
Chapter 36- Emergency Meeting.

Raina's POV.

"But how are we going to do that, when lots of people were pissed because of it?" Miss Samantha asked.

We were called for the rectification of the festival that wasn't celebrated.

"Good question Miss Samantha, that's where you all come in, I'm going to need your ideas, something that could bring back the interest of the people in Pineville and also an amazing eye-catching design to go with it." Bas replied.

"So drop your ideas." Gabriel said.

"What if we have a competition as part of the theme of the festival, it'll attract attention more, and then most of the price money for this competition will be from some of our most wanted products, even the new one, it'll make people genuinely interested in coming to the festival and also buy the products." I said ithis idea has been swimming through for escape in my head.

"Woah, that's a brilliant idea miss Raina." Gabriel said with a smile.

"That's really fascinating Miss Raina." Bas said and I shivered at the rumble of his deep voice, I could feel my cheeks turn crismon rose.

"Any other ideas," he paused adjusting his tie "we need to finalize anything we have today." He added.

"When are we having the festival sir." Mrs Rachael asked.

"This weekend, so I need ideas we could rush with the preparation before the weekend comes and we have just four days, the festival will be on Saturday." He said.

"Why Saturday?" Mr Rajesh asked.

"Because that's when most people are off work and some people will get the chance to participate in the festival." He said.

Slamming his hands on the table , we all turned in fright an stared at him with wide eyes.

"Everything will be," he cleared his throat "no must be finalised and verified a day.

"Why don't we divide tasks amongst us here, then they'll know what to divide to the other employees to make their task more easier." Gabriel said.

"That'll be wonderful, but as you suggested, we should create a competition so it could attract attention, what type of competition it should be." He turned to me and everyone in the room did the same, I was suddenly nervous, the room was not cold enough to dry this sweat trickling down my face.

"Uhm." I fidgeted slightly.

"Competitions like art designing, write up, spelling bees, even soduko, these games are one of the most popular games, also couple functions, we can give the  winning couples our cookies or pastry, etc.

"We could also give prize money and also tickets to get to some of our amazing departments." I added.

"That's amazing." Gabriel nooded and I sighed in relief.

"Okay, I'll text everyone the task and you need to work on it immediately so we can round up the preparations." Bas said.

"One more suggestion." Lyn raised her hands.

"Why don't we make it such a big event that other town or city could come, and also celebrate it, in a stadium." She said.

"Nice ideas Miss Evelyn, I'll make sure to do just that." He picked up his tablet swiping quickly.

"That's all for the meeting." He left the room with his friend.