
Chapter 75- The Healer.

Sebastien's POV.

I went upstairs immediately rushing into my room, I paused as I saw Raina lying down and my father sitting at the edge of the bed with Lyn at the side frowning.

Father looked up when he noticed me, turning to me with a grimace on his face.

"The healer is coming with herbs, but she needs an x-ray immediately, we need to see where she got hurt." He said.

"I also feel like she has internal bleeding, from what I've observed so far, so I would love healer to check and treat all that." He added and stood up with a sigh.

"Son, I know you're not feeling good right now, but just be calm alright." He said patting my back softly, I offered him a small smile.

"Oh I am calm alright." I said coolly.

I turned to my sister, "Lyn call the office, I'll skip work for a week or more, same with Raina, try to manage her social media accounts." I said.

"I'll unlock her phone for you." I said with a small smile.

"Make it seem like, she's on a vacation or something, or file a business trip for you and her, and a leave for me, so it won't he that suspicious." I said scratching my head in fustration.

Lyn enveloped me into a hug and I sighed hugging her too, "it's going to be alright brother," she said pausing softly and staring at Raina with a determined expression, "she's a fighter, a survivor and she's strong." She added with a small smile and I nooded.

I went to Raina's side taking her now cold hands which was always warm, I sighed softly.

"I'm sorry baby, I couldn't even come there immediately, I apologize, I didn't even come in time to save you." I said.

"I should have found you earlier, and maybe I would've missed this, this wouldn't even happen." I sighed taking her hands and placing them on my face.

She wasn't even breathing properly which made me really pissed.

I felt her shiver and I ran to her, my father and Lyn came closer, I took her up in my arms hugging her tightly, she was really cold.

"Looks like she was hit, or hurt something really lethal and it's adding to her health deteriorating." Lyn said sighing.

I kept holding on to her, I searched around when I heard voices Downstairs.

"Go check, if it's the healer, bring her up, I don't want anyone here, if not you, dad, Matteo or Gabriel." I said as I hugged her more feeling her hands.

"Leave her Sebastien." I dropped Raina to the bed slowly when I heard the healer's voice.

"Welcome Margarita." I said with a sigh sitting at the other edge of the bed.

Margarita was our family's healer, she has been working with us for years, and she was good at healing both humans and vampires, as she has done that numerous times for our family members and also some close human employees we had that got hurt really bad.

I sighed as Margarita placed one of her tools in Raina's and Margarita turned to me shaking her head.

"I checked her already, but you can so the scan and also check her cut wound, I feel like it ain't just a normal wound from a cut." Father said and Margarita nodded.

She placed her photographic scan machine and did an x-ray on her, she sighed as she finished the x-ray, she then placed a tool I didn't recognize on her cut wound and gasped.

I shifted closer to Raina when she gasped, staring at Margarita questionably.

"Which Bastard did this to the girl?" Margarita asked.

"Did what?, What's wrong?, What did you see?" I asked hurriedly.

"The blade he used in cutting her is laced with poison that is harmful to vampires, but very harmful to humans." Margarita said with a sigh and I growled.

"I'm going to enjoy killing him." I said as I thought of the Memoar, he did that to hurt her and I wondered what Raina did wrong.

"So can you treat it?" I asked.

"I can try, this one is really tricky because her x-ray shows that she was hit with a boot, on her ribs countless," Margarita paused when I growled, "the hit gave her a little internal bleeding which I'll stop, but the tricky part will be the poison, it's left with her willpower to fight and survive, because that poison kills, I'll give something to reduce the effect, if she can't fight it, then I'm sorry." Margarita said.

"She'll fight it, I know she will." Lyn said with conviction.

"Heal her and do what you can Margarita, I need to go see that bastard." I said coolly.

"Don't kill him son, take him to the council to be punished, they've been eyeing our family due to my father's aspiration, so they might punish you for it." My father said and I chuckled recalling how I've killed about hundred or almost hundred vampires already.

"Once he gives me the information I need, I'll take my sweet time to kill him, " I paused Turing to my father who shook his head, "and for the warning you gave me, I'm sorry o already killed about hundred vampires already before coming here with the Memoar and vampire I brought." I said shrugging as my father's eyes widened.

"If the council finds out, I only did the deed,no one participated anyways." I said.

"Now I understand why you sent us home, you didn't just want to kill him, you wanted to do it alone, to exempt us from whatever punishment." Lyn said and I shrugged, she was partly right, but I wouldn't tell her that.

"I'll be going to the dungeon." I said teleporting myself outside.

I stared at the vampires who lurked outside trying to know what was happening in my house, I shook my head slightly as I teleported to the Dungeon, the Memoar and Vampire were already tortured by Gabriel and Matteo, I smiled when I saw their state.

"Hi." I said waving at the Memoar who glared at me, the Vampire was trying to escape, so was the Memoar.

"You really hit my girl with a poisoned blade and also stomped on her." I said and the Memoar Chuckled, his thoughts came to my head immediately and he said Raina deserved it from him for trying to escape and hitting him with a sledgehammer.

"So you hurt her because she hit you while trying to escape," I said and he jumped behind, I knew he was startled, "I'm sorry but your thoughts were a little too loud." I said.

He gasped and shifted behind, I sighed as I took one of the chairs and sat down.

"I don't really have all day, " I paused looking at them with a smirk, "so just tell me what I came here for and we're good to go." I said.

I knew I was lying, because I would kill them eventually, even if they told me what I wanted.

They had to die, especially the Memoar who made her be in that condition, also the vampire who joined him and even tried feeding from my mate, I could feel that cold fury come up again and I smirked trying to lighten the way I was feeling.

"I won't tell you what you want to hear." The Memoar said with a smirk.

"I'm going to be here and I would leave here soon enough." The Memoar said.

"Will you just shut the fuck up," Matteo yelled, "he has been gloating every chance he got, it's irritaiting to be honest." Matteo added.

"Let him be, he thinks he can be free because his father is part of the elders in the council." I said and the Memoar turned to me gasping in shock, I Chuckled lightly, I knew he was shocked but I recognised him immediately as Elder Momtes last son which I heard when I found out his last son was a Memoar.

He came closer grabbing the bars of the cell, "stay away from my father." He hollered and I  laughed.

"I've changed my mind about doing something to you, I've just found an interesting way to go about this." I said with a smirk.

"Leave my father out of this, don't be cruel he said." He was screaming and I couldn't stop myself I laughed and Gabriel and Matteo joined immediately.

"I won't, I want you to know how it feels to hurt someone you care about, the same way you hurt mine." I said venomously, he stared at me and I stared back, he fell down and sighed in fustration and I sat down again with a Shrug.

"Just tell me who sent you to capture her." I said, "you can't just capture her for no reason, she wasn't even in your grounds, she was in this castle, I left her here and you came and took her." I said.

"Now answer me, who sent you?" I asked.