
Chapter 56- Loosed Control and Kissed.

Raina's POV.

The game was really irritating and frustrating, it was also addictive because the toys there kept beaconing for a play, and when you try you end up failing, I hit my head in frustration and turned to Bas who kept clamping his mouth.

"Are you sure, I could teach you how to win it, though it doesn't work everytime, that game box is really tricky to be honest." He asked  holding his mouth tight again so he wouldn't laugh, I knew he felt like laughing because he kept clamping his mouth tightly.

"Let me try for five more times and if I fail, then you can teach me, I'm sure I'll get it if I try for five more times." I said and kept trying, I hoped to win again, but this game was freaking hard, it looked simple but It wasn't, I almost got it at the fifth time, but it still went down, the laugh just left his mouth and he couldn't control it anymore, he burst out laughing, I glared at him and he kept laughing, this game was more frustrating than I thought.

"Okay, fine you can help me then." I shrugged reluctantly, he told me it's tricky, that even he could not win it and I know he wouldn't use his power to win it, though I feel like he could get the toy out, but he just wanted to play it.

He smiled and grabbed my hands, I relaxed letting him control it, he placed my hands on the handle and tugged it, he controlled the machine till he picked a pink teddy, he kept bringing up slowly with our hands, I held my breathe, I didn't want to loose this teddy.

He guided my hands slowly and we brought it out slowly, I smiled, I could hear my scream and squeal, I was so excited that I could get a teddy, I beamed up at him and he winked.

"So you knew how to play?" I said.

"Not really, it's also very hard for me to be honest, it's really hard." He shrugged.

"But how could you do it at a try, I swear I stood there for hours." He chuckled and I pouted.

"I'm sorry for laughing, but it makes me laugh though, and I can't help it, when I saw you try everything you could to win the game , I remembered how it was for me when I had the game installed, I played for weeks before I could get one toy out." He said.

"You're kidding." I gasped.

"No, it's really hard and also you also have to be careful, but it's not simple either, I think it's just meant on luck, I'll be surprised if I see someone who is really good at it yunno." He said.

"Let's try again, I want to win the blue one matching this one , so you could get that one." I said.

"It's really not easy to win Raina." He said and I bit my lips, his voice when he called my name was really deep, he really know how to seduce a woman without trying hard.

"We did it together and we got it." I insisted.

"If you say so." He shrugged guiding my hands again, I swallowed slowly, it felt good to lean against him, his body was really amazing and good, the hard planes felt oddly comfortable.

He guided my hands again and tried getting the matching teddy, it was hard, the teddy was down at the far Extreme side of the box.

He pressed a button and the toys got shuffled, I smiled when the teddy came in clear view where we could pick it.

He guided my hands and gripped my hands a little tighter, we lifted the teddy together, I could feel him holding his breathe, I was holding mine too, I smiled and jumped on him as we got the teddy out.

He held me tightly when kept me on the toy box, he swallowed slightly and I did too out of impulse, he came closer to me and stood between my legs, I could feel my breathe quicken, he looked so delicious up close, like a type of meal I could have no problem devouring, but I felt like I was the one who'll get devoured any time soon.

"You're really tempting you know," he drawled, he titled his head from side to side staring at me, he took my chin in his hands and I looked up at him.

"You're also very tempting, everything you do is so damn seductive too." I said and he swallowed.

"You really are vocal I see," he paused with a smile trailing my lips with his finger.

I swallowed, I was sure my spit will fill my tummy if I didn't stop swallowing any time soon.

"You're really touchy." I shot back breathlessly, he made me so hot just with the trail of his fingers, I wondered how I'll be when he did something else to me.

"Touche ." He drawled with a smirk, I could feel my core tighten and get wetter than it was before, when we played the game I was really wet with how close he was to me and how I could feel his arousal behind me, I'm sure he could feel mine too, because he had vampire senses and could probably scent it.

I felt his arousal now than it was before when we played the game, he shifted closer to me and rubbed his arousal to my legs, I didn't know when the moan left my mouth but it did, he growled when he heard me moan.

"I think we drive each other crazy very well, it's such a skill we have." He said bringing his forehead to mine, I could feel his breathing now fanning my face, he looked at me and I bit my lips, he followed my action slowly and swallowed.

I brought my hands to his neck and held on to him, he lifted me up and sat me down again, standing closer to me.

I brought my face closer to him and decided to do what he did to me earlier, how he got me hot with just a trail of his fingers on my lips.

I trailed his lips too with my left hands and he stared at me such a heated expression, rubbing against me, I moaned when he rubbed against me, he was really hard and I felt his skin heat, which was surprising, he was a vampire and his skin heated.

The tension between us was so strained, I knew it'll break or snap any time soon and it felt like we played a game waiting for who'll be the first to place the kiss.

I had never seen him snap or loose his cool with me, he was always the extra cool and careful person around me.

I wanted to see him loose control, some people may call what I wanted to do dangerous, but I had a feeling that he wouldn't hurt me, but I also knew that he was careful of that, that's why he evaded it and was always careful around me, but I was going to remedy that today.

I brought my face more close to his, we were now nose to nose, forehead to forehead, but not lips to lips.

I brought my lips to his and kissed him softly, he closed his eyes and inhaled, his nose flared and I smiled, he was still controlling himself, I bit his lips and he gasped, his eyes wide open, he stared at me, his breathing became slightly fast, he gripped the handle of the toy box game, he was stopping himself from kissing me or even placing his hands on me.

I kissed him again and bit his lips holding on to it and letting it pop back, his nostrils flared and his hands left the handle and gripped me immediately, speeding to the bedroom using his vamp speed.

Closing the door, he pushed me against it and kissed me tugging my lips lightly and letting it go, I kissed him back with every power I had in me. He pressed me against the wall harder, I sighed when his lips left mine I wanted to be kissed by him till my lips were numb, he rubbed his arousal against me and I rubbed back, my core was dripping at this moment, I had never been turned on this way before, I know he could inhale it, when he stared at me, his nostrils flared and his eye colour changed.

He growled and I felt the room vibrate due to his growl ,he pulled me closer to him and claimed my lips again, we battled lips to lips against each other, no one releasing the other from the battle of dominance, I knew I wouldn't last in this battle when I felt his fangs drawn out and he bit my lips gently with it, growling loudly making the room vibrate again.