but just then there was a knock on the door causing Jihye to groan and Lauren pulled out

"Come in," Lauren said wiping the corner of her lips because the lipstick was messed up already. The door opened revealing the manager of the audition floor with another woman in her mid-thirties

"I'm sorry If I'm disturbing your time with your wife Mrs. Jeung but can we just meet you after an hour?" Jihye looked at Laurene with puppy eyes the CEO just chuckled at her and peck her lips.

"When we got home, I'll give you some" Lauren whispered and stood up properly and faced the secretary "No, it's fine. Anything you need to say?" Lauren asked sitting in her chair.

"Uh, it was about the new choreographer and she was wondering if she could apply even though it's overseas" Jihye formed an O to her mouth while Lauren looked at her closely wanting to see if she is professional or not. She has this sense that everyone was surprised and adored her because of that. She was just so perfect and professional when it comes to business and her work. That's why a lot of people are also having a hard time applying to this company or related to the Walton's since Lauren was looking for a professional one but a lot of people are still trying their best to apply even though it's hard.

"I see, well tell me about yourself then Miss," Lauren said while looking at her CV. The Woman introduced herself and the CEO learned that she is indeed a professional dance mentor and went to an expensive school and she even won a lot of awards "Uhm, can you show us some samples? Like you know your dancing skills" Lauren asked

"Sure thing but right in here?"

"Well, we can go to the dance studio and I guess my wife will be the one deciding if you will be hired or not. She's a dancer" Lauren pointed out causing Jihye to nod in confidence, of course, she wants to show Lauren that she deserves to know all the works here. The Woman nodded and they all went to the dance studio.

The Woman showed off her talent, she's instantly hired and Lauren will be the one paying for her rest house in Korea and her flight. This is what people like about it if they tried to apply to this company and Lauren will put them overseas she will be the one paying for their bills.

After that things, They both got home, and the rest of course as Lauren promised she gave some to Jennie for the whole afternoon besides Lauren's hormones are blowing up right now. It was already eight in the evening and Lauren got out of the shower and Jihye was looking at her phone scrolling to her Instagram.

"Honey, Do you have any idea when Suzy will come here?" Jihye asked, she was just wearing her sports bra and sweats

"No, she hasn't sent me an email nor text why?" Lauren asked sitting at the edge of the bed and applying some lotion to her legs

"Megan just posted something on her Instagram they were on the plane and has a lot of luggage. Do you think they'll be here?" Jihye asked while she showed Lauren the picture as she hummed

"Well, I got a lot of missed calls from her but I didn't text her since you know I forgot but maybe they'll be here already"

"So, can Megan be my assistant? And Suzy will stay here with you so she knows how to handle you and how to take care of you" Lauren raised her brow and smirked

"Why though?" Lauren questioned smirking at her, she knows Megan is also a top in the relationship

"Because I will never have a serious and peaceful life when you're with one of my friends you know they are top in the relationship and I will never leave them with you because they also admire you and have a huge crush on you when they were still single. Don't worry, Megan has some experience working in the office and she has a lot of ideas because of Suzy" Jihye said looking straight into her wife's eyes "and you're just mine, I can't trust my friends to be honest" Lauren rolled her eyes but chuckled her wife is surely the possessive type.

"Okay fine, but can I trust you all?" Lauren curiously

"Hon, trust me we will manage the company well. You can also visit because you know you're certainly are the owner" Lauren just peck her lips and two times and Jihye smiled "Want to order take out?"

"In n' out?" Laurene asked standing up while Jihye hummed and instantly called In n' out. The night was filled with movies and other things more on like making out and pecking each other.

For the next few days, Lauren has been staying in the house doing some work online and doing some online meetings on the agency at the Entertainment in Korea she was also evaluating the models that were already on the survival show and reviewing the series.

Jihye, on the other hand, started working and managing the company, everything was stressful at first but manage to get used to it when Lauren was giving her some advice and the easiest way at everything. But, she never forgets to take care of her wife and to look after her and took her out on some dates, they also visit Ben's grave and stay there for three hours.

Lauren couldn't be more thankful, Jihye has been doing everything for her and even taking care of her after her work. They also bought some new things for the baby and Jihye even started working on the baby room sometimes with the help of Lauren but Jihye has been trying to stop her because she doesn't want her to work too much so Lauren just let her but also she was making her some meals sometimes.

Jihye was also getting some updates on the house and everything was going alright. Dohyun has always been on the property and so is Leslie and her family. They are checking it every time and her father is updating her. She was just thankful that everything is going well with the house.

They were living so well together, they fight sometimes due to some things that were a bit private but they are managing to fix it since they can't stay mad at each other, they help each other a lot and do the things that they want.

After three months of staying in Los Angeles, they finally decided to fly to Paris already wherein Lauren has a luxurious house that she bought three months ago together with Jihye.

They are living there already for two months now and Laurene was already thirty weeks and her tummy is already thriving, she is now on maternity leave and Jihye was already really taking care of her she couldn't do too much because her tummy and body are getting much heavier. She is currently laying down on the bed while Jihye is already fixing the things that they need in the hospital.

"Baby, do we need to bring some clothes for Jayden?" Jihye asked getting some clothes out for Jayden

"Yes, Mommy told me that she should bring four to five clothes since for sure I will be staying in the hospital for three days," Lauren said while rubbing her tummy since it was huge already

"Okay then" Lauren smiled at her wife, she has been wanting to do this because she has been very excited when the baby comes out "should we also bring some baby powder?"

"No, it's fine. By the way" Lauren said sitting up as Jihye helped her "Can you bring out some clothes for me? I might take a shower" Jihye hummed and peck her lips

Jihye took out some clothes and handed them to her wife but something caught her attention when Lauren was standing up

"Honey," Jihye said in a shocking tone while Lauren got worried

"What is it?" Lauren asked instantly "Is everything okay?"

Jihye's eyes went wide and let Lauren lay in the bed again "Baby, our Jayden is kicking" Jihye said in amusement

Lauren chuckled when Jihye hold her tummy, she never gets the chance to see this moment "I know Hon, he's stubborn sometimes and doesn't stay in one place"

"I love him so much and I love you so much my love, you're amazing," Jihye said rubbing her wife's cheek

"And we love you so much more," Lauren said pecking her lips.

'I'm gonna be a parent soon' Jihye mumbled to herself