
Chapter 68- Alluring Scent.

Sebastien's POV.

I heard a sound, it felt like someone dropped with a loud thud.

I saw Raina on the floor with Diana standing at her side with a smirk on her face, I could hear snickers from the left and I met Grandfather's and Diana's family laughing.

Lyn ran to her immediately, "Are you okay?" She asked then paused shifting backwards and swallowing softly.

I met everyone's stare and they didn't look bored, amused or interested in a drama anymore, they stared at her like she was one piece of meal.

My eyes widened immediately as her scent hit me and I understood why Lyn stood back.

Diana drifted a little, moving to her family's side, it was just Raina in the middle staring at us with a confused expression and dusting my clothes she wore.

The air blew around us again and I her scent hit me hard again, I stumbled, they all did, it was addictive, it has always been, I don't know how I, Lyn and even Gabriel did it, how we tried to control ourselves around her and also how we managed to stop scenting the inviting scent she has with her.

But it was harder now, I don't know if it had to do with her fucking beautiful she looked right now, with her hair all down, her curls tangling and swaying with the way the wind blew, her freckles were full on displayed all the way from her nose down to her cheeks.

She stood up and smiled at me, I walked closer, I could hear growls, and I could hear the minds of the vampires around me loud and clear, especially the males, she was as inviting as sin itself and what made her more sexy and the seduction she gave out was the fact that she was oblivious of how tempting she looked.

I groaned softly as I noticed her nipples peaking from my polo she wore , gosh!!, The fact that she wore my clothes made me so fucking turned on right now.

The sweatpants fitted her, it brought our her pear shape, her hair kept flowing and dancing with the wind.

I didn't want to use my vampire speed, I decided to walk to her slowly from the distance, I wanted to take in all of her slowly as I took every step slowly, staring at her from her head to toe.

I remembered her face when she orgasmed last night and I felt my cock harden, I remember how fucking good she tasted when I licked my fingers after she came.

The air blew again and her scent was all over the place, I could hear their thoughts loudly.

Her scent was the sweetest perfume ever, it was also very alluring, I was happy she wasn't hurt, as much we were trained by the council to not attack a human, but we were allowed to do that if the human was in our territory.

And Raina was in our grounds right now, it would've been dangerous for her, if she wasn't with me or if she didn't have few friends here, she would have been used for dinner and discarded immediately after being drained of blood and life.

She hugged me immediately I reached her and I stilled, she stared at me with a smile, she was sparkling with a very bright beam.

"Thank you so much." She said with a smile, she was really excited, I thought she'll be pissed with the way Diana dropped her, but she wasn't.

"For what?" I asked and she kissed me, she planted soft, belly fluttering kisses to my mouth, nose and face, I couldn't help but chuckle when she did that.

"Why are you being extra affectionate, I though you were a shy person?" I asked her with a smirk and she chuckled.

"I missed you." She said she a pout.

"I missed you more baby, I missed you so fucking much." I said and she blushed.

"That's enough, we have tradition to go through, if you're done with your stupid couple display." I heard Grandfather say and I turned around with a bored expression, he looked at me and I stared back for a long time.

He got tired and threw his face away, I couldn't help but chuckle, I took Raina's hands and moved to the side, I wanted her to know what we were going to do.

"Raina, I didn't want to disturb you or expose you here to danger." I said and she looked at trying to grasp what I was saying.

"I don't understand." She said.

"I didn't wake you because, " I paused for a while, "one you were sleeping." I added and she raised her brows.

"Two , we have family tradition to always play games, really dangerous vampiric games, and also go hunting." I added and she gasped.

"So I didn't want you to be hurt during the games and I also didn't want you to be exposed." I said.

"Exposed?, But you've always been around me, and they met me, so who are you exposing me to?" She asked.

"There are many vampires who live around this area, some live in the forest," I gestured ahead, "some live closer than we imagine." I added.

"But I thought it's only your family and family friends that stay around here." She said.

"Yeah, we live around here, but you see those vast area you could see from my balcony, there are other vampires out there,and they could come here in seconds, minutes and hours depending on how fast the vampires are." I said.

"And also your scent," I said while inhaling her, I was so damn addicted to her scent it was calling me, I inhaled her for thirty seconds then heaved a sigh of longing, "it's addictive, it's alluring, it could call them out when they are hunting and they can come here too, not every vampire is ruled by the council, some could just kill humans and drain them of blood easily." I said.

"And I don't want you hurt, my family won't touch you since you're with me, but others won't do this." I added and she paled slightly.

"So I'm to stay at the castle alone?" She asked after being silent for a minute.

I could guess she decided to stay here even though I warned her, she trusted me to be close to me and to know I won't hurt her,she didn't have to say it out loud for me to know she put her trust in me, it made me happy, and I felt a little giddy, she was terrified, I could smell her fear, but she trusted me to not hurt her and I wouldn't do that.

I will protect her wish all my Energy, I didn't mind ceasing to exist in this world, but she was everything important to me, and it was essential that she was safe.

She kept looking at me and I realized I must have been deep in thought again, I didn't want her going back to the house either, it was empty and there was no one there, but I knew vamps could come in and hurt her if they smelt her from a distance.

It was better for her to stay close to me, I will play the game with her.

"No you don't have to go back and stay alone, you can just stay with me, we'll play the game together." I said.

"Better, I would've been so bored there and it was definitely going to be scary there alone." She said frowning at something.

I turned my attention and realized Diana coming closer to us and I groaned, she was going to annoy me again and I didn't like it at all, she also brought Raina here without my permission, went to my house without my permission to do what I didn't have any clue about, I'm happy Raina didn't let her through, I heard when she said in her mind about how Raina didn't let her in and ruined her plans, I had to keep a watch on her, she could hurt Raina anytime soon.

"Sebastien, Grandfather says to call you, you're delaying the process of the game, and we still have to hunt later." She said and I groaned in annoyance.

"You can go back, I wanted to bring you here so you could see what we were doing " she said with a snarky smile.

"I'm not going anywhere, so chill and please take several seats please."Raina replied snarking too.

I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing at Diana's expression when Raina replied her that way.

"Sebastien, we don't have all day." I heard Grandfather call out and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm here." I said, taking Raina's hands, I sped there immediately.

"I thought she had gone by now." He said irritatingly.

"No, she'll be here, and play with us , she'll be part of my team." I said and I felt eyes on me, I really didn't care anymore.