
Chapter 98- Applicants.

Raina's POV.

When he said that I couldn't even hide the Embarrassment I felt, I didn't even know some of them could still say this or attack me in any way, it was obvious the subject didn't die down like I thought, some of them still talked about it, in whispers, but no one ever said that to my face, and he did that, I could feel the stares, I was alarmed and also pissed at the same time, it made me upset that people still acted this way, he really threw me off balance, and the funny thing was my lack of comeback to say to him.

After few minutes, I decided to ignore him totally, I didn't even have a comeback, and I didn't want to revisit this subject again, so I heaved a long sigh and collected myself back.

"Why did you say that, why will you even say that?" Mrs Boris asked him, she was glaring at him.

"I really wanted to know, because I didn't know why her department is created, I still don't understand the use of the creation, so I really had to know." He said with a biting smile.

"I'm sorry for the steer in the topic, do you all have anything to add, so we could summarise this meeting, remember we still have to meet the CEO." Mr Boris said.

I did not see any hands, but I could still hear whispers, I knew that had to do with me, it made me self conscious , I didn't even know that they were people who still bothered about that.

I blinked few times, it was still had behaving normal and collecting myself, because he didn't just throw me off guard, I had finally slept with Bas, so this was a way harder slap than I expected, it made me feel guilty.

"Since no one but Raina has fresh ideas, we'll close the meeting." Mrs Boris said and left the hall.

I took my laptop and left the hall immediately after her, I didn't want to be there for a long time, it might really annoy me, so I decided to just steer clear of anyone who would annoy me today, I sighed when I remembered that I had to employ staffs for my department today, it was going to be hectic, but I needed to employ those I saw on the waiting list that applied, so I could get my mind off things.

I sat down at the entrance of my office, I could see about fifteen people sitting too, they were the ones who wanted the job, I had to look at their qualifications and also see what they could do for me, which will benefit my department, and I needed a personal secretary, someone I could trust very well, and someone that will take care of this, Lyn told me would've worked here, but she didn't know much about aesthetic or art, she was just used to designs that's why she worked at the design department.

"Miss Leticia." I called out, and a Lady walked in, she was about my age, but a little older or maybe younger, or maybe the exact age, she looked very pretty, she smiled and clutched her bag nervously, and I smiled back nodding, she sat down facing me, her hair was packed in a colourful hairband, and the rest was left to fall at her shoulders, as I stared at her hands once more, I realised the nail polish she used was actually aesthetically pleasing, matching her outfit too, I gave her a tick in looking the part.

"Good morning ma'am." She said.

"Good morning miss I said while looking at her submitted CV, she graduated at the top of her class, department of Aesthic art, University of arts at Prinom town. She also did her internship at Pineville Art museum.

She fit perfectly for the job, she had everything, I wanted her as my personal secretary and also adviser, she could also do other stuffs,like lead when I'm not available, she would be the deputy HOD too.

"Will you draw an aesthetic looking field." I said and she nodded, picking up her pencil and the water colour I dropped she started drawing, I watched her drawing, she was fast and swift and she also drew lightly, which meant she was a very flexible artist, I smiled when she showed me her drawing, she drew a minefield, with a girl escaping immediately.

"You're hired." I said and she smiled.

"You can start tomorrow or immediately." I said and she nodded.

"I can start right away." She said and I nodded, showing her the way to the inner room.

"Mr Jackson." I called out to the next applicant.

"Good day ma'am." He said and I smiled at him, I checked his CV, he was a first class graduate of Pineville Art University, he studied, fine and visual arts, he did he internship at Edmondo business corporation, just like me, he looked a little familiar like someone I met during my internship period, he had his hair styled in a mohawk.

"I need a visual representation of what you love right now." I said and he picked the plain sheet I kept at the side and started scribbling.

He showed me the drawing of his girlfriend and I smiled because my boyfriend was who I loved the most right now, I nodded to the side and he dropped the paper.

"You're hired, you can start right away or tomorrow." I said.

"I'll start right away." He said and I gestured to the inner room, he went in.

I searched through the names of the submitted applicants and their CVs, for now I needed to admit ten or twelve out of the fifteen, then once I've arranged everything, I will admit more.

I called the next applicant, she was also a good student, and her CV was good.

I did this to about five applicants, sending them all to the inner room, I would assign their positions later.

I sighed as I looked at my table, I still had to interview about ten more applicants, I had decided at the last minute to interview everyone here today and admit those that deserved the job.

I called the next applicant who came rushing in shivering, I couldn't laugh because I remembered how scared I was on my own day, and how I felt bad when the other applicants laughed at me, this applicant looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her. Her name was Stacy Marcus, I smiled when I saw her credentials on her CV, she was smart and talented and also won an art competition too, she was a geek artist.

"You're admitted Stacy, you don't have to be nervous anymore, you can breathe." I said with a smile and she heaved a big sigh of relief, I smiled at her.

"Thank you so much," she said dabbing her face with her handkerchief, " I really needed to breathe, I was so nerbo." She added.

"I understand, when I got here newly, even during my Internship, I was also nervous, till when I got the job, I was very nervous." I said to her.

"I never knew they'll be someone who understood me." She said softly.

"I was in your shoes, so it'll be easy to understand you." I said and she laughed.

"You can go wait at the inner room, it looks like we'll all start today, but we won't waste time, I'll assign work to everyone admitted,so we can all do it." I said and she nodded with a smile.

I checked and called out the next applicant, I wanted this procedure to be as fast as possible, but I also had to be careful when taking anyone in, they had to be deserving of it, and so far, it looked like the applicants I had were all talented.

I sighed as I kept calling applicants over till I got to the eleventh person, I was already tired, and I needed to do this immediately, so I would attend meetings with the CEO, the shareholders of the company and also other HODs like me, it was going to be a hectic day, I sighed as I realised that I also had to assign tasks for them, till I was done with the meeting, and I also would give them their positions, so everything would go smoothly, I was thankful the applicants were not stressing me out so far.

I called the fifteenth applicant with a tired smile, it was going to be over soon, I had to rush up,I signalled to the inner room and the fifteenth applicant went in, I smiled as I stretched my hands and legs.

I picked up my laptop and went into the inner room, I had already decided to make Miss Leticia my assistant, she fit the job very well, she would do most things in my place when I wasn't around and also work too personally, like I would, I didn't want to be that HOD that gave everything to their workers to do while watching from the sideline, anything I had today, I made sure I was deserving of it.

I smiled as I assigned them their positions.