
Chapter 9- The D-day.

Raina's POV.

It was the D-day, I was finally resuming work, I decided to keep working at EBC, it was my dream company and after my research I concluded that I wasn't scared of what my CEO is, I was fascinated, extremely fascinated after my research.

I arranged my skirt immediately as 

Edmondo Business Corporation (EBC) came into place.

"Raina" I glanced around and saw no one.



"Raina" I was terrified, I didn't see the caller,but I felt very disturbed, at first I thought it was my colleagues at the design department but I didn't meet anyone from the design department, everyone I looked at were going in and out of the building.

There was no one suspicious, but I could feel the tremor running through me, someone called me, and the person was messing with me.

I was and still am to an extent a loner, I didn't hang out with people enough to get invited for any dinner party or an outing, my first outing was going to the Edmondo's house, I never went house, I was always at home or in the library or trying to work small jobs to survive and further my education.

Gripping my company identity card tightly, I kept on walking, I waved at the security who scanned my card immediately.

"Good morning Miss Raina" he stared at my ID.

"Good morning Mr John" I glanced at his card quickly.

"Design department eh" he said with a smile, "the best department in the building" he added.




It was the voice again, I know I wasn't crazy and I turned staring at the security guard who scanned the next employee, he didn't call me, he just found out my name, but who did?

"You must have strings somewhere" I turned at the sound of the voice.

It was the rude applicant who humiliated me during my first day, I was already apprehensive because of the voice calling my name, I didn't want anyone ruining my day.

I side stepped her and went into the elevator immediately it opened, she joined me in the elevator.

"Ugh" I thought inwardly, she wasn't going to talk to her, but she was really pushy and it looked like she won't give up.

"You started work for the first day and went off for a week, taking a sick leave" she pushed on.

I rolled my eyes, " Yes, is there a problem?" I asked.

I turned when I heard the sound of the elevator, I saw two employees from finance department walk in, they bowed their heads and I bowed in return.

The elevator dinged again and they went out at the 97th floor.

I faced the elevator when I heard another ding, but it wasn't from the elevator, I searched my bag quickly, and brought out my phone.

I could see a " new message' notification, I opened the message and paled, I placed my shaky hands on the walls of the elevator softly.

"Hello vampire Bitch, you could have just answered my call earlier, you didn't look well enough to see me" I gripped my phone tightly, who was trifling with me?