
Chapter 74- The Cabin.

Sebastien's POV.

The cabin was abandoned and it was already dusty, we normally come here to just do a quick stop, if we had something to do, it was the Cabin we liked playing when we were a little younger when we lived around here, it was an habit to always come here.

I sighed as I searched around for a place to keep her and clean the bed, it was really dusty and it would disturb her.

When we came here earlier we didn't even go in, we just stopped around and think of a plan to go find Raina and we left off without thinking of the condition of the Cabin.

It was chilly, it looked like it rained, I smiled, my favourite season was coming soon.

She was shivering, I rushed inside finding a blanket, I wrapped it around her, she was still bleeding, I rushed off and cleaned the Cabin with my vampire speed, I took her to the bed and laid her down gently, she was still shivering.

I removed the blanket and she was shivering more now, I was really scared, her shivers made me really terrified.

I undressed her, I stilled as I saw her rib cage, she was stomped on many times, the foot mark was there, she was also hit by an object I couldn't identify and the mark was there, her laps was a wounded, that's where the blood was coming from.

I stared at her, still shivering, I could feel the rage in me, but funny enough I was till calm, it was more like a cool rage, I smiled bitterly as I remembered she's the one who even made me calm like I was now even when I was angry at how they hurt her.

I wiped her wound, inhaling the scent from her blood, I stilled, gosh it smelt so damn good. I applied the ointment that was left in the cabin, I needed to take her to a healer soon.

I took my sweatpants from the wardrobe we kept in the cabin and I used my t-shirt as her top, she was shivering less now, her bleeding her stopped, but she wasn't awake yet.

I felt thoughts and words in my head, it felt like I was reading lots of minds totally, they all came in quickly at once, it also looked like they were speeding here too, I closed the room of cabin, and came out standing at the  door of the cabin, I could hear the voices and the speed they took.

I had a feeling it was Lyn, Gabriel and Matteo, but I also had a feeling that they came with more guests, or maybe it was the guests coming.

I came out standing at the edge of the pillar close to the Cabin, looking back at the door, I thought of Raina and I felt my rage brewing slowly, I was looking for who to use as a scapegoat for the way I felt right now.

I saw Lyn, Gabriel and Matteo land immediately close to me breathing hard, they were even sweating, Matteo turned staring ahead, he looked stricken with worry, Lyn and Gabriel also stared ahead sighing.

"What's wrong?, What's going on?, What's there?" I asked.

"They came to be about hundred vampires, we fought off some of them, but they still latched on," Matteo said hurriedly still breathing hard, "and they've followed us, I could even feel their emotions, they were not going to stop till they got her back again, so we ran to warn you to go back home, we'll try to fight them off." He added, leaning to a tree.

"It's okay, I'll fight them off, " I said calmly, they all turned to me looking extremely flabbergasted.

"I know you're really good at fighting, you've even tackled sets of vampires like that," Lyn paused kicking the ground, "but, you may be hurt this time, and you need to take care of Raina, so we'll do it instead." She added with a long sigh.

"I'll do it, I need to blow off some steam, so it's better I do it with them." I said with a small smile.

"Blow off some steam, you're not upset." Gabriel said and I scoffed.

"He is, he's raging than he normally does." Matteo said giving me a knowing look.

I sighed coming closer to them both, "you guys should take Raina back to the Castle and call the healer for her, she needs to be treated, I managed to stop her blood, but I'm not sure I've healed her wounds." I said.

"And also, let dad check her when the healer is on her way, he's also half a healer and a medical personnel in the human world " I added.

"I can take care of them, so don't be worried, just promise you three will take her carefully back home, I'll join you in about thirty minutes." I said.

"Brother.." Lyn said with a sigh and went inside, coming out swiftly she held Raina, I swallowed, she looked pale, her lips got chapped, it felt like she was loosing something I didn't know.

"Take care of her for a little while." I said to them and they nodded, I turned when I heard the voices and footsteps get closer, it looked like they were coming with full speed, I turned to Matteo, Lyn and Gabriel, and they took off with Raina, I smiled slowly waiting for the visitors I was expecting.

I saw all of them rush closer and I smiled, knowing my sister, cousin and friend was going to keep my mate safe.

"I see it's you they kept to face." The Memoar said and the smile fell off my face for a while , but I kept it on for a while, they were going to get it from me.

"Yeah, I guess, they don't want to watch you Embarrassed twice." I said shrugging my shoulders and he glared at me, he looked like they carried him for this race, he wasn't human or a vampire either, he was just, I chuckled thinking about it.

"I see you're mad I tried to taste your mates blood." I felt a coolness in me like never before, it looked like I was poured a bucket filled of cold water. I looked up to the vampire who said that and smiled,  I smirked.

"I see what you're doing, hanging out with Vampires won't make you one, you're already a failure, you don't even belong anywhere." I said to the Memoar.

The Memoar came closer and was stopped by the vampire, who gloated about trying to take Raina's blood.

I smirked and he glared at me, I just rolled my eyes, I would've loved to stay here and play words with them, but I didn't have all time, I needed to leave and see to my mate.

"Let's get this done, I have important things to do," I said with a smile throwing my hands apart in the air, "the first set coming will get it real bad." I said with a smile.

"Get him." The Memoar said with a smile, I scoffed.

I stared at them, counting their numbers, I was going to get end them all at once, they didn't know what type of vampire I was, but I wasn't going to kill the Memoar and the other vampire who stood apart, I needed to find out who sent them.

I felt there come at once, I paused seeing them speed closer to me, but I surprised them by shifting closer to the middle making them all circle me at once, I smiled as they all did what I wanted, I closed my eyes and pictured them all down clutching at their throats as I cut them off, and burned them, I opened my eyes and what I pictured happened and I smiled at the fear on the Memoar's face and the vampire, this was one of my lethal abilities.

"What the hell are you?, What type of vampire are you?," The Memoar said shifting back, the Vampire joined too and I smiled, "they warned me about you, bit I didn't know it will be like this." He said as he watched the vampires who were burnt to ashes.

"Oh, trust me you'll know the type of vampire I am." I smiled and knocked them unconscious.

I took them on my shoulders and raced for the castle, I needed to see her, I wanted to know how she really faired.

I reached the castle in 10 minutes, I saw some of my family friends, family and relatives standing around, I dropped the Memoar and the Vampire to the floor.

"Lock them in the dungeon, I'll come meet them later." I said to Matteo who came immediately he saw me.

"Where's she?" I asked Gabriel who sped to my side too.

"She's with Uncle and Lyn in your house." He replied and I mouthed thanks to him speeding off, I paused at the entrance when I sensed that most of the vampires will want to come in.

"No one comes in, till I give the permission." I said.

"Even me?" Grandfather asked.

"Yes, even you." I replied and went upstairs.