
Chapter 5- One week break.

Raina's POV.

I glanced at Sebastien's and swallowed nervously, he kept looking at me with a weird look on his face. I was still in shock about what I discovered about him and his family. I always heard of vampires in the movies and In books, I didn't know they really existed and lived among humans.

He came closer to me and touched my heated forehead, I gasped at how cold his hands were, I remember reading in books they vampires were cold blooded.

I was confused and I didn't know why and how I was calm after finding out about this.

I glanced at him as he scrunched his face staring at the wall, he was an attractive man, I turned to the clock and saw the time, it was  really late.

"I want to go home now, please" I blurted.

"Normally, we wipe out memories of those who know about our existence by compelling the person, only few humans are trusted with the secret" he brought my shoes and I wore it immediately.

I needed space, I wanted to leave the Edmondo's house so I could think better, I didn't know why, but I felt like hugging him to wipe the scrunch of his face, but I had other things to worry about, if I could leave alive, I would be very thankful, I will take the vampiric secret to my grave, I just wanted to get on with my life normally, but I had a feeling that it wasn't going to happen. My life will stop being normal, I knew within me that today is the last day I'll live a normal life.

"So you're going to compel me?" I asked.

"No, I won't" he took my hands, he pulled me closer to him and I bit my lips as I felt his hard chest, he really had such a fit body, and I knew I was attracted to him.

"What are you doing?" I turned to him.

"I'm teleporting you back home, you can close your eyes if you're scared" he brought me closer to him again and I felt the curtains rustle as a chill air enveloped me, I opened my eyes and took in the pale grey walls, pink curtains, a little table with books and a lamp, a small bed, a kitchen at the side, and a toilet and bathroom at the far end of the room. I realised that this was my room, it thrilled and  scared me how we reached my room in a twinkle of an eye.

"How do you know my house, let alone my room?" I threw an accusatory glance at him.

"Well your scent, it's peculiar, I could track your room easily, and I also have your personal information, you're employed in my company anyways" he dragged a chair close to the reading table and sat on it.

"I didn't remember asking you to sit" I glared at him.

"I didn't remember asking for an invitation" he threw back crossing his legs.

"Touche" he smiled and I saw his canines again.

"Would you mind, putting them back in, it unsettles me a little, though you look hot in it" 

"I don't know why it keeps coming out around you, I can't control it" he clamped him mouth together, "and you think I'm hot" he threw his head back howling.

I rolled my eyes, I loved the banter with him, it came natural like I knew him for ages and we did this all the time and he looked like he enjoyed it too, he kept staring at me weirdly, I wanted to know why he was assessing me.

"I know you have questions and I would love to answer them all, and also tell you what I know,but I feel it is natural to give you time to come in terms with what you know, I give you a week off from work" he stared at me with a slight frown.

"And I don't want to hurt you Raina, I can't do that to you, you mean a lot to me" he disappeared from my room before I could ask him what he meant when he said that.

As I looked through my room again, emptiness enveloped me and I realised how I missed him in such a short time.