
Chapter 83- Judgement

Sebastien's POV.

"Why did you hurt your kind Bas, and I heard it was all for a human." Mariá said venomously and I stilled, I knew she was part of the court ladies, and I knew she would be here to jeopardize whatever way I try to win this trial, I could literally hear her mind loudly, she wanted me punished.

I looked up to where Grandfather sat and I smiled a little, at least someone here was in support of me, he may not like Raina, but he wouldn't want me hurt in anyway, and I heard he had influence and his friends here would go with what he said, no matter the outcome today, all I wanted was the majority vote casted in my favour.

I glanced at where Raina sat slowly and I saw her with Lyn, Gabriel and Matteo, father and mother sat there too, Manuel and Samuel sat there too, they kept staring at me.

I glanced at other vampires who sat in the congregation waiting for the judgement, I know some of them will be called out as witness for the trial, Councilman Perez must have paid lots of cash or pulled strings for this.

"She asked a question Sebastien, we didn't come here to stare at each other, but to just get on with the matter at hand." Councilman Matthew said and I startled a little, my mind wasn't here and hearing his voice brought me back to reality.

"I'm sorry, I was lost in thought for a while." I said calmly, I planned to be calm till this trial finishes and I was going to do that till the end.

"There's no need to try and pull tactics Sebastien, evidence has been submitted here." Mariá said, she stood up and flicked her fingers, I saw Jason and Marcel walk in, they looked better than when they left my place, they must have had an healer attain to them.

"They are the ones left, he killed their vampire guards, and burned them completely, beat them up too." Mariá said.

"I'm submitting pictures of their injury taken by their father when he got them from his house after one week of torture." Mariá added pressing the remote button and the pictures they took of their injury was displayed, I could hear the hall gasp and I rolled my eyes, they were trying to make this look bad that it was, though I knew that I tortured them badly.

"He did that to my sons for just talking to a human girl, he did that for no reason and he didn't feel any remorse at all." Councilman Matthew said faking his grievance, I saw Jason and Marcel shake a little and I smiled, my threat must have really gotten to them, if they didn't expose what they did to their father, I already snapped Raina's wounds and also told the healer to come here, I hope Margarita was in the congregation too, it'll make my stance strong.

"Tell me Sebastien, why will you hurt your own kind for absolutely no valid reason, all because of a human girl?" The vampire king asked and I sighed.

"I didn't do it without reason." I responded calmly.

"We both know you're lying, you just did it because you feel you can right?" Councilman Matthew asked venomously.

"Let him speak and don't interrupt him please." My grandfather and the king said simultaneously.

I heard a snicker and I stared at my Mariá, she snickered again and I breathed a little hard relaxing my muscles, I didn't want to feel tensed in any way.

"You were asked a question we don't have time to waste!!" Councilman Perez said, his mind was loud enough for me to hear, I could hear his little vindictive cheer, he was friends with Councilman Matthew so I wasn't surprised he would stand with his friend, he was just doing what his friend asked of him, I heard about ten of them mumble the same thing.

"I didn't want other vamps knowing this, because I wanted to keep her safe, but I guess word went out already, and even though I tried keeping her safe she was hurt," I paused slightly, "I didn't other vampires knowing about her, because they would target her because of me." I added softly staring at Raina who was bitting her lips watching.

"Can you to straight to the point please." My grandfather said and I smiled, saying Bingo in my mind.

"The reason I hurt them was because of the human girl yes." I said and the hall became noisy.

"So you just hurt them because they approached the human girl in your castle that's all?" The vampire king asked.

"My King, there's no need to repeat the same question again, it's obvious that he did that, that's why he's finding it hard to answer." Councilman Matthew said and I heard a lot of the vamps who were in his circle echo "Yes".

"I don't need interruptions when I'm asking a question, or when I need an answer from whoever I'm asking." The king said with a very scary calm voice and I smirked, I relaxed my face immediately making sure no one saw me smirk, it'll just infuriate them more.

"I did that because they took her out of my castle when there was no one there," I said, "in short they kidnapped her." I added.

"So what if they kidnapped a measly human girl you wanted to use for food, does that give you the right to hurt your kind for a week this way?" Councilman Perez asked smirking.

"She's not measly, and she's not just a food to me as y'all think," I paused looking up slowly, "she's my mate." I added and the hall gasped.

"She's your what?" I heard some vamps ask.

"Is it possible for a human and a vampire to be mates." I could hear the little whisperings.

"It's possible, it's not regular among us, but it is, the mother knows what she does when she gives us a mate, so I'm sure she knows why." I heard another councilman say and some agreed with him, I smiled because it was going the way I wanted.

"She is your mate?" The king asked and I nodded.

"Where is she right now, for proof of what they did to her?" The king asked and I turned to Raina nodding that she could get up, she got up and they all stared at her, she walked closer to me, and I could hear the thoughts of some of the councilmen here, they wanted her blood because it smelt nice, this is what I didn't want her exposed to, but I had no choice right now.

"Her scent, it's so alluring." I heard a voice say and I turned to the direction, it was a new councilman, I looked at his name box and saw Magnus written.

"Her being your mate and them taking them doesn't make it right for you to Hurt them this way." Mariá said and I smiled.

"I don't have to explain how heightened our senses are, and emotions, if we end up feeling, I'm sure you're old enough to know that even if another vampire glance through the way of another's mate, or even their partner, not their destined one, that it cause ruckus." I said calmly but with a bitting tone, she sat down and I smirked, she glared at me.

"I hurt them because they hurt her, that's why I hurt them." I said.

"They hurt her, but that's not part of the complaint submitted." The king said glancing at the paper in his hand.

"I don't know what complaint they submitted but I know they condition I found her in, when I met her where the took her, so I wanted to kill them for it, but she told me not to when she woke up." I said calmly.

"Any evidence to prove this condition you're talking about." Court Lady Cynthia asked and I nodded.

I turned to where Lyn sat and saw Margarita, I signaled her and she came, I had told Margarita to take pictures of Raina when she first came.

"They didn't just torture her after she tried to escape from them when they took her, he personally used a sword poisoned with Brume on her, and also stomped on her with his war boots." I said and the hall gasp.

"What did you find in her system, or how did you find her when you came to heal her, Healer Margarita?" The king asked.

"Bas here called me hurriedly, and when I came, she was in a very terrible state, he didn't even know why she was pale, so I checked her and this was the wound I found," Margarita pressed the button and the pictures she took of Raina came out.

A lot of them gasped and I smiled knowing this will go the way I wanted.