
Chapter 82- The council's letter.

Raina's POV.

I heaved a sigh of relief when the councilman left, I knew Bas made him get the chance to hit him purposely, but I was still worried because he was hurt.

"I'll expect a letter soon." Bas said shrugging.

"We'll prepare for it son." His father his shoulders comfortingly and he smiled, I also smiled, I liked how his father was always supportive of Bas and whatever he did, it made my heart warm, I knew there was someone who loved his so much, I sighed as I remembered that all these happened because of me, maybe his grandfather was right after all.

"Don't worry you're not the cause of it." Bas said and I relaxed the breathe I didn't know I was holding when he said that, he couldn't read my mind yet, but he definitely knew how to guess or know what was troubling me, it made me glad that he understood me so much.

I smiled up at him and he took my hands which he did always, everytime he wanted to comfort me, he held my hands and linked them with his at the same time.

"Let's go, I won't be surprised if the letter came today." He said taking me to his own house, I waved at Lyn, Gabriel and Matteo and they waved back, it was really annoying to see him suffer for trying to protect me, as much as I knew vampires now, I didn't know much of their laws, and I prayed the law will be in his favour, he had to win this, all he did was try to protect me from someone who hurt me and he was in trouble for it.

I winced as I hit my legs on the pavement to the house, I wasn't watching my step and my mind was all over the place.

"Stop thinking now, and let's go prepare." He said and teleported me to his room immediately.

I sighed when he laid me down on the bed and joined me, he brought me close to him and hugged me tightly, I rubbed his hands reassuringly.

"I would go against anyone for you, you mean a lot to me, so much if I don't have you close to me always, I'll feel so Empty." He said and I smiled, I relaxed and I knew that I slept with a smile on my face.


Bas was right when he said the letter calling him to the council would come today, that was the first thing we saw immediately we woke up, it was like a programmed letter.

"I guess I'm going there tomorrow, or maybe today." Bas said as he placed the letter on the cupboard with a rueful smile.

"I'm coming with you." I said and he turned around shaking his head.

"That's not happening Raina,those vamps all have their eyes on you, and I don't want you hurt in anyway to be very honest."he said with a sigh.

"If I don't come with you, then how Will you prove to them that I'm your mate?" I asked and he sighed, "and also I can't stay at home alone without you close, remember what happened last time." I told him.

He stared at me for a long time then he released a long sigh, "fine you can come."he said.

"Bas have you seen the letter?" Lyn asked running in and I jumped a little, I was startled by the speed, she gave me a small smile and I nodded, she stared at Bas for a long time and he nodded, it was obvious he agreed that he got the letter.

"Call whoever is coming with me, we should go immediately," Bas said sliding the letter in his pocket, "I want this over." He added and Lyn left nodding.

"I'll get dressed." I said as I rushed trying to scuffle between the outfits he got for me, I picked up a brown jumpsuit and a wide canvas, the jumpsuit was styled like a hoodie, so I packed my head in a messy bun, and slipped the hoodie on.

Bas took my hands and we went downstairs, I saw Bas's father and mother, Grandfather, Matteo, Gabriel and Lyn, and two other vampires.

Bas stared at them with raised eyebrows, "it's like the whole house is coming." He said and stared at me, I kept a blank expression staring at them all.

"She comes." Bas said and carried me, he took off immediately with speed,it was obvious he was running to the council.

"Isn't it far?" I asked.

"It is, but we'll get there anyways." He said with a smile, "you can sleep, it's a long journey,the others are also close, I can hear them." He added and I closed my eyes, letting the sleep take me.


"We're here." I woke up blushing for I was embarrassed by how I slept off easily, I looked at him and he just laughed.

I turned around and saw Lyn and the others landing softly,I looked up and saw "THE COUNCIL" boldly written, the building was really big and long with a big design, I saw beautifully designed building ahead when we climbed the stairs on this building.

"That's the royal house." Bas said following my stare, I would've loved to tour the royal house cause even at a distance it was striking, but we didn't come here for a tour.

"Let's go." Bas said taking my hands and we went inside the building. Inside was much more aesthetically pleasing than it was outside.

It was really chilly, I shivered and Bas held me tight and I smiled, sometime I don't think he's a vampire to be honest, he has lots of stuff regular vampires do not have.

"Sebastien, the stubborn vamp." I heard a voice say and Bas smiled.

"Hey Ruto, how you doing?" Bas said and smiled speeding from the distance he stood and ran hugging Bas immediately, I smiled softly at the sight.

"Enough playing, let's go." I heard a voice say and I felt the chill more than ever, it was like ice shards was thrown into the room immediately she walked in, she stared at me giving me a stinky eye, she looked at everyone in the room,she titled her head to the side, she was really pale, she had her hair styled into a chignon, I saw humans wave at us when we came in and I was shocked to see them .

She led us into a room, and we went into an elevator, the room was a little warm than outside, maybe because it had Humans, it was really chilly with her close by.

We came down from the elevator and she opened the door, and I was presented to what was called the council, it was more scary than I expected, Lyn took me away from Bas who nodded to me, tilting his head and mouthing that I should join Lyn, I followed Lyn as she sat down at the right hand, I saw other vamps sit too, I say close to Lyn.

Bas moved to the middle of the room, it was marked with a circle, I looked up and stared at the ceeling, it was shaped as triangles and aligned into a star. The background had columns in it, but I saw no one and no chair, the lady vamp who brought us in went to one column and I saw a chair come out, she sat down staring at Bas with anger etched on their face.

"She's his ex, she hates him for leaving her, and Yes Bas had lots of girls, vampire ladies , you're the first human he's been seen with, so they are many who hates you because of him." Lyn said and Matteo rolled his eyes laughing.

"Bas is with you not just because you're his mate, he has grown to love you in this small amount of time, you've known eachother" Lyn added and I nodded.

I saw chairs appear from the different columns and vampires sat on the chairs, some looked as chilly as the girl who brought us in, some of their faces were scary, it was like staring at death itself, but it wasn't surprising because they are the "undead."

"We'll go straight to the point Sebastien." The man in the middle said, he had a crown on his head, so I guessed he was the king easily, I was shocked when I sighted Bas's Grandfather too, but I remembered he was also a councilman, they were about hundred seats with them fully occupied with their names written at the front of their seats, I saw the place the girl sat, it was down the column and other vampire ladies sat there with her, with their names too.

"They are known as court ladies." Lyn said pointing to them and I nodded.

"He killed lots of vampires who didn't do nothing, and he hurt my son, he should be punished for that." The councilman who came to the castle yelled pointing at Sebastien.

"We'll start the trial." The lady who brought us in said, looking down I stared at her name, her name was Mariá.

"Why did you hurt your kind Bas, and I heard it was all for a human." Mariá said venomously.