
Chapter 89- Dresses.

Raina's POV.

I searched through all the dresses Lyn got got for me, and I couldn't make my mind.

I sent a picture of the top three I picked from the ten dresses Lyn got, to Lyn, Bas, Gabriel, and Matteo.

I wanted opinions on the dresses, whichever got the highest vote would be worn today, the dresses were all knee length or somewhere below the knee length.

The first dress was blue in colour,it was made with a lace, it had a pearly design at the breast part, it was a total body hug gown, there was a little slit in front too.

The second dress was also a lace, it had about three colours, the main colour of the lace was black, and the other colours were light pink and forest green, the light pink and forest green were shaped as daisies all over the dress, giving it a floral pattern, the cloth was off shoulder, with a heart shape bust design,and it had a little bow at the waist point,and also a tail design behind, the front was knee length, and the back had a tail design.

The third dress was red in colour, it was a total knee length dress, it had designs at the side of the dress, the designs looked like heart shaped attached to it, the back was slit and it also had a little shaped space at the front close to the breast part, it came with a choker too.

I waited for their answers.

Matteo sent a text first; "The first dress is really hot and it'll look good, I don't like the colour red, so I won't even consider the last dress, the second dress is fitted."

"Okay, thanks for participating in this." I said and he sent a smiley Emoji.

Gabriel sent the next text; "I'll go with the second dress, I love the style." 

"Okay thanks a lot." I said with a smile, Gabriel went straight to the point.

Bas sent the next text; " The first dress is very sexy, people will stare too much, I don't like that, you're mine alone. The last dress is okay, but I love the second dress more, it actually accentuates you more, people will still stare though." 

I laughed when I read his message about people staring, he must have tried compressing his Jealousy and it didn't work.

"Okay, thanks for participating." I told him and he sent a gif with Kisses and I smiled.

Lyn's text came in last, and it was darn long; With your body type the first dress will suit you, it accentuates your features too, the last dress has a good flashy colour, but it won't go well with you. The second dress is a must pick, it fits you an accentuates your features very well, it'll also go with your theme, since you're introducing aesthetic art, it'll match the theme and also you have great legs, the length of the dress and the tail behind, showcases your fashion sense,the colour combo is wonderful too,it also looks like a ball gown in a way, I could go all day about this dress, it's a must pick."

"Thanks a lot for participate." I sent to her and she sent kisses, I smiled.

At the end of the day, the second dress won,with four full votes, the first had two votes, the third dress had one vote too.

I wanted to do my makeup, but Lyn insisted on making me up, she was coming soon.

I packed the other dresses and kept the second dress.

"I'm here." Lyn walked in dramatically with her box, and I laughed, I literally just thought of her and here she was.

"Let's get you caked up." She said and I nodded.

"I'll also pack your hair too." She added and I mouthed a "yes ma." To her and she laughed, starting the makeup.


When she finished the makeup and the hairdo, my mouth was wide open, I didn't know she was this good in it, she didn't make me look different, but she caked my skin up in such a flawless way, my brows were nicely drawn following the shaped of my eyebrows, my eyes was lined, bringing out it's shape more, I could see my heart shaped smile more when I smiled at my face in the mirror.

She used a nude colour for my lipstick, my hair was made into a chignon updo, and it left traces of little curls and a princess hairband, my freckles were showing and it accentuated everything more, I smiled at my reflection.

I startled a little when I heard a car horn sound loudly, "that must be our ride." Lyn said softly taking me with her.

I gasped when I saw a limousine and she smiled, "it's your day, so turn up well." She winked at me as we entered the car.

I held my breathe for a little while and heaved a little after some few seconds.

My show was had Started five minutes ago, I was going to be introduced soon in about thirty minutes time, I blew some air.

"You've got this." I told myself and Lyn clutched my hands, rubbing them softly, I smiled at her.

"You've got this, and you're freaking talented." She said and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and she pulled me into a hug.

"Ma'am were here." The driver said and we pulled apart, I went down from the car with her and we took the back entrance from the venue.

She waved me off and ran out, she was going inside the event as a guest, I could hear screams and shutter sounds from camera and I was sure people saw her, she was a public figure too and also a very popular celebrity from a popular family.

I looked at the mirror once again and smiled, I heard my phone binge and I picked it up.

"You can do it." It was a message from Bas.

I smiled, he knew just when I needed something, I sent him a kissing emoji, and he replied saying we'll do it after the show, I laughed.

"We'll now welcome Miss Raina, the owner of the event, the reason we're here, to show us and bless us with her showcase." The MC said and I stood up, walking out on stage, the flashes and camera made me fret a little, but I collected the microphone from the MC, I looked at everyone and the hall was filled, it was a lots of turn up, I could recognise popular faces, even art directors and also renowned artist. 

I smiled knowing it was Bas's doing, he got them to this show, and I smiled knowing I won't fail him or even Embarrass myself.

"I'm sorry for being too quiet, I'm just really stunned to see this vast amount of people, thanks a lot." I said softly and I could hear claps, I looked at the first sear and I saw Bas wink at me, I smiled softly, Bas was seated with his family members,they all came , even his grandfather, it shocked me that they even came here.

"I welcome you all once again, though my lovely MC already did that."I turned to my MC who smiled at me.

"I'm very much appreciative that you all honoured your invites and came here today, I'm seeing such important faces that I feel like screaming and loosing my cool right now as a big fan of lots of them." I said and everyone laughed.

"I signed a deal with Edmondo Business Corporation where I worked before," I said and everyone clapped, some mumbled and talked about the where I worked before statement I made, "and where I still do, but as a partner." I said and everyone cheered.

"A new department was formed, in respect of my artistic talents." I said.

"This department will be known as the Aesthetic Art department, it'll handle lots of design, arts related issues." I said.

"And this event was made with the concern ify the department opening today." I said and everyone clapped, Bas kept winking and I smiled, I could hear wow from people's voice.

"She's so beautiful, her eyes, look at the way it shapes when she smiles." I heard someone say.

"And she's talented as well, she deserves the spotlight she's getting." Another said and I smiled, I was happy people even thought of me that way, it made me so damn proud of myself.

"This event is a showcase of some of the art pieces I made, and also things everyone should expect to get from the aesthetic art department and even more of that where it's coming from." I said and everyone clapped,I was so overwhelmed at the turn up, I felt like crying and I was calmly keeping my cool, I shouldn't burst into tears here.

"I'll now like to present to everyone here, the art pieces." I said waving my hands to the store room which was close to the corridor, and the presenters hired walked out with their pieces, I could heard claps, I smiled, the show has really started.